What do Veeky Forums?

What do Veeky Forums?

Buy a Powerade and potentially hit the jackpot? What if it gets stuck? Worth the risk?


Buy whatever you like.
Rock machine back and forth.
Win 2 free drinks.


remember to rock back and forth, not side to side

I'm gonna go for the gold guys.....



Wa la


now shake the fuck out of it


Nice reposts

aw shit man that sucks

try to shake it or something

Anyone remember those machines that had a sliding belt on it and if you put your hand under the return it would get stuck and then you'd get your money back and you'd get 2 drinks for the price of one? I see the newer machines now that combat that by putting in a plastic door at the bottom.

Hey man why are you trying to kill OP


Please just buy a blue powerade already


why didnt you buy b9? it looked higher up.

This happened to me awhile ago...

You bought a snack?

Haha it's kinda hard to tell bought the pretzel bag got stuck on the top of the inside of the lid in the vending maching.

>falling for the electric jew

Did you phone it in for your $5 rebate?

Haha didn't know it was a thing but we have slips we fill out if the machines cuck us.

It's annuduh shoah!!!


That's what you get for buying pretzels you filth

Fresh off the boat from Reddit, huh kid?


>le this xD
fucking dumbasses rofl

but he's right, dipshit

shut up I want my yous

Fresh off the boat from Reddit, huh kid?

How is Reddit a boat?
At least the folk on there aren't constantly assholes in an attempt to get e-laughs from other shitposters.

but he's right, dipshit


Fresh off the boat from Reddit, huh kid?


Each year vending machines topple over and crush about 10-13 people. Roll them dice I like them odds.

now it gets interesting

seriously you dumb shit reddit's a website not a boat vessel. wtf

fresh off the boat, huh Reddit?

imm not a website i'm a person

this. Or A9. you need that added velocity to force it out. Try again. A9.


Hands down the most interesting thread Ive seen all day.

OP please post win

Ok op, you can tell us how this saga ended already

For every one of these photos there was a disappointed person walking away sad or angry

You buy A2 there. The load-bearing milk is sticking out into second column territory, so if you hit it from above with enough force you should be able to dislodge it and bring the whole thing to an end.

Or you get cuckolate milk and leave in shame.

Jesus Christ professor Layton

I mean well done but goddamn

Did OP try again?

Buy red

For fucks sake, they're reposts. Look at the filenames you idiots

You have to go back

Dumb faggot.

Try again?

buy the red gatorade

Where to not-gullible-retardland?

Buy C8. Worst-case scenario nothing changes but it looks lined up nicely to kick the orange out from under the stack


buy the yellow gatorade or if theres another heavy drink above it buy from that row. If you get lucky, it will slam the bottom drink and all three will fall down.