I know you guys are very anti-relationship and family, but I was wondering if you're not going to go after that...

I know you guys are very anti-relationship and family, but I was wondering if you're not going to go after that, that then what is there to life for you?

I ask because I have a pretty intense desire to find a girl>wife>family, but as I work on making financial gains and sorting myself out, I see how potentially detrimental that path is...

at the same time I don't see another point to live

the fuck I do?

Other urls found in this thread:


> I see how potentially detrimental that path is...
don't listen to these nerds

Well, having a family will definately impact your financials because you're taking care of a kid/kids.

But, you find someone who you marry and work together financially because you now have a dual income, and therefore have more capital for investments (RE: Property, stocks, crypto whatever the fuck)

But Veeky Forums doesn't like women because apparently they are sex deprived fiends who hop on another cock as soon as they another man.

But this is a board full of beta's after all.

OP, find a wife and work together to achieve financial freedom, then raise a kid. Fucking ez.

You can do the standard beta move and find someone that is of lower social strata and marry her, making her dependent on you. You can move to a place where you'll be able to do this, like thailand.

>daughter looks older than mother
how do asians do it

There are so many more things to do in life than just marry and reproduce. That's like the stock standard normie goal. Truly great people do that as a hobby in their off time if they really want too.

Find a passion and chase that instead. Use your money to go and create something great. Fund research and be a new Elon Musk and go a mars. Study architecture, buy land with gains and spend life creative fucking awesome structures and artworks on it. Who knows. Leave something to immortalize yourself.

>Leave something to immortalize yourself.
like children

i just dont want kids but every girl worth being with does

I was always saying I didn't want kids etc. But then I hit 28/29 or so and now I'm always imagining the moment of holding my firstborn.
Not a roastie btw.

Dual incomes are retarded, childcare is shit for a child's development and the wife generally becomes overworked and ends in divorce when she lusts over Chad from work.

Do this and have a stay home wifey but it ain't a beta move it's the natty order of things.

This is what race mixers want you to believe getting a chink wife will be like

The reality is Elliot Rodger

HAPA girls are godsends, HAPA boys are absolute state of oh no no no

no kidding
it's amazing the amount of effort 105s will put to abstract away their biological urges
the existence of idiots doing a specific thing doesn't make the opposite course of action a smart choice
there are dozens of millions of contrarians, so don't pat yourself on not being a normalfag (which you can't even call out properly, opting for the toothless "normie") when all it means is you're 1 in 10 rather than 1 in 2
ignorant < contrarian < pragmatic

Lol not true. There are a bunch of ugly kids from white couples too, it all depends on whether you hit the Chad lottery or not. Most people are average to ugly anyways

elliot rodger has a jewish dad
all meme hapas posted in wm/af hate threads have jewish fathers

>create something great
like children


You dont have to create a genetic copy of yourself to give yourself meaning. Back in the day that's the only chance the average man had to prove he existed. It's not so much the case anymore.

Such a stale meme. My Hapa son is fine, and also better looking than pretty much 99% of the population. He really benefited from having a stay-at-home mom as well.

no lol, your son was a 50/50 gamble, mainly because asian woman don't produce nearly the same amount of testosterone of women from other races while the child is in the womb

what makes a good man is testosterone, nothing more... if he's effeminate like most hapa men, he's fucked regardless of facial structure

>"Will I do anything useful with the rest of my life?" The key to navigating this stage is to understand that the word "useful" has a very specific definition and can only be fulfilled through limited ways: it has to serve the next generation. I can see you rolling your eyes. (2) This isn't touchy-feely nonsense; this is how humans were built... Most people get through this by raising kids (not just having them), teaching them things, "getting them into college," passing on the culture. The more you feel responsible to this process the easier mid-life will be.
read that somewhere. there are alternatives to having kids but basically you need to feel like you're doing something valuable for society.
i've bred. easier than building something great for the future generation.

What the fuck is up with the Asian fetish here? Someone explain?

funny how kikes like elliot's dad can be white when it benefits them

> (OP)
>> I see how potentially detrimental that path is...
>don't listen to these nerds

Agree. Am married and have kids. Life could not be better. That being said I waited until 30 to start.

Veeky Forums, this is a canary in the proverbial goldmine

the fact that r/asianmasc is here with their insanity speaks volumes, much worse than braps, much worse than nujacks, worse even than /pol/, these guys are effective cuck spammers and the fact they are finally here to shit up means ALL IS LOST

>the reality is made of anecdotal evidences

unironically: low testosterone gravitates to low testosterone

i'd definitely love to have some beautiful white kids but here's the thing - im poor, ugly and not very intelligent. i wouldn't be doing them any favours. my parents shouldnt have had kids.

i know this doesn't stop most people from having kids but most people live miserable lifes and the cycle just keeps on repeating itself. Unless i can become moderately wealthy(3M+) and meet decent woman(less likely than becoming rich) i dont see it happening

You are poor, and ugly.
You are rich and handsome.
The universe doesn't give a shit.
It's all relatively. I have seen piss poor people living happily while wagecucking to their Jewish overlords and filthy rich people going an hero and living miserable lives.
Find something that makes you happy and stick with it. Wife and family? Go get them. Money and no strings attached? DO IT Faggot. living like a hippie in a community? So be it.
The only edge having money gives is that it gives you enough economic freedom to figure out what is that really makes you tick. Some people know exactly what they want from the start and if having money is not a driving force in their lives they will need money to survive but not make it a priority.
I'm already decided that I want a family but no strings attached. So I'm looking for a nice surrogate to bear my children.
I know a family will make my happier, and pretty sure living with a womyn will not


>be a new Elon Musk
Doesn't he have like 5 kids? There definitely is more than just marrying and having kids, but if you don't do that you might as well be a gay.

You’ll find your life is meaningless and your soul empty without wife/family.

Sometimes I think about hiring a woman solely to create off-spring.

I would then take the kid away and teach him/her everything I know about music, boxing, maybe business too, idk. The wife would be OK with it because I'd give her a huge monies to sign acontract and gtfo and stfu.

Obviously this would only work if I had like a bazillion dollars, which I guess is what I'm currently working on.

I guess for fun and whatnot, just drugs and hookers, lol what else amirite?


i have found that my life is meaningless and my soul empty with wife/family.

never get married and NEVER EVER have kids in this fucked-up world

>my kid is my property and should become everything i want him to be.

You sound like a beauty paegent mom.


I have a wife and baby, with more coming. Its is the ultimate red pill. Makes life so much better. Go for it op.

This. When will people come to terms with the fact that we are biological organisms whose sole purpose on this Earth is to propagate our genetic line?

There is no escape from this. Hence why people who are against the idea of "just having kids" will inevitably want to "do something memorable" that will "immortalize" them, as many have said in this thread.

Its almost as if their 105er brains don't see any contradiction here.

>genetic copy
you are mistaking clones with offpring

I just enjoy living, learning, laughing. The little things. I can't imagine living together with another person much less raising kids, it sounds absolutely horrifying. I hate responsibility and I'm 100% certain I'd fuck everything up, so I won't try. The fact that I was lucky enough to be born in a time when I can literally do whatever the fuck I want my whole life while being responsible only for my own wellbeing and there being nobody to judge me for it other than some autists on the internet is absolutely amazing. I know god doesn't exist but if he did, I'd be inclined to thank him for that.

Nothing like being married, I’m beyond grateful for my wife. Though I feel for guys who were hasty and got married to someone who they werent on the same page with morally and ideologically

I would advise you to keep your standards high (not talking about appearance — looks fade, we age and theres no getting around it) and avoid commiting to someone unless they have the same world view as you

>surrogate bear
bears also surrogate their cubs in the wild

>I know you guys are very anti-relationship and family
... I'm married with a kid and 1 on the way.

"You guys" are the 15-21 year old faggots who know nothing but crypto and being shunned in high school

Same boat, bruh. Lately, I've been wondering about the possibility of getting Brendan Frasiered in the case that I actually do make it and attempt to settle down with a chick. Maybe emigration to a country with non-insane divorce laws would work, but then I'd just be some douchebag foreigner with money which would make me gold digger bait for sure. Hm.

I wouldn't marry a girl unless she's a virgin
and there are none
therefore I won't get married. fuck roasties

i married a virgin its great. just have to have a lot of patience to train her right




Poor wee lad on left already looks like he knows his future involves being a male hapa incel posting on longingfordeath before going full Eliot Rodgers.

His sisters have that unworried happiness that shows they know they can look forward to standard hapa female futures of being seen as sexpots.



>says the autistic neckbeard / aznmasculinity poster for the 20th time in a row

i think i'll eventually cheat on my wife


Wrong. I am very pro-family. If you marry a slant you are a cringetastic bug man though who should probably kill himself.

Every one wants a wife n kids till they have that. Then u realize u hate your wife and your kids are a pain in the ass. U could leave the wife but then your kid will grow up fucked. If u don't have any goals ambitions, desires then do the family thing u can't do both. I hate my son's mother but I love my son too much to walk out on him so I am miserable so my son could be a normal kid with two moving parents even though I feel dead inside.

what do canaries have to do with gold you absolute retard

Just tell yourself “I’ll never do that again” after each time and your conscience will rest easy.

lol who do you even have sex with?


>your kids are a pain in the ass
... you know that kids behave the way you teach them to behave? So if you raise a kid right, they're actually really good? No? I don't blame you. You're just a stupid moron like most other parents with failure annoying kids.

To clarify though, dont racemix. Stay with your kind.

jews spotted




btw, regarding that video; that woman = jew ..... (in case that wasn't obvious)

fuckin fag. elon musk has 5 kids and is still ballin. dont be a retard

>expecting somebody who thinks it's okay to spell the word you as "u" would make a decent parent.


regardless how many kids you have nobody will ever remember you existed 2-3 generations down the line which is nothing in the grand scheme

These morons will die alone. Would you marry the first chick you hooked up with? No, because the first time is usually nervous and awkward. Then why would she?

when you're single you want to be married when you're married you want to be single. most of my friends that married young were divorced and miserable by 30. the chad move is to focus on money until you're ~35 become wealthy and then start a family

I wanted to hear this, thanks user

he never said that tho?
teaching someone something doesn't mean you expect them to dedicate their life to what you taught them
it's just giving them options

Isn't meeting new people harder when you're older?

i am married to an asian and have a mixed son. i have 1.2k in crypto and 60k in the bank. i own an apartment in nyc which is valued at 200k

am i living the life?

Self-improvement, self-realization, music production, photography & travel, painting.. find your reason for living. Hint: it's not a woman or family. That's a load of shit. Yes family and human connection is an important thing...but in the Kali Yuga, it is not and people ain't shit. This current age is rotten. I will be protecting myself and assets..if a woman somehow earns her way into my life she can stick around... as long as she's ok with not getting married cuz fuck that legal nightmare.

The small souled bugman hive life

i am from the south and would rather live there, but the industry i work in is not prevalent down there.

Better and more accomplished life than 95% of 4chins

>i own an apartment in nyc which is valued at 200k
No, you don't. 200k won't buy shit in Manhattan. You can't even get a studio in a shitty part of town for less than 400k.

Do some research before larping, dummy.

>American womyn

>I ask because I have a pretty intense desire to find a girl>wife>family, but as I work on making financial gains and sorting myself out, I see how potentially detrimental that path is...

My ex wife ruined my child's life, set me back 15 years and caused my parents agony ref their grandchild.

nigga, i am sitting comfy in my apartment right now.

its in riverdale, so not technically nyc, if that tells you anything.

When you read shit like that you have to realize the poster is most like neither successful, married, 35, or has significang relationship advice. Stop taking/seeking advice from literal autists and faggots on a tranny chaser web forum.

both are great posts. take the rest of the day off anons, you earned.

money and items make me happier than anything else in the world
dont give a fuck about having a family - i hate kids and will never marry, though having a gf is fine

Yeah I was just pointing out the flaws in his logic.

No point in marrying when you're 35 if all the good girls are already taken.


I almost thought that daughter was a second wife and this was some sort of polygamous union.

i enjoy reading yuri manga, doujins, and light novels
anime and visual novels are fun too
onaholes are a godsend
i dont see why i should put my entire life at stake for the off chance that a 3dpd doesnt betray me
im not being sarcastic or ironic

>you fuck
>you are getting ready to sleep
>you slip into slumber and once alone in your thoughts you are both reminded of past experiences
>you both inevitably think of the multiple experiences each other had
>your thing is not special, just another stale meme
>he is not special
>she is not special
>that level of complicity you have, you had it for a time with someone else
>you wonder if this will last
>as you perpetually think about it, the self fulfilling prophecy happens
>no trust, no truth

>Separate them, find another and start again
The normie cycle.


Or maybe you're just not so damn desperate for female attention 24/7 in the first place.

Weak larp, or you're living in some 20sqm box.


literally me except no kid yet. What kind of asian btw? My wife is a flip.

>Have gf who earns more then me
>She is frugal, like to make everything her self
>Together we have a child, totally worth it to see a little protoge.

Only downside is that in my opinion family always comes first. Also I'm worried in what kind of world my child will be growing up.

Is your son someone you can be proud of? Is there a disconnect between you at all? Hapa here, enjoying pretty solid success, I’ve always felt weird about my race though, since I’ve never really belonged in either camp. It’s never devolved into latching onto identities or subcultures (disgusting, imo), I was basically a wallflower. I love my dada and I know he’s extremely proud of myself and my brother but I wonder how he feels sometimes.

Near enough everyone reproduces though to the point that it's not memorable, it's just the done thing. Do you know anything about your ancestors? No. Because reproducing is not memorable. Have you heard of Bill Gates? Of course, he changed the fucking world, that's memorable. George Washington? Same thing. Many great, memorable men might have reproduced but that's not what made them memorable, it's because they actually did something that was worth a damn.

Having kids would probably be much better for leaving a mark since people don't do it nearly as much anymore and anything else you do will be drowned out by ever more noise from the digital world. The Patriots were right.