What are mathematicians trying to accomplish using stuff like using Calabi-Yau manifolds, let alone discovering them?

What are mathematicians trying to accomplish using stuff like using Calabi-Yau manifolds, let alone discovering them?

It seems to me you are just making things /extremely/ and needlessly complicated.

I'm beginning to think all this is just a competition to prove how much you "know" (regardless if that knowledge is just a complication) and a way to give yourself an excuse to find problems which have really no bearing on reality.

You cannot honestly tell me that these "manifolds" do or mean anything. Please don't tell me this "in some universe maybe beyond this one." No. You are just making everything complicated.

People like complexity.

It has texture.


dog shit has texture

inb4: how do u kno tehe

>dog shit has texture
yes and 's point still stands
some people like dogshit, possibly because of its texture

That makes no sense. With every "advancement" in complication, you get even more confused and complicated.

So you are saying that things can get so complicated that you can actually "feel" it go to insanity? And that "feel" is how you describe the "texture"?

>you get even more
No, I'm not a brainlet. Only brainlets get confused.


Who gives a fuck? If you care about reality, go do applied math.

Keep telling yourself that. Your ego is so great that you actually convince yourself that you have a goal. When I say complicated and confused, I'm referring to the "depth" at which you're tearing things apart to the point when they aren't even things anymore.

>to the point when they aren't even things anymore
Being a brainlet means not understanding where the boundary of existence is. Thought isn't forced to be coherent or nonsensical except insofar as you care to direct your thought process. If you want to think about things that make sense, you can do that. Or at least a non-brainlet can do that.

Brainlets fumble somewhere along the way and I guess they have a hard time recovering and finding out where their reasoning faltered. What's matters isn't that you get it right, but that you're capable of seeing where and why you got it wrong. To engage a complex hypothetical is not insanity.

Insanity is believing those thoughts are relevant to reality.

Not that complicated. Just a ricci flat kähler manifold.

Also they weren't just picked randomly to use in string theory. Dimensional compactifications onto calabi-yau manifolds preserve some of the original supersymmetry of the spacetime b/c of the special holonomy.

Your ego is absolutely enormous. I guess that's what happens when you want to feel/be important. Do you have any idea where you're going with the stuff you study? Or is it just a collection of tidbits you gather and apply to impress your peers?

I'm just speaking from a standpoint that looks at the entirety of what you're doing, not the details you study which lead up to it. I know, you're going to say "well that's where the problem starts". That's not true. Really, you're just breaking down until they have no purpose.

I don't study physics, I'm talking pure concept here.

If you can't comprehend all that complexity, you're a brainlet. This is the reason we have the term: If you can't deal with complexity you don't belong on this board. What you're saying is antithetical to science without content to discuss.

It's not a matter of "comprehending" the complexity. What I'm saying is the "direction" you're going is not the one that will solve anything.

>doesn't know absolutely anything about manifolds
>grabs a particularly complicated class of manifolds

seriously i'd fucking kill myself

Right, and if that's what you truly meant to say, then learn to speak better. I've studied epistemology too and I kind of think QM is bunk, but until you've studied it enough to know what it means, you can't just say it's all wrong. Nobody is going to give up on their life's work because some fool proved it was built on invalid premises. That is not a valid approach. Most people don't have what it takes to discover fundamental truths about the structure of reality and they never will.

But Veeky Forums wasn't made for people like you and me. It was made for people that want to discuss the scientific model of reality, however flawed or false it might be. You have no business posting here if you haven't 1. Falsified all theoretical models of physics or 2. Found a better, distinct model that you've figured out how to design an experiment for.

What's different about me is that I'm not going to tell you to go back to /x/ for practicing epistemology. What you're saying has no board. It is an idea without prior substance. It's not worth discussing on any board until you've fleshed it out enough to be worth discussing. Physics can be wrong and dead as a doornail, but it's not going to stop people from doing what they want with their life. They still have to do *something* at the end of day, and bitching about objective possibility isn't a means to change that. You either want epistemic gratification or you want to change the industry. It isn't gonna happen on Veeky Forums. Either that of you have a solid replacement theory to pose, in which case delete this thread and make on that isn't baitshit.

Nice assumptions. Says a lot about how you reason. Do you make those kind of assumptions when you study too?


I see

>when you study
Prior to studying. By the anthropic principle we can deduce that that user has never had a reason to kill themselves.

>calabi yau manifolds
spotted the undergrad

>You have no business posting here if you haven't 1. Falsified all theoretical models of physics or 2. Found a better, distinct model that you've figured out how to design an experiment for.
then i think it's just me and one other guy who are allowed to post here 2bh.

It's a contextual statement; if you disagree with physics, you'll need to do more than shitpost about it. I'm an /x/ native so I've always had an issue with 'scientists' refusing to accept alternate models of reality, but lurking this board has taught me that "well then give us something better" is the one truly emotional interaction point between Veeky Forums and /x/. It actually hit me the other day that I don't want to hear about paranormal physics unless it's accompanied by a real explanation. It's nice to get proof of the paranormal but it's nicer to understand it when it comes up than to just have this mystery dropped on us with no way to investigate it.