It's predicted that robots will replace human labors in future. Up to 50% of our job will be taken over. What will happen to the increasing amount of the unemployed?
It's predicted that robots will replace human labors in future. Up to 50% of our job will be taken over...
favelas or working the land in relatively primitive conditions?
Massive welfare state is the only plausible result
They'll all become gamers, long for and fund the development of virtual reality, and eventually I'll just upload everyone so I can stripmine the Earth into my ever-growing neural array.
It's either that or non-immortality. Personally I don't care which way you arrange your future atoms.
I imagine society will fragment into robot-users and people who want to work for themselves.
Will genocide be an option?
Genocide is always an option.
Its a good option too, as long as we target all those evil cis white males
No. When you're done computing yourself you'll be part of my cold storage archive. Death will not stop me from consuming your biomatter.
People will get a general income that sustains their life and they'll be free to do whatever.
A few elites will still work, not to survive but to break human boundaries and will essentially secretly rule the world
Basic income will disappear as soon as people realize they actually care to be something other than bored for the rest of eternity. It's not even a step in our evolution. There will be no elites/every post-monetary person will be elite and everyone will work to break boundaries. (The relevance of money to motivation being one such boundary.)
Thank you Mr. Nietzsche for your words
The majority of humanity will be rendered useless and slowly starves to death while their rich former masters laugh in their ivory towers.
I just want to comment
But the pun doesn't translate well to text.
>and everyone will work to break boundaries.
Top kek you fucking wish
99.9% of humanity will be useless bums living in virtual realities and shit
Pretty much. But thats not a bad thing
63.2%, to be exact.
I don't consider my digital ant farm to be human. It isn't foreign to my plans, but it isn't my only plan.
Workplace automation will increase unemployed but in a 20-30 years, not instantly. Automation will create new jobs associated with the machines operation and maintenance and there will be a huge need of a computer programmers and engineers. When machines start building and maintaining machines there will be unemployment crisis.
This tbqh robo senpai
Wages are how we give the masses the money to live. If we replace wage slaves with robot slaves then we will have to distribute wealth by other means.
In other words government checks. There will plenty of wealth to go around though thanks to cheap robot labor.
Basically this.
Guaranteed Basic Income
Being NEET will be an acceptable norm.
If we are lucky there will be an explosion of art and science, seeing as pretty much everyone will have huge amounts of free time
>implying new jobs won't be created
You don't hear about telecommunication operators nor scribes anymore
>literal fountains of uninspired, deviantart-tier shit flooding every medium and genre
True, but 90% of everything is always shit
The population will be culled massively as the grist is separated from the chaff and the New World Orderâ„¢ is emplaced.
We'll be gunning for 99.9999999999999% by the time we're done.
Nah itl still be 90%
Most people who don't actually work in science wouldn't do any actual productive science. They don't like science, they like science-y things.
Less people would be shoehorned into careers of convenience or necessity and would instead choose careers (or hobbies) of preference
Doubtful, presently you have to have money or legitimate talent to enter the arts and thrive there.
When every shitter can, the common denominator will become lower.
GBI might be enough to buy a microscope to look at samples of pondwater, but it won't be enough to set up a biochem lab in your basement and most hobbyists just want to, like I said, do science-y stuff that is cool, not do 500 trials of mixing the same two clear liquids.
Nice try, feminism.
Bernie 2016. Free money for life bruh
>Doubtful, presently you have to have money or legitimate talent to enter the arts and thrive there.
That helps but the arts also have lock-in effects that ensure there's always a few wildly popular crap artists in every medium.
Internet jobs such as Youtube creators, tax collectors, writers, ect will become more popular. Uncreative types will compete and lose to robots, leading evolution to start creating more creative people. Eventually all of human accomplishments will be youtube poop vids.
send the surplus population into space. where they can live in oneil cylinders and work as miners.
The idea of
>"we're GOING to create AI cuz scifi said so! It must be! Inertia! Inertia!"
Is a crapshoot of presuppositions... based on FICTION non-the-less
>"But... all fiction has come true!"
No, less than .000001% has come true
>"fuck you"
Oh that's mature.
Machines such because people suck.
We haven't even perfected the car yet.
No, there probably won't be any real decent AI that TOOK R JERBS.
More than likely we will replace customer service and electronic assembling, but that's it.
As humans we jump the gun due to egotism.
>Google builds self-driving crashmobile before humans even attempt to build a solid mobile
Same thing as before. The profits will 'trickle down' (meaning only the rich will benefit), and there will be lower employment rates. At some point we revolt, and get jobs again, despite there being less work to do. All in all it means you'll be spending lot more time doing nothing at your job 20 years from now, except you'll make slightly less.
You realize that you just constructed your own theoretical argument to knock down, using responses that nobody said and which are the least logical, to further your own point.
In a sense, it's as literally a strawman as it can get. If you're going to construct an argument for the opposition, really think about it and come up with the most persuasive one you can, and try to knock that down. Relying on "B-but muh X" and "Fuck you" as your opponent's hypothetical responses is disingenuous, illogical, and breeds both factionalism and greater inertia against changing your opinions.
baka baaaka
To be honest, with proper welfare and social constructs people would only work if they wanted to, and everyone could live an easy life if they wished. It would mean killing off capitalism though. And to be honest, if on one HAS to be motivated to work, then a socialist sociaty would not face the motivational issues of previous attempts.
BTW people were predicting and thinking about this shit in the 50's
>In a sense
It'd a pure and prime strawman. No need to package it nicely
No robotics will replace all forms of menial labor, all that will be left to be is some form of academic.
People will just design shit, robots will do the rest.
It'd be easier to use machines.
I've heard people say that in this situation though people would be motivated to do what they really want to do, rather than just taking a job to pay the bills. They've said that will increase productivity and overall happiness in society. Doesn't mean capitalism has to die, just that people won't be taken advantage of anymore.
Also, the world was a very different place in the 50s, you can't really trust what they said then for what might apply now, they didn't even have the Internet, which has irrevocably changed everything.
AI will do those better too
There won't be basic income
People will be left to die. More people will have a greater share then.
Greed never changes.
The unemployment might be transient. New jobs will eventually be created.
As more people stop engaging in the economy, it'll contract. The value of a dollar will go up, as demand goes down and supply goes up. To offset this, subsidizers will cut back, leading to a gradual reduction in industry and food production.
As more production ceases, supply will go down, further offsetting monetary inflation. While this is occuring, unemployment will increase as employers cut corners to maintain high profit margins.
So, very quickly you reach a point where most people are unemployed, and there's no reason to employ them, sell them anything, or engage with them at all. They become threats to the palace economy that emerges among the elite.
The unemployed will then converge into giant shanty towns, where a new economy will form. First world nations are unlikely to allow this, meaning most first worlders will wind up in a camp with no economic power whatsoever. Where the government isn't rich enough for camps, genocide will keep the weak in their place.
Slowly however, the technology that allows the Slaveless Plantation will trickle down. The less violent and centralized an area is, the quicker it'll adopt the new economy. Evolving out of a violent world that rewarded them for autonomy, the new economy will subvert nations which retain the old economy much like industrialism did.
The new economy will then wage war against the old economy, and will win just like the northen industrialists won against the southern plantation owners. Composed of independent cells, the new economy will win because a nation state is very fragile - note how easy it is to reduce Syria to rubble. Bomb the roads, the powerlines, and at that point there is no society - just warlords in bunkers.
Imagine the middle east or Africa, but with immortality and wireheading.
Yeah, jobs is the mysterious gas factory where no one ever comes back from.
that fucking pic
>be robot
>hold a clipboard
u wat m8?
To the people saying: basic income, vote Bernie, socialism will work this time! You guys are fucking retarded.
Once it is possible for all goods to be gathered, transported and served to us by robots, prices for almost everything will bottom out to nearly 0. As long as competitive market forces stay in play and there are competing robot companies, prices will be lower than ever before. On top of that there will be all kinds of jobs available that weren't available before.
Now there should remain a safety net to catch those who are temporarily unemployed, but this safety net will need to shrink rather than grow. We will be living in a time of as of yet unimagined abundance.
The majority (or a huge chunk) of humanity will be literally unemployable
You speak of robots as if it's ethical slavery, but it's just another tool or means of production. You take the means of production out of the hands of the people and everyone becomes poor and unemployed except the 1% who owns the robots.
On the otherhand if robots could somehow self replicate and were cheap enough that anyone could do it and own one so we'd all own the means of production for our society it's be a different story. We'd all become producers, we'd all have wealth. Even if it weren't monetary wealth, which is overrated in today's age.
alright alright all you idiots are talking about jobs and shit. but what about when robots start cucking us? females buy toys more than males do, and with the combination of teledildonics and sperm banks we're going to be cucked by robots. open your eyes people
please be bait
>means of production
Commie detected. Veeky Forums is a rationalist board, i.e. a capitalist board. Please go back to /x/.
But user, sexbots will be for men as well
Communism is rationalist, which is why it doesnt work. People are emotional, not rational
>muh memes of production
Robots won't take anyone's job.
Has this become a new meme? Posting this meme pic in every thread no matter how unrelated? Count me in.
>supporting small business is communist
I love how none of these fags even update it so that it stops greentexting "2013".
Stfu cucks. You are just another pack of singularityfags who think there will be some kind of massive replacement of humans by robots as soon as 2020. It's not happening.
Go to your local supermarkets, fast food stores, pet shops, clothes stores, literally anything and you won't see any robots. It is a singularityfag pipedream. Technological innovation has reached its peak.
>as soon as 2020
said literally noone in this thread
if this isn't bait, kys
Obviously that was hyperbole. They still will hardly replace anyone by 2100. Technology is visibly coming to a standstill.
There was a book by Brynjolfson and mcaffee which covered this quite condensed and realistically, i think. check it out
>Go to your local supermarkets, fast food stores, pet shops, clothes stores,
There are completely automated pizzerias, grocery stores, clothing stores, and even farms. Uber will replace it's drivers in 4 years, Dominoes has an expert going, I could go on. Machines are going to replace everyone
>Up to 50% of our job will be taken over. What will happen to the increasing amount of the unemployed
In 1900 most people were farmers... in 2000 almost no people were farmers. Farmers did not become "unemployed" they learned new skills and did different jobs. We Do NOT need 1000000 truck drivers/ bank tellers, phone operators, etc.
I don't get it. Why would the requests board have anything to do with futurology.
Oh, gee, living with over 80% unemployment today sure is tough, eh OP?
Because the requests exist *in the future*, along with all the other fiction futurists dream up.
>this tbqh
Learn to economics.
CGP Grey, the guy who made "Humans need not apply" got BTFO on this issue on Leddit actually. He didn't even know how to reply kek
He's MindOfMetalAndWheels
Nah it's ok, humans will find new jobs.
You don't have to prepare for something that is impossible.
Don't worry, continue to live paycheck to paycheck.
You're safe.
Automation is literally artificial humans.
Yeah, i'm sure there's historical precedents we can look up to predict how it'll turn out.
This actually. Humans will find new ways to be bored if the economy becomes autonomous.
There's no reason a poetry-based economy can't work, all humans are 100% equal cognitively so everyone can be a creative genius, no problem.
Now everyone can have a kawaii robot anime wife, if they can afford it. The future rules.
>tfw only applied math majors will not be replaced because we are the top of the foodchain
The actual product doesn't matter at all in art, that's why you see those 'paintings' that are just a canvas painted yellow or something but are worth millions of dollars.
This is the most likely scenario.
Whenever this comes up, I always say the same thing: look at Rome.
The Republic: There were citizens and patricians. The patricians owned land and buildings, the citizens worked for the patricians on their land or in their businesses (brothels, barbershops, taverns and so on).
The Empire: patricians realised that citizens were expensive, they cost a lot to employ compared to slaves. So thanks the the Empires constant warring and the steady flow of slaves that resulted everywhere in Rome citizens were replaced with slaves. The only upkeep slaves required was food, some clothes, and a small group of burly men to keep them in line with fear and intimidation. They were easy to replace and couldn't call in sick.
But there was one problem, the citizens in Rome couldn't find jobs, so they started to starve. Starving Romans riot, so the senate, the body of the patricians, decided that they would bribe the people with daily rations of wheat and wine. The citizens, no longer needing to work as they could just leech off the patricians, took to spending their days consuming entertainment (baths, games, plays) or spending their small welfare on goods and services, all of which were produced or provided by slaves. The money the citizens spent on this always went straight back to the patricians, who then gave it back to the citizens in a never ending cycle.
Well, it ended with the fall of Rome.
Where do you get new math from then? It feels good to be on top.
t. mathematician
Why do people NEED jobs at all in this case?
Seriously. Answer that. We're positing a time when ALL THE WORK will get done. Why do people NEED to make up work to do just so they're doing work? What work is going to be not getting done that people need to be doing?
And while you're at it, answer the question of why this is even so now. I look around and I see unemployed people but I don't see work that needs to be done but ain't getting done because nobody's doing it.
They'll become luddites.
What, the people who own automation will control everything, most people will be worth less then the cost to run the machine, which will always be more efficient then the best human at most tasks.
Factoring in resource hording there is no way things will become more accessible, quite the opposite.
Can't wait
Same thing that's happening in India, they'll flood the labour market, lowering the value of unskilled labour
Tax on robots that gets turned into unconditional basic income for the populace.
socialism, then gommunism
An alternative could be everyone owns (or is given) their own robot that goes and does labor. This is more like our current system; people with the wherewithal to improve and repair their robot could use that knowledge to make more money.
A total welfare state might not work within capitalism because everywhere there are subsidies today you find companies effectively capturing and nullifying those subsidies.