When did you realize that engineering is insane?
When did you realize that engineering is insane?
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The worst part is the pay isn't even that great. True cuck work.
This is why engineering is the intelligent choice.
Worst part is that they still aren't as smart as math, physics or philosophy fags
m-m-muh rote memorization
engineers don't even asymptotically come close to understanding the essence of what they do.
>4-7 IQ points
this is like saying you're better than someone because you're .5" taller than they are.
The second I read the syllabi from each class I signed up for my freshman year, 15-20 hours of lecture/lab time per week.
Double that is homework and studying, projects themselves can be 5-10 hours depending on how try hard you and your group is.
It's really satisfying to know that I'm getting educated at a really accelerated rate though.
no it just means that some majors are actually doing more thinking than you despite a less "intensive" course load.
daily reminder that most physical science majors are failed engineering majors.
>8 hours of sleep
I averaged 6 hours, 7 hours during light weeks and as little as 4 hours during the really tough weeks.
Finished my degree last month, feels pretty good.
All of those degrees start with the same core courses ya dingus.
for the first year, they typically do. not after. the chart is showing that ~55 students out of the ~77 left before the second year and that they switched into maths and physical sciences. THEY DIDN'T MAKE IT.
No, engineers take all hard sciences and mathematics into the second year
>the chart is showing that ~55 students out of the ~77 left before the second year and that they switched into maths and physical sciences
I know what you're saying, but it's stupid. Why would they switch to another major that involved taking the same courses that prompted them to leave engineering?
Isn't that like an average day for any STEM/med major?
>getting a coop
Do regular coursework with summer internships. A lot less insane, and it's still good experience/pay.
because it's they aren't the same courses you twat
OP's description of the daily workload is vastly inflated. As a EE with a 3.7 I don't work anywhere near that hard on a regular basis. The occasional week can be like that when big responsibilities from multiple classes stack up, but most week is far from that. For example, finals are next week and besides having to build a couple of breadboard circuits I don't gotta do shit.
As you said yourself
>for the first year, they typically do
And you claim they're then switching after these first year courses.
>student is taking engineering
>first year
>"shit, these calculus and physics 1 courses sure are hard"
>"I should switch to math or physics so I can avoid having to take more of this."
it says after first year. it could be in the middle of second year for all anyone knows.
pic related, engineers do more even in first year
>it says after first year. it could be in the middle of second year for all anyone knows.
Solid point. I took that to mean immediately following first year for whatever reason. In all fairness, it could just as equally mean that people find engineering boring as shit.
That said, what is it about engineering majors trying to convince everyone that they have such an unmanageable workload? Even if they were right, who gives a shit?
they're the premeds of STEM, they think that because they are doing more rote memorization than other majors that they're therefore smarter, but they've already been btfo in the beginning of the thread
dick measuring, something that has started wars for all of human history user.
engineers have to work harder with their higher workload so they are respected and have bigger dicks/balls/aren't pussies, basically.
Yes. I'm a math major. The schedule in the OP sounds tame. Imagine the same thing but with the classes stretched till like 5pm and the "sleep" not starting until about 3:30am. Getting up is more like 8 though. That's closer to my schedule.
A biologist, a mathematician, and an engineer watch as a man and woman walk into a building. A few minutes later, The man and woman walk out with a child.
The biologist says "They reproduced". The mathematician says "Now if one of them goes back in, there will be zero people in the building". The engineer proceeds to rip open both the mathematician and biologists pants.
He then grabs both of their cocks, stroking them vigorously until they finish.
The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?"
The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"
The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"
The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How can I suck it?
A cop pulled over a photon speeding down the highway.
"Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" the cop screamed.
The photon said "fuck you," shot the cop in the face, and sped off.
Then a passing engineer stopped and sucked the dead cop's rock hard dick while masturbating himself to orgasm.
>le gay engineer maymay
How ironic considering STM majors are literally sucking dicks in alleys since they don't have jobs.
A graduate engineering student who used to come to the university on foot every day arrives one day on a fancy new bicycle.
"Where did you get the bike from?" his exclusively male friends want to know.
"It's a `thank you' present", he explains, "from that freshman girl I've been tutoring. But the story is kind of weird..."
"Tell us!"
"Well", he starts, "yesterday she called me on the phone and told me that she had passed her materials science final and that she wanted to drop by to thank me in person. As usual, she arrived at my place riding her bicycle. But when I had let her in, she suddenly took all her clothes off, lay down on my bed, smiled at me, and said: `You can take from me whatever you desire!'"
One of his friends remarks: "You made a really smart choice when you took the bicycle."
"Yeah", another friend adds, "just imagine how fucking retarded you would have looked in a girl's clothes - and they wouldn't have fit you anyway!"
Then they all sucked one another's cock
>someone saved these copypastas
Hold the onions please and my son wants a toy. Thanks.
>the only jobs in the world are engineering jobs
Mate, it might be time to leave the brothel for a few hours
I love cocks
>assblasted "le pyuure" science/math fags
Enjoy your non-existent jobs.
>all of these assblasted physics majors ITT
pretty ridiculous how many of them there are.
It's not that bad. I sleep in until like 10:00, have classes from 11:00 to 5:30 with various breaks in between and no class on Fridays. I even used to do research for like 10-15 hours a week on top of that, but that was the first two years of school. I get most of my studying done during breaks between class or in the evenings or a few hours over the weekend, I'll only have to study for several hours a day during the really busy weeks. I have plenty of time to fuck around and play video games and shitpost until 3 AM and go out with friends. I'm doing pretty well too, with like a 3.75 GPA and research and internship experience.
The fact that OP claims to study for 8 hours straight makes me thing he's just shit at making good use of his time and he probably spends most of those 8 hours distracted and not working. Yeah you have to be pretty smart to do engineering, but more than that you have to be able to work hard and work effectively. Too many people go about it the wrong way and expect to cram everything for every test they have instead of trying to properly learn their shit and then they have a much harder time than they need to.
>you will never go back to the days when autists spammed Veeky Forums with outrageous amounts of gay porn with captions like "Meanwhile in the engineering department..."
Engineering isn't as hard as everyone likes to swing their dick over. It's definitely more work than other majors, but it's not medical school. You still have your weekends. If you know how to study and work, you'll have your free-time every day, just not as much as the other majors.
An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because of the passion and mystery he found there. The engineer said, "I like both." "Both?" Engineer: "Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go and suck some cocks." Then he fapped and came on the architect's face, who slurped the cum in delight.
Euroengifag here. What is GPA?
Btw my day is like yours
>a goes down and b goes up.
>Therefore a goes into b.
I'm not saying it's not true, but if you really think that pic proves your point you're retarded.
Grade point average. A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. A weighted average (using the number of credit hours a class is worth) gives you a figure for your undergraduate performance. There are also often + and - versions of each grade that add or subtract 1/3 of a point to the parent letter grade. The exceptions to these are an A (which only has a -) and an F (for obvious reasons).
For a general picture:
A 3.9+ GPA is fantastic.
A 3.5-3.9 is good.
A 3.0-3.5 is tolerable.
Anything below a 3 is shit and you probably didn't learn anything.
Anyone in Engineering can corroborate with their own experiences. People funnel out of Engineering in to the pure sciences regularly. Usually it's because the pure field has less mathematics in the undergraduate curriculum. The only real exception is physics, though it's not like physics students switch over to engineering because physics was too hard for them.
Sooo..if my grades are x/30 can i use A=30, B=27, C=24, D=21, E=18, F=you did not pass the exam?
No wait...you don't have E and D is he lowest acceptable grade right?
F=anything else
Another eufag here, so what percentage translates to a "good" GPA?
I think 3.0 is like 86% or 26/30
>Anyone in Engineering can corroborate with their own experiences
>Anecdotal evidence
Fucking lol.
The same modules/classes you mean, the workload in engineering is about 1.5-2 times the classes of the other degrees.
That's the main difference, professional degrees vs. academic curiousities for people who don't have direction in life yet.
That's not even half as "bad" as our undergrad cheme programme, those classes start late and having the afternoon off is a rare blessing when you don't have labs/tutorials.
Then again, people who study engineering actually enjoy it, spending an entire weekend working on a project is fun, you enjoy hanging with other engineering students more than your other family/friends.
Yes, you essentially have to dedicate most of your time to it, but it was always more of a lifestyle choice anyway, that's why it ties so strongly into students' identities. What else did you want to do with life anyway? Sip shit on a beach until you die?
Dude. I admit i dont go to MIT, but engineering isnt that fucking hard. I work full time, workout 5 days a week, and go to school, for EE, full time. I am sitting at a 3.4 gpa, and i only study right before tests. This stuff isnt thathard to grasp. Just like math, it is either right or its wrong. If you simply understand what is happening, the rest is just practice.
He's right. I consider pire sciences as a backup if i cant finish engineering.
You aren't the only one who can pass doing only the bare minimum, but you're in for a shock when you realize that getting a degree alone hasn't meant shit for years. To get good references/network for solid engineering jobs you need to be well ahead of the curve excelling at internships or summer RAs and to impress your bosses you generally need to both be bright/have a firm grasp of the discipline and be a hard worker. If you graduate with only your degree even 3.6+GPA will usually only land you some shitty low paid tech job at best nowdays unless you're from a top school. Not to mention the bottom 40% who aren't even getting jobs in STEM at all and have to work shitty service jobs etc.
>workout 5 days a week
Why do you say that like this is fucking 70s where the majority of the population doesn't do that? I don't know a single student in my class that doesn't lift or do some sort of sport.
Pretty much everyone that drops out of engineering here does some odd BSc degree to salvage their credits like food science, biochemistry etc. which is to say they're trying to get a STEM job on graduation.
The only people who do math/physics after dropping out of engineering are those who haven't given up and are trying to get accepted back into the engineering college which can at least get them some relevant second year credits.
Then there are people like me who double major/minor in math and with the previous group that makes up ~75% of the class, for upper electives around 50%. Then half of the full time majors are girls/boys who have no idea what the fuck they're doing and unironically tell people they want to become teachers etc.
Then you finally have the actual math/physics majors who are aiming for an academic/research career which makes up ~12% lower level and ~50% non-required upper level. These students don't fuck around they take graduate/upper level classes at the earliest opporunity and visciously fight for summer RAs etc. because they know how lightweight the base curriculum is. Unlike typical Veeky Forums posters they seem to know their place in the grander scheme of academia and the industry.
I don't understand why math/phyics as an undergraduate degree is taken seriously as anything more than a supplement/checklist to get to grad-school on this board. Most of you reading this are better off doing something like food science/genetics that will actually get you a STEM job and labcoat job for you to douche around in.
My god, engineering classes aren't that fucking hard. I took some of the junior/senior level ones my freshman year as a math/physics major and it was easy, but there was a huge amount of repetitive homework for no apparent reason.
I don't workout kek
I play videogames
If he's studying for 8 hours a day every day he must be a drooling retard or he's "studying" and pissing away 3/4 of that time on Veeky Forums breaks.
There's no degree in the world that requires that much time investment. Maybe if you're doing a retarded trophy course like math 55.
Engineering is something very worthwhile and is usually a safe choice. For some people it may not be the best option.
I like to be interested in what I'm working on and it seems like some of the projects that electrical and mechanical engineers complete are mundane and incremental. Although it takes years of formal training in physics and mathematics at the end of the day you are making something either exactly like every other product or something marginally better. It takes even more training and talent to really become an engineer who has the capability to do something interesting.
As a Computer Science student I also feel like some engineers overvalue themselves. I've had more than a handful of conversations with aerospace and electrical engineers who talked down upon me once I told them my major. There isn't anything inherently special about what you do so please don't make others feel bad.
The workload and rigor of their classes is greater than most degrees so I really admire their commitment. I was able to do some of the applied electrical engineering work with embedded micro-controller wiring and soldering with some embedded programming. I think that once you graduate with an engineering degree you have plenty of opportunity
Which classes?
I'm in 3rd year ME and I only study at most 1 hour a day, except during exam week obviously when I cram. I've maintained an 80% average throughout my university career.
If your IQ is under 130 dont become an engineer at that IQ range the mental work of engineering is easy peasy sorry brainlets know your place.
It's not that bad. I graduated in ChemE (though I was recruited by a bank after I graduated)
First three years had a lot of classes true, but I still had free time to play games and shit, I didn't dedicate my entire life to the damn degree. Sure I went to uni more often than friends in business and the like, but people exaggerate so hard about the workload.
Fourth year's an entirely different story. I had maybe about 10 hours less of class per week but you end up doing way way way more work.
I'll have a great internship, 2 years of research experience, two side projects that are now being patented, and a 3.1 in EE. How am I doing?
It's not that I'm not smart, I just prioritize the things I'm getting paid to do far more than the things I am paying to do.
Not to stroke my ego, and i know i am not the only one here, but my work ethic and "brightness" has always defined who i am. If those are the qualifying factors, then i am doing just fine. Granted, i dont go to a top school, but i am kind of hoping that my 10 years in the intelligence field in the military will help me get a foot in the door.
It isnt that i am doing bare minimum, it is just that i have seen the real world, and i know how little people give a shit about your gpa, unless it is a 4.0, which i have yet to see. I just focus on understanding the subject matter and trying to get better at it.
>3 sentences
>no periods
>over 130 iq.
I had to transfer schools for certain reasons, and when i did my gpa reset. Since i transfered right before the harder classes, i dont have any of the fluff courses. Due to that i went from a 3.4 to a 2.6. Basically i look like a retard.
are people actually pretending undergraduate engineering courses are difficult
I thought they were when i was in them, but looking back, they are easy as shit.
Compare them with other non-STEM courses and yes, they are. As much as physic, math, med or chem. More than Civil or Biomed/neuro.
>no sleep may may
>Finished my degree
let me guess in sucking dicks.
I followed this no sleep regime for 4 years and my brain is now mush.I have worse attention span than ADD kids on /v/.
When I switched out =^)
Thermodynamics and Fluids, since they weren't in the Physics department at my school for whatever reason.
Pics like this are really funny when you have friends who are engineering majors with Co-Ops next semester and literally half of their day is sitting around playing vidya.
Not true. I hated engineering and switched to math because of it. I don't think a 3.82 at the end of sophomore year is exactly failing. Most people who switch leave becaue they lack interest in engineering.
Although I'm not trying to imply I didn't do more work in engineering than I'm doing in math. My schedule freed up a lot after changing.
GPA is a measure of your ability to consistently deal with bullshit/menial/uninteresting/redundant task.
You'll be needing this for your cubicle job.
>any major
brainlets pls gtfo and let the high energy brains do the work
fucking engineering majors on Veeky Forums. math is easy and CS is fun. guess i'm a loser because i don't like building bridges and designing cars. i dont understand the insecurity among you.
tfw stayed awake for 3 days straight for finals but I just finished my last exam.
>feels good
fuck thermodynamics.
engineering majors are by far the most self-congratulating & insecure people here.
>engineering undergraduate students are by far the most self-congratulating & insecure people here.
t. engineering phd student
>must again differentiate
it never ends
It offers far more employment potential and greater salary potential than majoring in physics or math or chemistry