This board is pure evil

This board is pure evil.

It must be destroyed

nice rare pepe

It's because of the /pol/ anons. It's the guys who couldn't stand reading their mentally ill board any longer. They think buying crypto too late in Jan makes them some sort of geniuses. Look at the market.
Veeky Forums is the absolute state of /pol/

its a combination of /pol/ and reddit newfags as bad as eachother

Veeky Forums was an offshoot of /pol/ + /g/ to begin with, but this caliber of poster is cancer

I only come here for the rare effortposts that get die without bumps. Excellent coin research found that way. Not straight up shilling, research.

Is greed evil?

Sure, nobody here gives a shit if you hate jews or white het cis males. The only thing that counts here is profit.

This is like the least evil board in all of Veeky Forums

Find me another board where the catalog is constantly filled with anons trying to scam other anons for personal profit in a room where the floor is knee deep in /pol sewage and photos of whores.

Report back to me when you do

Veeky Forums is a board constantly shitting on manlets and fat people 24/7

/r9k/ breeding mass shooters and incels

/k/ breeds redneck school shooters as well

/pol/ is obviously cancer

and I ain't going to list them all but Veeky Forums is like not even in the top 20 of evil. half of Veeky Forums is neets playing out fantasy of owning a ton of crypto and shit and the other half is random af people just posting memes and fud... no one here is actually making money except like maybe 5% of us

>the 5%
Also known as "pajeets".

Yeah I pretty much sort by reply count too

it's pure retardation, not evil, it serves a good counter indicator. pic related.

No, it just needs to be purged of all the europoors. They're jealous, scamming, lying sacks of crap. Remember, those in poverty will stoop to the lowest of lows to make a quick buck. That's why europoors should be banned.

>No, it just needs to be purged of all the europoors. They're jealous, scamming, lying sacks of crap. Remember, those in poverty will stoop to the lowest of lows to make a quick buck. That's why europoors should be banned.

Veeky Forums, /k/, and Veeky Forums are the holy trinity

Whatever you say, moneylet.

>tfw a dirty europoor asks for a ride because they can't afford cars


> Every time

Whatever you say Ahmed

shitskin, its you we dont like. keep the euros for all i care. but ban every ip from the middle east, africa, india, and every other shithole

Some anons were going to make a Veeky Forums clone with logins to get rid of the cancer. Only people who get to join the new board were people with a $20k+ stack, or being able to prove possession of a wallet older than 12 months.

This board is a shell of what it was even 4 months ago. The retardation is off limits. But rescue is on its way to get us the fuck out of here, so that the sub-70 IQs trading with lunch money can swim around in the sewer together, while we can have normal crypto discussions again.

ha, try 1M.

Oh, and of course auto-ban for any Indian IPs to make sure those crafty pajeets don't try to trick their way in by pooling all of their funds into one wallet.

The initial suggestion was only the 12 month requirement, but most people agreed that semi-newfags who got in mid-2017 who're holding $20k stacks deserve to be part of real discussions.

The ones destroying this board are the retarded normies trading with lunch money.

20k is lunch money to a non-late adopter though. the goal is removing the kinds of people that spam chainlink threads.

The cancer is in every thread. LINK became a victim of the newfags because of the memes.

People holding $20k now tend not to be too fucking retarded, and increasing that limit would make sure the new board would only have a few dozen people, which would suck. Then we might as well just sit on a Discord somewhere.