Ok Veeky Forums I need your help. I used to be an intelligent person with a very good memory. Since December I decided to smoke some weed every once in a while. Long story short I became a stoner using marijuana heavily over the past 4 months. The thing is I can feel myself becoming an idiot. My memory has become shit and I have no motivation to do anything. I feel like this is what a normal person feels like. Anyways I'm looking for a way to get me back to my old self. I want to get my motivation back and my memory. I've already stopped smokeing. Also motivational qoutes or lectures don't really work. I'm about to try TDCS and nootropics in an attempt to reach my goal. Any other suggestions?
Marijuana madness
There is your problem. Motivatonal quotes are shit that the normalfags use to feel better, but that never work making a person the best. Ask any really successful person and you'll see they never trust in that crap. They start working to be better and look at them.
Just start working and stop being a piece of shit (I have the same problem, just that I don't have and excuse like "I smoked weed xDdXd")
Just quit nail biting after roughly 10 years, naturally its much more compulsive, but if I had to advice anything I'd say: know your habits. This is what really made a difference among motivational quotes, self-development crap et cetera.
Yeah that's why I said they don't work. I didn't want any anons trying to give a motivational paragraph and shit. Anyways the problem arises when I try to study and get shit done. Firstly I don't feel any drive to do it but I power through that and do it. But when I'm studying my memory retention is shit and it frustrates me. This leads me to want to not study and stay in my bed with nothing but self pity and frustration.
It pisses me off that I can't learn as quickly as I used to. I'm not looking for attention or whatever the fuck. I'm just looking for techniques or drugs that I can use to help me boost up my drive and memory
nigga, just quit smoking pot.
yeah, when you're using pot all the time you're gonna be slowed down a bit. but if you quit for a solid 3 months it'll all come back. that shit ain't harmful, but you're right it does have effects.
I'm not expert but I think you're a hypochondriac and you should chill
Fats are the key.
THC and the other cannabinoids are oils stored in fat.
Eat eggs, avocados, salmon, and butter so that the fat stores are replenished.
Take omega 3 fatty acids. I recommend 2000 mg daily at first.
Your lung capacity is related to your cognition. Lower oxygen intake means lower brain function. Do cardio such as biking or a treadmill. Go outside and get fresh air too.
Check out a supplement called Galantamind, it is the most powerful supplement I have tried for studying and brain function. Try researching Vinpocetine and Gingko Biloba as well.
I'm in a similar situation except I took zoloft to deal with anxiety from taking methylphenidate.
Now my memory has been all sorts of fucked up for years, I used to have a pictorial imagination and now it's dominantly auditory. I went to get an MRI, and nothing was found out of the ordinary.
You fucked up your body. Congratulations!
Of course motivational quotes or lectures won't work if you already have a preconceived notion about them, you idiots. They've been immensely helpful to me in the past because I chose to keep an open mind about them and APPLY the principles to my life. Nothing works without a modicum of belief followed by action.
Next time you get into weed, use a vape.
Get a Magic Flight launch box.
Doesn't kill your lungs as bad.
And go running often anyway - sprints nigga, not long distance.
Only smoke on Friday nights or something.
stop smoking weed dummy
i can speak from experience it'll probably take years for you to recover from the totally debilitating neuroticism
>Claiming to be intelligent
>Does drugs
Guy right above you here
Huh I thought it was only me
It's actually very common for highly intelligent people to turn to weed and other drugs to give themselves a break from their own thoughts.
Intelligence =/= sensibility.
Just dont smoke when you want to learn something important
these are acute effects, not chronic ones
don't smoke for 3 months, eat well and exercise to make up for lost time instead.
next time, keep better smoking habits (vaporize/edibles, only on weekends, only after working out, etc) and the effects will be totally different.
Yeah, I bet Ramanujan was hitting that weed when he discovered infinity.
Don't stop smoking joints breh, it cures cancer.
Negatory, maestro. Long distance running appears to be better for your noggin than sprints, though obviously any kind of cardio is better than nothing.
>I am very smart
>I've smoked weed
Kek, no
Please be a troll.
There is no actual evidence that cannabis causes long-term memory problems or motivation problems unless you're a complete dumbass who gets high to the point where you're unable to move all day every day.
The reality is that everyone working in silicon valley for Google, Facebook, Oracle, etc. are all getting high every day, basically all the creative geniuses who built this world love sativa cannabis because it's known to enhance creative thinking. From anecdotal experiences, the smartest physicists and engineers also smoke weed often.
>Any other suggestions?
Maybe stop being a pussy. If cannabis is actually hurting your motivation, then the problem is you, since everyone else can get high every day and they're totally fine, but for some reason you lose your motivation.
So in D&D terms, the high INT, low WIS mages.
>The reality is that everyone working in silicon valley for Google, Facebook, Oracle, etc. are all getting high every day, basically all the creative geniuses who built this world love sativa cannabis
Try to be more subtle in your bait
"Weed dindunuthin"
>car crashes (yes, more than alcohol)
>schizophrenia (APA agrees with NIMH on this)
>most robberies (in fact, most crimes are committed under the influence of weed)
But hey, who the hell cares about facts when politics is on the line and everyone wants to jump on a bandwagon and sound smug while only repeated phrases people presume are accurate.
>car crashes (yes, more than alcohol)
>most robberies (in fact, most crimes are committed under the influence of weed)
Hahaha, where do you even find this stuff? 1970s propaganda films?
Weed causes crime: Hide yo kids! Board up the windows!
I can't think of a less enjoyable thing to do stoned than commit a robbery.
If you can't moderate weed consumption (or anything for that matter) then you should stop as soon as possible and never touch it again. Plain and simple.
Any sensational views of cannabis are just flat out wrong. No, it will not lower your IQ and make you an apathetic moron if you use it responsibly. And no, it won't expand your mind and do no damage to your body/brain if you use it daily or very often.
Weed is a drug, and it should be treated as such. Just because it doesn't produce a hangover or ill-effects doesn't mean that chronic usage won't hurt you. It's fat-soluble, and the more you use it, the more THC metabolites store in your adipose tissue and release into your body during periods of non-usage-- this is where "brain fog" and a hazy, weed "hangover" feeling comes from which is likely what you're experiencing OP (in terms of poor memory function, etc.).
Weed isn't the problem, it's the mental-midgets that use it.
shill please
These are the most innacurate facts I've ever heard.
that is because it is a political shill spewing them.
or a literal idiot.
The funny thing is that the Indians use cannabis religiously, but their tests say to stay the fuck away when when you're not celebrating something particular.
Even the ancient poo in loos knew 420blazeit is fucking stupid. What's your excuse OP?
Omega 3 is a meme