It's like Ponzi is shit-Midas. Absolutely everything he touches turns into a total fucking trainwreck. I hope you realize now that Phoenix is absolutely superior. Actually, no, I don't - you PoWH retards are simply too dumb for that. You are literally beyond help at this point.
PoWH4D when?
PoWH4FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF coming soon with 20% fees on everything!
I love this concept, but NEVER going to put money into anything with ponzibot after the first two screw ups, and now this?
If they don't even have control over their own website, what serious flaws have they overlooked?
Oh my god. Not again... keeps on giving.
Meanwhile EPX has 0 flaws, devs that aren't dipshits, and a blooming futures market driving large volume!
>Devs that aren't dipshits
you mean after they dumped on you. Pretty sure all these contracts have drama out the ass.
See image for full rundown,
It's just a web dev trying to pull something and getting shutdown by mantso.
Literally only one has dumped. I bought in after the dump so I won. Get in.
>insert link of ethpyramid devs dumping 300 eth in 15 minutes.
my sides
JUST3D coming soon!
press node just.js to pay respects
There is not a single good reason to buy powh over epx
Ethpyramid and Epx are the same code; Ethpyramid is literally just PowH 1.1
Powh3d is Powh 3.0 at this point. Start innovating and stop stagnating on your old contracts.
I know about ffffffff but what was the other screw up?
You didn't list a single good reason to buy powh over epx
they fucking destroy you in memes m8
literally ass blasting destroying ruin
can't even handle it, levels of memes.
Lol do your research, literally every point against epy is false. Still havn't listed a single good reason to buy powh over epx
New site live at
dont ur ref links completely kill new peoples' dividends?
Oh, you mean the 4th plan to screw people over?
Not a chance, bucko
you guys literally just copied the entire website of OG powh (which was all ponzibot did) for the text of ethphoenix, and then proceed to attack the guy relentlessly while copying everything he did.
Like it's comical but everyone who's been watching this pyramid thing and seeing what you guys are doing thinks it's absurdly pathetic.
Like come on develop a fucking new contract already.
Apparently they keep 30% of dividends for themselves off new people - FOREVER (back door scam)
wow thats kinda fucked up
They fixed ponzis shitty code and added sell divs to make it better. Still havn't given me a single good reason to buy powh over exp.
yeah pretty much. You only earn 7% instead of 10% cause of masternodes, unless you shill hard and get referrals. So if you buy powh you might as well just join an MLM. big effortless divsnek only available with EPX.
Oh, you mean the next new POW3D contract that USES THE EXACT SAME DIVIDEND CURVE, but with screwed up dividends, cause your devs can't do basic calculus?
Ponzi didn't code POWH,
If you refer someone you get 33% of all fees they would have to pay; you don't take anything away from that person. I think the wording was confusing before but it's a neat concept.
The thing is PoWH doesn't even have to try, the community of PoWH will push the contract higher than ethpyramid by default because they're better at memes and built genuine upgrades to the algorithm (masternodes) into the contract.
ethpyramid has to constantly make shill posts, buy advertising, pay for articles and translations and threads to push the contract up, but PoWH doesn't have to at all.
The new site is up
You don't need to really care about anything but masternodes and memes. PowH will literally shill itself without dev involvement; and Ethpyramid won't.
Devs aren't in this thread, we're shilling.
Are you dense? Do you think you can get 30% more without someone else getting less?
ya, its not like it has the first futures market ever created for a crypto or anything. How are those broken ref links treating you?
get rekt by your own dev's pleb