Read it and weep
Read it and weep
Thought it was going to be bait but it's pretty accurate. ChemE student here, feels good. 100k starting for a 3 year degree as well.
ChemE is like the only one that actually belongs there.
>aerospace engineering
>not a rebranded mechanical engineer
wew la
>Economics degrees not already including econometrics
>economics and finance are on the same levle as accounting and anthropology
Do you realise that the average salary for Goldman Sachs employees in my country is $400k USD? This includes all the support staff
If you make a respectability chart and post it to a science board you should show us your metrics
Do you think Graphic Design is considered shit-tier like the rest of the arts? Most every company that employs the higher positions need graphic designers as well, so I'm curious.
It seems like a smarter investment than other types of arts, but it seems like Veeky Forums bases this stuff off a mix of general scientific/mathematical rigor and employability
Yeah but it balances out when you consider that if you are a Goldman Sachs employee you are literally the scum of the earth. And that opinion isn't shared by Veeky Forums only.
OP your image is shit because it's not based on logic and in fact contradicts it.
Furthermore, you've not done any studying on these topics, because if you had, you would have learned at least half of graduates in those majors end up doing more harm to society than good, it's just a matter of record.
Finally, it's always irrational to just make a declaration without saying there is any sort of reason behind the record.
So this thread is shit, you're all fucking morons, and college has become a cesspool of uneducated faggots indoctrinated into remaining blind towards the damage and time wasted by themselves and their colleagues.
You're all dickbags and contribute to nothing but echo chambers.
Get off your ass and do some good, you jackasses. Sacrifice your job and you reputation for the good of mankind and violate all the retarded boundaries that are set up to keep things stagnant and controlled so that old crazy psychopaths can drain the system.
Just do something already.
I m not from this type of countries so pls tell me about med and dent, why this is so respectable. Also why CS is not the god and where is applicalied math. Metrics and stat are courses from AMath major aren't they?
>tfw someone calls biology and immunology good tier on Veeky Forums
im studyiing navigation and maritime transport in order to become a captain on a big ship. What category should this be ?
is Naval architecture god/good tier?
Artistic fields are just as important as STEM fields and anything other than these are irrelevant, prove me wrong Veeky Forums
What does optrometrey come under?
Artistic fields require no degree. I agree they are important.
>respectability edition
have you any idea of what immunology entails?
or are you just another imbecile dumb anime poster?
>Do you realise that the average salary for Goldman Sachs employees in my country is $400k USD?
Yeah but why does it matter? You know how much dick you have to suck be a Goldman Sachs employee?
A doctor will get job literally 100% of the time. So will a math major because general math jobs are as common as dirt, regardless of how good they are.
If you are not Harvard graduate #1 with a 7.0 GPA and with rich parents who also work there, then you will never get that job as an economy major.
I know many of you, and I know that most of you end up in random companies doing the trivial work, earning as much as a dancer.
If you say that having a few high paying jobs makes the degree amazing then fuck it, there is a mathematician billionaire which implies that all math majors will be billionaires entrepreneurs and shit.
Why is international relations bad-tier? It seems interesting, adventurous, and lucrative.
Curious - I'm going for my master's in IR, but I'm on the fence, thinking about switching to statistics.
do not pay attention to anything said on these fora, do what you love and fuck everything else
>pure mathematics
where the fuck is applied math???!?!?
You going to BU?
If you're already to the point of grad school, it's a little sad to be taking "criticisms" of your field from Veeky Forums.
Maybe hidden everywhere else. Any field of engineering applies math so it could probably be scattered all over the place.
I realize that, but I am very interested in what people have to say about employability of the field. Thing is, I had a pretty rough period where I worked at a Safeway for 3 weeks, then a bookstore for a few months. I was perfectly happy working at the bookstore, but if I ever have to work at a Safeway again I might kill myself
Applied math is just bad pure mathematics, or pure math for retards.
Applied math gets the same jobs as pure maths but pure math will always be considered to be superior so I guess applied math would be around good tier.
Yes I'm saying that I am better than you.
There is a degree named applied math, try and look it up.
applied math is a major, silly, and it's one of the most lucrative majors you can have. He's probably just wondering if it's good or god. I'd say good
good luck with topology in your life
you're saying it very naively. At my university math was kinda meh, and applied math was considered possibly the most difficult major available - the only thing that competed with it was engineering physics
exactly what I was thinking and thanks for answer.
Any pure mathematician who goes for a PhD will be doing topology on a daily basis.
For those who do not make it then I will tell you the (not) surprising fact that half of the classes you take in any major will never serve you in whatever job you end up doing because there is no job that has one person doing so many disconnected bullshit.
A degree is a theoretical base so that the degree holder can expand and work ideally wherever he wants, doing something that will 50% of the time be related to what they actually student.
Let me illustrate. At my job I use 7 out of 48 classes. I could stretch it to like 11 out of 48 but then I feel like I'd be lying to you.
However, pure mathematics is thought of as harder than applied math and therefore employers and HR people who read on major politics (all of them... that is their job) will consider the guy who graduated from the toughest education to be superior... unless there is some other important factor.
I refuse to believe this. All you need is compare the two curriculums to realize that applied math is retard tier. It is literally engineering for dummies.
I'm personally more impressed with pure math than applied math, because when I hear you study pure math I have images of Stephen Hawking and Alan Turing spinning around in my head. So yeah, you'll get more respect from me. But I'm not going to pay you. You know who is going to pay you? That planner or developper who needs you to apply the math you know. Trying to live off of academic grants is harder than you think it is.
I agree on everything except pure math being better than applied.
I think applied math is better than pure math because at my country if you look at the curriculum applied math is 2 years of knowledge ahead of pure math because they don't use time on theoritical topics which aren't necessary to apply math.
I have spoken with professionals who recommends applied math if you want something in the industry and still want to focus on math.
This is what I thought.
also applied math gives great opportunities in finance (conmans trade)
>they don't use time on theoritical topics which aren't necessary to apply math.
Then you have literally no fun.
So pretty much pure math was a have fun degree that then left you with actual job opportunities, unlike other have fun degrees. Then to make the applied math curriculum you took pure math and removed all the fun from it.
That sounds like it sucks. 0/10
So you say you don't like probablility/stats, de, computation, biology, physics and a good job?
bachelor in applied takes you further than a candidate in pure math.
But we do probability, statistics, programming and physics.
We don't do biology though, why the fucking fuck?
Anyways, the first two years of this were literally definitions, axioms and theorems every day. Then the rest was the stuff you mentioned mixed in with the usual analysis, topology, etc.
All I can say is that entire semesters of proving intuitively obvious but HARD AS FUCK to rigorously explain geometry theorems was 10/10 the best math experience I had as a student.
>also applied math gives great opportunities in finance (conmans trade)
So does pure math, I mean, that is one of the main job sectors after the usual teaching and programming.
the reason why applied use bio and phys is to use what has been learned through the degree and use it in a more meaningful matter and to strengten the knowledge to something ACTUALLY applied, this is why theses are the lasts courses before the thesis.
Nigga you don't understand, the level of these tpocis in math are higher than those in pure math (except stats).
> vet science
> good tier
That's bait.
Statistics is BAD tier
>biology in good
What can you even do with a biology BS that actually pays more than a nickle?
Hawking did Physics
which category is neuroscience from?
Honestly, those who actually thinks that philosophy is useless will never succeed in their field of study. You will find out the true meaning of philosophy when you are working on your Ph.D dissertation...wait and see.
This. Ethics is a large part of engineering.
Same as most other science degrees plus bio-specific lab tech (in yurop). The US isn't the whole world.
why do people think chemE is better than chemistry? I've taken courses of both and chemE is just trivial layman work, it is seriously lower
Stats is actually a solid degree
I'm a biology major specializing in immunology
I have a vague idea what it is about, yes
>everything is garage bands and home videos
Yeah ... no. They require training and education same as any discipline. I find it surprising that people still think all it takes to be an artist is desire or something. Very, very, very rarely are artists self taught and very rarely are they any good.
And yes, we still need artists for every video game, television series, and movie. In fact we need more now than ever before.
>physics god tier
physics is so fucking bad our advisers tell us to stay the fuck away from it unless we want to be teachers. your curiosity dies almost instantly when you realize you're gonna be working at a call center rather than become the next einstein.
How good of a degree is a BS in Organic Chemistry?
freshman engineer detected
Maybe it isn't but it's where I am.
I'll have my BS in biology in a week, and seriously doubt I could do anything with it. I hope to get research opportunities before going to med school.
Is psychology really an okay tire? Why do people call it a useless degree then?
What if I majored in psych and minored in mathematics?
Am I okay-demi-god tier?
Because they associate all psych degrees with the thousands of women wanting to become a school or family psych.
When in reality you can specialize in: neuroscience, sociology, marketing, abnormal, clinical, experimental, forensic and wait for it... Cognition. Cognitive psychologists created the almighty IQ you faggots like to splurg about.
You are still above me user, I majored in philosophy with minor in statistics.
>be me
>back in freshman year physics major
>worked in a lab creating biosensors and metamaterials
>I didn't even have a degree and we published in Nature
Your "advisor" probably knows you aren't smart enough to handle a real science, so they told you to be a MechE.
do you actually have that job or are you projecting it upon yourself?
i know plenty of people who cannot find a job as chemE
my gf graduated with a comm journ degree. print emphasis. she actually works pretty damn hard. has had several internships at big companies. no way I'd be able to do what she does. most of the comm joun people I know personally were able to find employment after graduation.
I may be biased obviously, but I think journalism / communications should be bumped up into at least bad tier. true, the pay is shit, but it's a way bettler gamble then say theology, or womens studies.
>Honestly, those who actually thinks that philosophy is useless will never succeed in their field of study.
That doesn't mean philosophy is a good field of study. Nice to take couple courses tho.
aerospace engineering is a borderline meme field full of sperglords who think ksp is le best game ever and elon musk is a le god xD
also it's pretty hard for an aero major to get a job at any non-aero company
just do mechanical, sperglord concentration is less, degree is very similar, job/research prospects are infinitely better
don't flatter yourself, freshman getting thrown in to publications happens all the time in engineering. regardless of your major if you're a freshman you know precisely dick all.
>your curiosity dies almost instantly when you realize you're gonna be working at a call center rather than become the next einstein.
>he chose his field based on material success rather than a genuine interest in the field.
kys my man
>tfw being third worlder
>tfw being architecture student
>Electrical Engineering not God Tier
Fuck off
>not Mech E classes with a ~2 semester difference in classes
Even the classes are similar, of course not considering Modern Physics in Nuke
>having a job lined up in either
Maybe if Aero at a good school
>engineering for dummies
Because astrophysics isn't a thing
or geophysics
or biology
or any other field requiring any knowledge beyond babbys first ODEs not directly related to engineering
How's freshman year going?
If you have a BS in biology, would taking 15 more credits to get a BS in chemistry as well actually be any benefit at all for research and/or career opportunities?
>it makes his field look good
>coincidentally likes it
How was your day at middle school?
It's hard to get a job as an aerospace engineer outside of companies that hire aerospace engineers? Next you'll be telling me it's hard to get a job as a nurse in a law firm.
>tfw doing CS
Yay :))
NukE here, pretty acurate
>pure ma-
>God tier
>engineering mudhuts
>Psychology and Sociology
>anything other than shit tier
Economics degrees teach you econometrics, but they are no econometrics degrees.
Econometrics degrees are a lot more mathy, they are just applied math/statistics, with some mathematical economics on top.
That still does not make you respectable. I mean, banking and consulting are just selling air. And i just say that cause i have worked on the banking "industry"
why? then any applied mathematics should also be BAD tier too.
Topology is actually quite used in mathematical economics, which is actually somehow used by financial people...
Philosophy > Social Sciences
Physics, Math & Engineering > Social Science
Medicine = 3/4ths Bullshit [Drink Water Meme]
Consumerist Occupations = Shit Tier
Social Science > Consumerist Occupations
Arts > Social Sciences
I'm thinking of majoring in Chemistry because I really enjoy it, and would be willing to go for a PhD or postgrad med school. I realise this is a bad place to get life advice but Veeky Forums is usually pretty accurate when judging worth of degrees.
What do you think? Is chemistry a meme? Are there chem jobs? Currently in first year chem if that helps
I think Chem jobs are primarily in the industrial or biomed areas.
I think there's plenty of room, but from the people I've met in the area [My friend Jerry in Chicago, for instance] is that climbing the ladder is especially difficult and companies in the chem sector downsize all the time due to companies merging and being acquired.
Chems are the future, just as Tech and CompSci.
>Philosophy not god-tier
Shit list.
Arts and antropology studyg are as necessary for humanity as science, and I said it as a sciencist. Stop with this retarded "my degree is better than your degree".
Is it better to try to live off doing what you love even if it might not be lucrative (international relations), or is it better to make bank so you have money and free time to do what you like (statistics)?
Leave him be user. hes just a young fedora tipper
It must have been done by a math brainlet, KEK
> chemical engineering
great, but it should be noted that right now biochem engineering and biomedical engineering are both more profitable than chemical engieering
> law
this can actually be rough-going in terms of happiness. Granted, the lawyers I know are very happy, but by a lot of reports the law field is saturated, and many lawyers waste years doing work they hate. Make sure this is really what you wanna do before you commit
> business is okay
note that international business is one of the most profitable degrees you can get nowadays. Also, while architecture is obviously a cool field, it now ranks terribly for jobs - there will be very little growth in the field
> anthropology as okay
Why is anthropology ranked as okay? I really wanna know this, because I love anthropology, but I always avoided getting a degree in it because I'd heard it was a useless degree. If I can make money in it, especially in archeology, cultural anthropology, or forensic anthropology, I'll switch immediately
> sound tech
I'm not sure this is actually a necessary degree, because a lot of the coolest sound tech positions are essentially apprentice positions
> marketing and international relations as bad
this doesn't line up with rankings. These are two of the most valuable degrees you can get, especially at the master's level
> food, political science, humanities, and theology as shit
These also don't line up with rankings. By "food", if you mean nutrition you're wrong - it's very valuable. If you mean family/consumer science then you're right, it's shit.
Political science is a degree that's useless as a bachelor's, but is one of the most valuable master's you can get.
I don't know how, but humanities and theology both have high earnings for graduates. Maybe because humanities majors have a tendency to go into law. Don't know why theology majors earn so much, but by every ranking I've ever seen they make bank
According to Fortune Magazine,
Best Master's:
1. Statistics PhD
2. Biostatistics Master
3. Computer Science PhD
4. Human Computer Interaction Master
5. Physics PhD
6. Law (JD)
7. Telecom Engineering Master
8. Applied Math Master
9. Statistics Master
10. Engineering Master
11. Computer Science Master
12. Software Engineering Master
13. Economics PhD
14. Business (MBA)
15. Information Science Master
1. Interior Design Master
2. Educational Administration Master
3. Early Childhood Education Master
4. Criminal Justice Master
5. Reading and Literacy Master
6. Educational Leadership PhD
7. Health Administration Master
8. Studio Art Master
9. Construction Management Master
10. Fine Arts Master
11. Divinity Master
12. Educational Leadership Master
13. Social Work Master
14. Leadership Master
15. Curriculum & Instruction Master
>Interior Design Master
>Educational Administration Master
>Early Childhood Education Master
Ship tier