Which is a better hold?
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that ven conference was cringy as fuck
talking about how many telegram users and reddit users they have? "THE CONFERENCE IS OVER.... OR IS IT?"
I dumped all my VEN and went to OMG
Lol... Have you even researched what your investing in? Obviously not or you wouldn't have made this post.
omg all the way you mong
why the fuck should anyone care what you think? You're a basement dwelling faggot who posts on Veeky Forums. You probably find everything that isn't dark, racist, or nihilistic to be cringe. Just kill yourself and stay poor
OMG. AMB is the best best for supply blockchain at the moment.
Go with the one that actually has a whitepaper op
Both are good.
VEN has outperformed OMG heavily though. OMG for way longer around and lower ranking on CMC. I see VEN top 5 in the future and OMG top 10 in the future.
He's right though. It WAS cringy as fuck.
That doesn't mean it's a bad project though. I guess this is what you get, when chinese nerds are in charge of doing a presentation.
>i dug deep in chinese language
>Omise is Thai
Trips of truth.
Just an average fud.
Anyone who unironically uses cringe is a fucking redditor piece of shit faggot and needs to go back
>not chainlink
The post is about Vechain, he just used Omise Mcdonalds partnership as an example.
Shit coin for lady boys to use at Mc Donald's or coin backed by Jim breyer partnered with likes of BMW pcw dng vl to name a few. Tough call user
Tbh i don't fucking know. I'm on VEN because of thor generating, so if it succed like NEO and GAS, well it's pretty much free money, and i would be mad if i miss that and VEN goes up to 40$ EOY
Vechain is the most incredible project to hit crypto.
They kept it under wraps for years. Nobody is going to catch them now.
VEN is going to $300 at least, unless crypto market stays under a trillion all year.
Well if it is not vaporwave, the only thing i'm afraid of.
People can brag "naaaah it's a scam" or "this shit will be top 5 EOY", nobody truly fucking knows
I'm 50/50
How long is a HODL?
Planning to invest in OMG.
Whichever one has gone up today is the better one according to biz.
are you retarded, ven is not vaporware, just look at the partnerships, breyer capital is backing it
I lol'd but your premise on OMG is terribly inaccurate.
Arent you posting on Veeky Forums right now you basement dwelling cunt?
More than 80% of the prtnerships have not been confirmed by the people they claim and 3 were exposed as lies
1st was exposed by vitalik that they claimed was with them
2nd and 3rd about futian projects which got confirmed as non existent when Chinese finance minister banned any form of ICOS foreign or domestic