What was your " I can't Fucking believe they did it, the absolute madman" moment in crypto?
Bonus points for OC.
Mine is pic related. It was so offensive that it feels like a /pol/ troll post.
I think the first time they even put " muh 6 gorillion" in there
What was your " I can't Fucking believe they did it, the absolute madman" moment in crypto?
Other urls found in this thread:
ripple token xrp even having a worth was my moment
There's been loads of moments like this in crypto, because crypto is a massive shitshow
I know. I just want anons to share THE moment. Because we all know how things happened but when it particularly affects you the OC is better. Memetic magic is born of emotions, not facts
Vitalik smearing his boogers on the wall on TV
You see the star of david a lot in asia because they simply think it looks cool. Like, it's just two triangles making a star - it has no context here. You really think anyone at binance knows fuck-all about western history?
The first ponzicoin reaching >200k was really entertaining for me
I was giddy from excitement watching the money flow in
The scammer who scammed a scammer in Veeky Forums was a classic moment
Yeah someone post the screenshot
I was the first person in that thread to declare it a scam
>mfw i was the one who got scammed
yeah. chinks are fucking cringeworthy as a people.
They literally put" Binance distributed GAS to 6 million users" in front of a David's star. Come on.
They had less than 5 million users when that was tweeted...
You see, everyone outside the west thinks muh holocaust is a joke.
Perhaps my memory is failing me or it was a Shoop. I don't have the original pic. If some user has post it for research purposes
good soyim
keep believing the holohoax
>americucks are a global joke for sucking on the tribes circumsized peeners
I don't really care either way. But having lived in Asia for a long time, I can tell you no one knows anything about the holocaust, let alone specific words like "gas." They only vaguely know what jews are, if at all. Kind of the perfect place for a rogue intern to pull of this troll, now that I think about it...
I'm with this dude. I've lived in china, brazil and argentina and in these countries people know jews exist but are completely unfamiliar with the surrounding history and stereotype. A chink pulling a holocaust joke is like an american pulling a liechtenstein joke. No one in america know what the fuck is a liechtenstein
It’s the country between Switzerland and Austria. 62 square miles (yes that’s off the top of my head, no google)
Lol did binance really post this
Just bought 10k GAS
lul had to double check their twitter when this happened
for me its bitconnect. between carlos matos and running away with nigger money
confido scam and waltonchain rigging their valentines thing was pretty good too
Trayvon.... you didn’t lose your money...... ok u kinda lost your money
When Jared of Digibyte showed the slide to Citigroup and crashed the price 90%.
Is this real life?
what the fuck
how did they manage to get away with it?
binance's logo kinda looks like a swastika too
Don't know, but sources report seeing a certain "Sam Hyde" leaving Binance headquarters shortly after they posted that.
Digibyte is actually the only good coin you guys will hear of here and yet most of you dont own any :D
Hi newfriends, welcome to Veeky Forums, where we will gladly pay you to insert objects into your anuses. Any takers? I'll give 0.1 ETH to anyone to post a sharpie in pooper with timestamp
What a faggot....
Here you go, there was a pajeet version too I think
recent one
one of my favourites
Thanks user
It was me who declared it a scam first in that very same thread.
Holy shit
This can't be real
Yea. Great for tax evasion
It seems insignificant right now but give it a few months to a year and it will be really big.
What so someone just made up a token called XMRG and minted a load to sell to normies? how did he get listed on exchanges?
>binance distributes gas YET AGAIN
>lens flares over "gas"; obviously aware
they CAN'T keep getting away with this!!!
Truth. Partner is an Boer. Chinks are always VERY confused about a White African. No general knowledge of history or geography.
Funniest was Japanese students/tourists at a war memorial. Honestly had 0 clue there was ever a war. It's like Azns are basically mindless automatons that just blindy repeat information they memorised to pass exams, retaining none of it afterwards to make actual use of.
fuck i finally get it
Can't think of many so probably this Binance star desu. It's possible it was just some autistic/ignorant Chink - Asians really don't give a flying fuck about muh holocaust and teh 6 Gorillion Juice - but just as likely it was someone who knew it would get some folks triggered and smugged as he put it together.
Can't find the screenshot but sometime late summer when the Vitalik car crash hoax happened and he came on Twitter and used the n word. That was great
Veeky Forums-edition
Burger here.
Holocaust was a lie.
I'm as sure as there is a bizraeli working in binance that has a /pol/ background as I'm sure that the Confido scam was a Veeky Forums inside job
Horeeee shit.
Just bought 100k BNB
I wasn't keeping my eye on Confido, can I get a quick memedown?
Oh fuck, this has to mean something.
Someone drop the "meme" pic on this, pls.
(fake) CEO first name is JOOST
One of the (fake) Devs is called Pajeet.
The project shilled Chainlink a lot.
After they exit scammed they even told investors to get into a new ICO to recoup the losses and it was also a scam.
Pretty sure it was a Veeky Forums job.
witnessed that one, it was pretty hilarious.
Thanks, bought everything
There's nothing offensive in that
Youre just an idiot who sees whatever you want to see
Yeah tbf even though it was obviously a scam I nearly bought in a few weeks before the collapse - given my ADHD I'd probably have got out with decent gains before it fell to shit too desu.
The first time I saw bitcoin on Varney
I'll check your dubs because I also watch Varney