University thread

what uni you guys go to? I'm at UVA for Undergrad, and it's amazing. being the top ranked public school in the nation and in-state for me along with being known as a public Ivy makes it an amazing choice for people looking for somewhere to apply to.

Similar colleges to apply to should you not want to pay the prices of top-tier private schools include University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and UNC Chapel Hill

youre college is crap

Just committed to University of Minnesota, doing their BS in Econ, which is pretty stats/math/econometrics based. Any tips/advice from people already there, either about the program or in general?

University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

your college is poop

Columbia University for Physics


hahahaha uva is trash

Thanks for the ad you fucking cuck

Why do people here hate UVA?

>The top ranked public
Sorry, no, that honor belongs to my Alma Mater.

this is Veeky Forums, anything u post will be ridiculed u retard

Fun fact: Thomas Jefferson was more proud of being the president of UVA than he was to be president of the United States.

Appstate in Boone, about the same level of difficulty. Isn't it great dicking around in undergrad and getting an easy 3.8 GPA? I literally only study the day before tests. Chillin rn during finals. Comp sci major

overrated trash.

Cal poly pomona meh tier uni undergrad reporting in.

At least were not fucking CSUF or CSU Dominguez Hills

>P.S. SLOfags not welcome

This. I spent some of the best years of my life here.

Looking for a top tier school?
>pic related
Also, UVA is shit tier.
They literally can't even rape correctly.

Always good to see fellow Alumni. Go bears!

We have a pretty good physics program

How is it here? I'm considering going for physics or EE/ME. Give me the rundown on what sucks ass about the place.

me too

I'm a graduating senior in physics who switched into it from comp eng, so I can give a bit of a rundown:

The good:

In physics, we have a lot of really top-tier professors who do important research. If you want to do research as an undergrad, you'll have no problem finding a lab to work in, from condensed matter to accelerator physics.

The school is huge, so there are opportunities to take classes and do research outside of "pure physics". I spent a summer doing climate research with the environmental institute (I actually don't recommend it lol).

EE and Physics at PSU have the best undergrad advisors of any major: If you do EE, you'll probably have Professor Salvia as your advisor, who is one of the best human beings alive and an excellent teacher. If you do physics, you'll have Professor Robinett, the most helpful person I've met who is extremely knowledgeable about what you can actually do with your degree.

Overall, the courses are quality and if you put time into it you'll learn a lot.

If you really like EE but want to do physics, we have an electronics option in the physics major where you take some EE courses in place of a few upper-level physics electives.

The bad:

Unless you are a raging fratstar who likes binge drinking every weekend nonstop, the social scene in State College is absolutely horrible. To be fair, I've heard this is true at many universities, but it seems particularly bad here.

Especially in engineering, at least until you get into the upper levels, you are just a number for a while. There are so many hoards of students in engineering that you won't get much individual attention until all the normies have changed their majors after second year. (The physics classes are usually rather small, so you can avoid this).

I could say more but this is getting really long already

It's really making me not want to go there. It seems like the most normie university in existence, but they have these good rankings that just seem to not line up with the typical dumb ass I talk to from there. I can't decide whether or not it'd be a good idea to go here, and I'd also be living off campus.



oh, thanks you changed my opinion

c-could you go into more detail?

You're just going to have to swallow your autism and find the handful of people who give a shit about academics at state schools, which is hard because they don't go out too much. I'm a PA resident and hang with Pitt/ Penn State normies on the regular.
So you know where I'm coming from academically, I'm currently a transfer student and finishing up at community college and looking to transfer for Math / Comp sci and it's a toss up between Penn State and Pitt.

There are definitely reasons to not like it, but don't get fooled by the dumb people. It is very true that a lot of dumbasses get accepted because the university rakes in shitloads of students.

However, in the tough majors like physics, most of the normies die off and switch into easier majors by junior year, when you get into the good stuff. There are a lot of smart people near the top (I have friends who worked at CERN last summer at the LHC). The honors college here (Schreyer) is rather selective, and is a distilled group of above-average-intelligence assholes (myself included). Being in Schreyer gets you a bunch of special privileges, and it's a recognized name in academia. Being a Schreyer alumn is often comparable to having an ivy league degree (two of my Schreyer physics friends are going to UCLA for medical physics PhD and Columbia for theoretical particle physics PhD).

There are also a gazillion clubs and other shit to join. I'm a fan of the yearly programming competition, CodePSU, and the hackathon, HackPSU. Getting real hands-on programming experience is a must in modern science and can set you apart from other normies.

I never felt like I missed out on anything academically by choosing Penn State, but I will admit that the style social life here was not a match for me.