What major?
What advice would you give your past self when he was a freshman in uni?
What major?
What advice would you give your past self when he was a freshman in uni?
Get A's in all your classes. Not just the ones you like.
Save yourself two years of time and drop Film Production, you'll hate it; ignore anyone who tells you that you have talent in writing, you'll hate that too.
Go for a double major in Math and Biotech.
unless you're dead set on academia in one of biology/chemistry/physics/mathematics, do EE.
Drop med school and follow you dream as a math undergrad.
Math major.
DO NOT SKIP CLASSES. DO NOT TAKE ALL THE GRADUATE COURSES YOU FUCKING MORON. You could have had a 4.0, really, if you just fucking took things in order. But NOOOO you fucking jump from calculus to 3 graduate courses in things you know nothing about.
Do NOT look for answers online. The lower grade is better than the suspension and that was an extremely hard lesson to learn.
Also get another major. Math sucks by itself. Choose finance or CS, one of the two, and get a second major in that. You need it.
In short, do NOT do this. It is a dead end.
by "Skip classes" I mean not take courses that were necessary. Not skip going to lecture, but actually enrolling in a higher course without taking prerequisites.
You're gonna end up enjoying math research. Bail on the medical school idea before you start it, and save yourself the effort of wasting your time through half of a chemistry major.
fuck physics, do EE. you won't want to go to grad school, trust me.
Don't major in theater you idiot. You're already doing it, which is why people study it in the first place.
You ARE smart enough to be a STEM major, just stop fucking off and break up with that horrible woman - she will stifle and destroy you.
>"engineering is hard" jokes
Yeah, not really.
Get a different adviser, she'll screw you.
Take Biology with a different professor.
fukkin this desu senpai
this is truth
The irony here is,
i'm actually skipping a class as i wrote this
kill yourself life won't get better
>kill yourself life won't get better
this desu
No advice, I wonder what you are trying to show.
>Get A's in all your classes. Not just the ones you like.
Gay advice, the type that would be given by that asian kid with no life or personality.
Fuck that, go get a fucking personality and some interests that drive you.
>Save yourself two years of time and drop Film Production,
We should somehow filter out liberal art scum from this board ffs.
>unless you're dead set on academia in one of biology/chemistry/physics/mathematics, do EE.
This is misleading and retarded.
>Drop med school and follow you dream as a math undergrad.
Another genius over here, fucking med school. top kek, how does it feel to not have a personality?
You show that you are a retard and then you say that math sucks. Please rewrite as "math sucks if and only if you are a retard"
Another medschool genius.
>Don't major in theater you idiot
Another liberal arts gem here.
>she'll screw you
Nothing bad about that.
So this is the caliber of sci posters. part retarded, part medschool drop outs and part liberal arts drop out.
What kind of disgusting moron must you be to drop out of FUCKING LIBERAL ARTS.
Top fucking kek. Anyways..
Math major
Adivce: Be sure you are smarter than all of the retards quoted.
xposted to /r/cringe
>read this post
>recommends majoring in math
It makes sense that you're an idiot.
>Reading comprehension is on point
I never recommended anyone to study math, I would advice against it.
It just so happens that I am majoing in math and if you musr know, I am enjoying it.
You ae just butthurt that I pointed out various flaws about all of you morons, so rage on.
You didn't reply to me. I'm just calling you an idiot and you're replying to that. So you're an idiot.
>math major
It's good when mathfags expose themselves as literal retards.
Either that or a decent falseflagger
Do NOT take Elsheimer for O-Chem, take the Calc CLEP exam, do NOT take classes where Singla and Sugaya take turns to teach
Your shit will get fucked up
Don't go into engineering. Go into math and physics like you dreamed instead of becoming depressed in engineering. At least I didn't lose any years transferring into math.
>Start right away after high school instead of doing nothing for five years and being a NEET
>Study more to pass your Math and English assessment so that you don't have to do pre-requisites
That's about it. I have no other regrets when it comes to starting college other than those.
>What advice would you give your past self when he was a freshman in uni?
i would have gone back to when i was 15 and told myself to drop out of high school and start community college. i'd be done by now.
literally this
the fact that kids don't just do this or know that they can just do this is absolutely retarded.
>Adivce: Be sure you are smarter than all of the retards quoted.
Explains why I am quoting you now.
That butthurt in your post tho...
>Offering advice to themselves to not take liberal arts majors
Take it a bit easier. You don't need a 4.0 average. Your degree is worthless anyways. Your school is shit
>don't date Stacy, she turned out to have late-set Parkinson's then will sleep with an Italian
>your MTH345 teacher will grade you slightly harder than you want, opt for Dr. Stevenstevens instead, he's a cake-walk
>follow your passion of film, or ignore your passion of film; maybe just watch movies and then have a math notebook open on your lap while you do it, that's a good compromise
Fucking hell, clearly the general idea is to provide decently ubiquitous advice: things you may have learned over the course of college, and think are applicable to STEM-related fields. Nobody gives a shit about the supremely specific case of your life, and it's non-applicability to anything else. Tell a fucking story, at least, if you guys are gonna drone about shitty teachers or decisions or relationships.
The community college advice was good, wish I had known that when I was younger, too.
with that said, I have no other contribution to this thread
Dress well, fuck girls, go to parties.
Don't hole yourself up in your room.