If I cut off my nipple off will a new nipple grow back or will it just scar over and be a flat skin colored patch where...

If I cut off my nipple off will a new nipple grow back or will it just scar over and be a flat skin colored patch where my nipple was?

Try it and see.

Remember to leave your other nipple as the control.


plain skin

oh boy ive been waiting for a thread like this

>be 14
>nipples really hairy already
>decide to shave with razor
>go to bed
>wake up
>need to take a piss
>standing up peeing in toilet i notice my nipple is in the toilet
>pick up nipple, wrap in toilet paper run to dad
>drives me to hospital

long story short i only have one nipple now

What the literal fuck.

It would be plain skin. Look at pictures of women who had masectomies.

If you cut off just the actual nipple (not the whole areola) a nipple will grow back though. Source: one of my friends sliced his nipple off shaving his chest.

cut it off deu

You cant make this shit up
No seriously, major plotholes.

>How did it not hurt? they are sensitive as fuck
>How did you not bleed profusely?
>Do you have any kind of mental disorder which could explain questions above?

>How did it not hurt? they are sensitive as fuck
i did feel pain, i thought i got a shaving cut on the top of my nipple when i initially shaved the nipple
>How did you not bleed profusely?
i didnt see much blood at first, i just went to sleep knowing it would stop bleeding

>Do you have any kind of mental disorder which could explain questions above?
Prefer not to say.

Listen I know you're curious about your body and all but could you just leave your nipple alone user?

It will make it that less awkward when you going out to a pool party or having sex.

I'm pretty sure you could say it was a shaving/sex/skateboarding/topless skiing/surfing/wrestling /any-sport-you-can-do-topless-with-high-potential-for-abrasions accident and no one would ever question it.

tbqh if it wasn't accidental what OP did was weird as fuck and he should be ashamed of it. Can't say I haven't done stupid fucked up stuff to my body, but I understood what was permanent and what wasn't.

I heard that nipples regenerate in the same manner as penises. If you are worried about messing up your nipple, just try cutting off your dick first and see what happens.

>posting in the same board as the person you're replying to

>posting on /x/

>posting undertale


Pic with time stamp, faggot.

>posting Terminator

Hey /x/ faggots, go back to arguing about where South America belongs, tulpas, and divination bullshit.

Also, summoning The Fairy Queen. This is the ONE time I want to see your faggotty trip on this board. Argue with the /x/ faggots about the Gae
