Never understood this
Why the hate for Biology Veeky Forums?
memorizing stuff is so hard.
2 reasons:
1)bio is hated mostly by underage. There are people who genuinely want to learn bio here no matter what their majors.
2) Veeky Forums hates what it doesn't understand well.
I also like collecting stamps and remembering the colors on them
2 reasons:
1) 2) biologists are fun to mock, see
they think plugging and chugging numbers into equations is harder
we don't actually hate biologists, they're just really thin skinned and easy to rile up
It attracts the wrong kind of people.
its honestly for plebs
i spent 2 yrs of my life doing bio in uni, i still regret it everyday
why would I hate people collecting stamps ?
Some people just have trisomal 21 (bio haters wouldn't understand)
Lots of bold words in this thread, but everyone flocks to capitalise on everything a "non-science" has developed for them. A lot of it is just bants though, kinda like the gay engineer maymay.
I hate biology as an undergrad major, and the kids who major in it. Their degrees aren't nearly as rigorous as other bio-centric degrees like biochem, and they're poofy assholes.
I'm a math and biotech dual major btw.
trisomy 21 is just nature failing at maths
>Their degrees aren't nearly as rigorous as other bio-centric degrees like biochem
'tis a joke, right? please
>they're poofy assholes.
That can be a valid complaint, but it can also be true for other majors.
They like to pretend that all Bio is just Taxonomy/Anatomy/Botany.
1) They don't know what biology really is
2) They took bio 101 and generalized it to the entire field of studies...
What they don't understand is bio is really complex
Why do biologists hate rigor and reasoning ?
I donno , thanks doc
Why do you like shitposting?
Because Bio fags are thin skinned and/or Pre-Med niggers and those who hate it are aspies.
It's the major you run to if math and physics are too hard for you.
Physics being hard is a meme, though.
Same with math.
>Campbell, Reece
>Basically a high school textbook
damn, you're assmad.
a biochem degree is basically a chemistry degree minus an extra Pchem class and + a few bio classes and biochem electives. There's almost no difference between biochem and chem. I got into pure chem grad school for a phd in materials with a biochem degree. our department at my undergrad school is department of "chemistry and biochemsitry".
I dont even think biology majors take organic. Most people only think they do because 90% of them are premed. In the end, a bio degree is just rote memorization. There's a reason why theres so much unwarranted asshurt over organic. flaky bio majors wanted a ride into med school not giving a shit about their education. This is why they are so easy to make fun of and this is why we dont like them. The majority have no desire to learn biology, they just want the glory and money associated with a medical degree.
>"what's your major?"
>"oh, im premed"
>"no...what's your major"
>"biology/psychology/sociology/underwater basket weaving/[insert useless degree here]"
Because sci is full of mathboos and biologists are traditionally not too good at math
Because sci thinks that biology is like looking at a bird and memorizing shit about that one particular bird.
However biology is a great subject to study, because unlike physics, you can actually get a job and have a variety of career paths. A person with a biology degree has various industries to go into while a person with a physics degree is stuck in software or trying to convince someone that he's just as good as an engineer.
In addition if you actually understand biology you'll soon realize you can't just memorize everything. There's a point where learning comes naturally. Biology can be rigorous at times.
In addition they can't do comp bio/ bio math because it requires someone actually completing their undergrad in mathematics. Not just passing calc one and physics one with a C and then telling sci you're the smartest person ever.
>A person with a biology degree has various industries to go into
>that's what biofags actually believe
Good luck with working in some shitty lab at hospital.
as a bio major, I looked down on the premed kiddies. there they were taking easy classes to spare their precious GPAs, while I was taking honors orgo as a freshman and busting my ass getting a proper bio education.
screw memorization, that's for biochem and a&p. I learned the rules by which species change and diversify and by which ecosystems organize themselves.
and now I'm a paleofag.
>However biology is a great subject to study, because unlike physics, you can actually get a job and have a variety of career paths
>A person with a biology degree has various industries to go into
>a physics degree is stuck in software or trying to convince someone that he's just as good as an engineer
I feel so fucking sorry for you if you actually think this.
Why is he wrong? You can go work at hospitals, uni's, pharma, or in various biotech disciplines.
BS Biology
congratulations, you get to graduate with the literal most popular college major in the 21st century. to give you an idea of the ratio of bio/biochem/chem students at my school per class, it is 1600/50/8. I dare you to find a job. you should be licking the boot of anyone who will give you a lab tech position barely over minimum wage. sadly, its the same with chem majors, mainly because of the competition for biotech positions with the biology kiddos
if you think you are getting into pharma with a BS in bio you better be sum cum laude
again, you'll be a lab tech for just above min wage
if you have a PhD, maybe MS with allow you to TA or something. again, for shit wages
PhD Biology
congratulations, you spent 5 years researching the hardest of the soft sciences. your research will most likely be on some organism that has little to no significance whatsoever or examining the changing deer/plant population of the rural US. I hope you did genetics, because otherwise you are banking on adjunct professor positions and tenor. if you dont know what that is, and plan on going into academia as a biologist, you should look it up immediately.
PhD genetics/molecular biology
You chose the one "safe route" through a biology major. you have opportunities to work in biotech and pharma as well as attain tenor as a professor. you studied actual useful knowledge and didnt spend your PhD wading through brush to get that plant sample, or fucking an antelope. You now have to compete against hundreds of other biology PhDs who had the same idea. When you get the job, you take whatever scraps are thrown to you. when the pharma industry feels they have exhausted enough research out of you / you are getting too expensive, they'll fire you to hire another one from the army of bio PhDs knocking on their door.
This is the reality not only for bio, but even some facets of chem and physics. It's shit.
>and people wonder why people who like biology go into medicine
1. Cosmology
2. Quantum electrodynamics
3. Pure math
4. Astronomy
5. Other physics shit
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
6. Computer science
7. Chemistry
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
9000. Engineering
9001. Biology
math isn't a science. neither is engineering. and cosmology should be bottom tier.
Okay guys question if I like Biology but I want to be respectable what path should I choose??
anything else
Depends on what exactly you want to do
If you're into outdoors shit and animals then biology is p good for that
If you're into medical shit then do biochemistry or chemistry
>literally Dark energy: the field
molecular biology
Physics is hard. Bio-physics is harder.
chemistry is hard. Bio-chemistry is harder.
Informatics is hard. Bio-informatics is harder.
Math is hard. Bio-math is harder.
And pic somewhat related.
Wrong meme
Genetics or biotech
That's entirely correct, if you live in the US.
Bio isn't viewed the same in EU as in the US, i.e. a premed major. People go into bio because they want to do research much more than other science majors who just want to get their chem/physics degree and get a job. Which is why in bio classes there' some of the smartest and most accomplished students of that year among all majors (yes, even the physics/math """"geniuses"""") and they want to do research, not deer populations as you so arrogantly claim, and also why there's some of the dumbest ones as well (want to get a job after graduation).
I honestly think that most people here who hate bio or consider it a "lower science" or soft science (I hope to God this is a dumb meme desu) probably live in the US in the first place (hence all the bio/chem ratio crap), and I guess I could understand the circumstances that led you to that conclusion. If I was in the US too, I would probably go biochem.
If you were baiting, good job I guess. I just hope noone here gets dissuaded from the gross misinformation in this thread, because it has happened.
>dumbest ones as well (want to get a job after graduation).
yea how dare they
Do I really have to clarify that not everyone who wants to get a job at graduation is one of the dumb ones? You're on Veeky Forums, so you're already the exception. All I'm highlighting is a tendency for those who had no heavy interest in the science in the first place. Doesn't mean that all who go into research are the geniuses and all that want a job are dumb as rocks, obviously.
In France, biology and medicine are two very different field.
In fact, in biology, we rarely work with human material or with humans as study subject.
You know, in France (again), school and university are not (yet?) a factory to produce workforce. They are a location of social emancipation by culture and knowledge.
this decision to go into medicine is usually made before undergrad starts by the student, and they choose a major to compliment the premed curriculum. If they were wiser to this, they should have just abandoned biology altogether or made sure to do really really well in school. keep in mind med schools weed out about 95% of applicants these days. its pretty common to see med schools who accept 1-3% of all applicants.
i was mistaken. i thought biology was legitimately classified as a soft science, which it is not, technically. sounds like memeing to me, but whatever. biochem is a good major in the US and can get you into biology positions and then some. biology is not.
its very bad in the US right now, and the scarier part is engineering is next. there are already people flocking to uni to go into engineering in droves because they know its generally a successful major. I dont know if its the same if the EU, but historically this has happened to...
the business degree
the law degree
the science degree
the "premed" route (also technically science)
and now engineering
Honestly, I think at one point people are just going to go back to learning a trade rather than accrue all this debt for nothing.
Microbiology major here, how fucked am I?
Though the vast majority of French medicine majors ends up in biology after failing their first year.
you're posting anime, you're shit
also microbiology is awesome
not becuase they generalize
not because they personally think it's easy
not because all the people who study it
not because the high girl:boy ratio
but because it''s not as "pure" and "prestigious" as mathematics or physics
the hate towards biology is purely insecurity and pretension
can't blame anyone though, no one here has made it through puberty yet.
if anyone here claims they have, just be happy knowing they don't have hormones to blame for their shit personality and immaturity
banter against any field is great though, genuine hate is pathetic
dumb frogposter
What's it called when people think one example/occurrence is enough to generalize?
just being a dumbass?
can never remember
Molecular biology, biochemistry and several other branches are all pretty awesome. What are you talking about?
Last time I came here, it was just a bunch of bitter engineers who were mad at the fact doctors make much more money than they do.
Biology doesn't require any formal reasoning ability
Biologists are at the very bottom of the scientist totem pole with physicists (like myself) being at the very top of the totem pole
You are a low IQ pleb
>I can extrapolate impractical and useless data using number sets, I am autistic
this is definitely not a shitpost
>banter against any field is great though, genuine hate is pathetic
this desu. Some physics kids around here make me cringe like nothing else.
Biology contains the most complex systems we have ever seen in the universe. A rigorous approach to biology is far beyond our current capabilities.
Therefore biologists have to use non rigorous approaches...which seem an "approximation" of science to physicists or chemists. So Veeky Forums mocks biology.
>Biology contains the most complex systems we have ever seen in the universe.
It's also the place where the most efficient nanomachinery are found. I'm still amazed every time I read about bacteria in general. They got some seriously hardcore shit.
Biology is cool, but biologists are either dumb as rocks, pretentious ideologues, or Chinese. I switched into neuroscience/linguistics because I didn't want a degree that lumped me in with those people.
Master race.
thanks doc
where's the dose