How will we reach FTL travel without the effects of time dilation mucking it up?
FTL Travel
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Stupid singularity nigger.
Relativity is an issue with any mathematically plausible form of ftl, since you dont reach particularly fast velocities
It really IS, because any form of FTL involves a situation where, in some frame of reference, you arrive at your destination before you leave your point of origin.
NO, it doesn't just look that way because you see distant objects as they were in the past.
NO, this doesn't involve the Lorenz transform, so warp drive, wormholes, etc are not immune.
And no, GR doesn't prohibit this, but causality does.
Warp bubble technology.
Hey look, I can draw random colored lines too
Wormholes. Although that technically isn't FTL travel.
This maybe
Yeah but yours aren't funny
>didn't label y axis
It's like you didn't even try.
>repeating x values
nice function desu
>Warp bubble technology.
>Wormholes. Although that technically isn't FTL travel.
Nope and nope, see:
>any form of FTL involves a situation where, in some frame of reference, you arrive at your destination before you leave your point of origin.
>still in high school
You're wrong and stupid.
>Posting this pic in every thread
Please, it was funny the first time, doing it constantly makes you look like the retard.
> limit of what's physically possible
You're basing that claim on your particle physics PhD right ?
>time dilation mucking it up
As if this is a fact. We simply do not know.
We need to grow a pair and just go for it. Through what ever primative means needed. Prove that we either can or cannot achieve FTL speeds.
We won't, so stop thinking about it. We have to reach other planetary systems the hard way.
Warp drive is the closest theoretically possible, but it requires more energy than humanity has ever produced
>I can't graph a circle
Perfect. Now slap "This is what singularityfags actually believe" on it and it's ready for meming.
No, we should work on it while we do it the hard way.
What happens if you travel faster than light to the position that you were at before you started traveling faster than light? Say, around the earth to the position you were in before. Will you still be there?
Yeah, and that's why we have theoretical physicists probing how the universe works without any particular engineering goal in mind.
Until they discover negative energy there is nothing about FTL you should be wasting your thoughts on.
I bet my dick that you dont even drive a car let alone know what FTL is.
>What happens if you travel faster than light
Good point.
By staying still
How did Star Trek do this right even before the Alcubierre drive was a thing?
he didnt even make it
come on it can't be that hard, push it to the limit and feel the burn, when you hit the speed of light just keep going faster and we'll get there
Wait, what the fuck happens to all the dust and other bullshit in front of the ship? Space isn't empty, I mean even fucking photons would get caught in that bullshit right?
What happens to that stuff? Has anyone thought of that?
There was some pop-sci thing that said you would have to cut off warp drive and use conventional propulsion a good distance away form your target because any debris caught in your warp field would become a missile traveling at relativistic speeds.
Laughed at this more than I should have.
A shield that would absorb and disentigrate any particle?
>> limit of what's physically possible
When you are far enought in any scientific field, you know that nothing is impossible.
>when you hit the speed of light you just keep going faster
Not wrong though. At the speed of light for the traveler (Ca) The actual speed is 1/2 C (Or 1/2 Cr) So if he kept gunning the ship to 2ca he would be traveling 3/4Cr.... In theroy he could push that thing to multiple warp.
Do we need to? We'll just infinitely expand in the universe. People living on Pluto even may never visit Earth because there's no point
Actually that's not what singularityfags believe. They just believe that anything beyond the dotted line is unpredictable
>There was some pop-sci thing that said you would have to cut off warp drive and use conventional propulsion a good distance away form your target because any debris caught in your warp field would become a missile traveling at relativistic speeds.
Any basis for their conclusions/have a link? My google-fu isn't showing up anything other than some vague references to what you're talking about so I'm probably fucking it up. I mean that's what I was thinking too, if the compressed space-time does accumulate all of that shit then it's reasonable to conclude it would get forced against the bubble until the compression stops. Wouldn't that act like any other compression? Either way it would be better to have the word of an actual physicist confirming or dismissing my suspicions.
I'm not so much concerned about dust and things like that, it's the particles I'm thinking about.
>A shield that would absorb and disentigrate any particle?
A shield made out of what, exactly?
Just hold your breath. Time dilation won't muck up. Don't believe me? Just hold your breath. See? No time dilation, either.
I'm a pro in time dilation suppression strategies, I suppress them all day long.
We won't ever get FTL. It isn't possible. No Zspace, no wormholes, no nothing. Our only hope is making ourselves immortal and trying not to get bored on the long trip.
what if you had some kind of higgs shield so you had no mass
you could do it then, right?
>turn on Higgs inhibitor
>get immediately turned into plasma
>causality does
parts of the universe are already causally unconnected. do you really think that causality will stop people from manipulating the fabric of space if there is a way to generate the correct energy densities required? sounds more space magic than a warp field honestly