ITT: Actual business

ITT: Actual business.

No crypto bullshit.

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Is this an ICO?

ah, the "general store coin" angle. I like it.

Is that like the less successful Colonel Sanders?

Actual business is dead for the small guy

Is there any kind of comanpy that is unlikely to fail, like some foolproof buisness?

Sir buy mobius
Is good coin sir
Moon mission this month friend


If there ever was, tons of people would flood into, making it more competitive and no longer foolproof. So, no.

You could always do house cleaning service or save up and buy a power washer and power wash driveways in suburban neighborhoods blue collar work pays but isn't always fun

My dad wants to open up a food joint, convince me to tell him it's a stupid idea. He thinks he can just fill the place up with stupid distractions like video games and whatnot and just serve burgers and shit and make a Kajillion dollars because he saw some guy in New York do it.
The problem is we don't live in a city, we live in a retirement town and the closest cities are an hour and a half away.

Don't crush your dad's dreams you inconsiderate millennial. Boomers like him have the right to do what ever the fuck they want with their hard earned cash. Something your lazy bum will never understand.

>What is a natural monopoly, Alec?

This picture is proof that businesses looked better in the last century than now, architecture took a turn for the worse and quality suffered too

It's not even his dream, it's just another spur of the moment because he's getting old and thinking that he'll die without leaving me with anything or I won't be well off or whatever., even though I'll get at the very least $300k from each parent when they kick the bucket.
He plans to have me take over when it's "successful" but the food industry is the last business I wanna run. I want to see the world, I want to travel, I don't want to lock myself to this shitty town for the rest of my life.

no one can afford to shop at yuppie as stores like pic related. Those lemons probably cost like 3 dollars a pop and the shop still can't afford rent.

if it's successful just hire a good gm and accountant and you won't really have to do anything.

lol at cans of meme cut oats in the window

Yeah, but it's gonna take at least 3 for that to happen, IF that even happens, and more to start breaking even.

I would shop there solely to get a close look at those delicious milkies

Nice just bought 100k businesses


>You're welcome

I want to get into commercial beekeeping, I already hobby bee keep. I wonder how much it would cost to start up a 500ish hive operation. Pollination is good money in the US.