Life is trash if you aren't an instagram male model

This is happiness beyond anything you can fathom. It's impossible to appreciate how easy, stress-free, validation filled, and endorphin-releasing these lives are but we can guess.

They've escaped the rat race. No 40 hour weeks, no hours spent in traffic commuting, no deadlines to worry about, no essays to research, no projects to lose hair over. No forcing yourself to wake up early, force-feeding for energy even if not hungry.

You wake up at 10am after a full night of GH-releasing sleep. Your hair looks effortlessly styled even when messy. You eat your breakfast and take a shirtless selfie "cooking eggs!" "it's bacon time!" and post it to IG.

You put on a plain white tee and some jeans. You haven't shaved or showered and your wardrobe is as basic as it gets but NONE of it matters because your face just makes everything work. It's the uglies who agonize over which direction to style their hair or how much stubble to trim or what shirt to wear with what pants to look good. All irrelevant to you.

Then your ride comes to pick you up. A limo from the agency to take you to your photoshoot of the day. You spend 2-3 hours in good lighting with a female model, posing and cracking jokes with snack breaks in between. You collect your fat paycheck and head out.

In between all this you've gotten literally hundreds of IOIs from women - on the street, on the train, in the grocery store. The entire world is like a runway because women keep GAWKING at you. You have to hide a shit-eating grin - how can life be so amazing you wonder as you shake your head and laugh.

Now you go to the gym for some weight lifting and briefly glance at the bloated pimply moonfaces high-fiving each other over their 4 plate squats. You see a chick secretly snapping a pic of you from the corner of your eye but ignore it and laugh.


80th text message of the day comes in. It's the desperate chick from tinder who has messaged you 3 times in a row, begging you to be her FWB. You don't feel like smashing though and just want to play video games. This thought doesn't give you any second-doubts or cognitive dissonance or anxiety over turning down sex because pussy is a never-ending stream for you, a commodity.

Quick check on instagram - your unshaven unshowered selfie has 80000 likes with jailbaits posting kissy emojis and tagging their jb friends

"@kayley this is the guy i was telling you about!"
"future husband"
"@tiffanyyy @jessicaxo @amber92 ohmyfuckingGOD"

Another stream of endorphins release upon seeing this validation. The tenth time today. Better than any drug out there. Heroin without the side effects. You smile as your self-esteem is satiated. Your genetics are celebrated. You are intrinsically desired Women want you for you. Not your money or your social connections, then want YOU.

What - you think I am exaggerating? That no male's life is like this?.... I got news boyo, not only does this all happen, but it happens EVERYDAY. ALL THEY DO IS TRAVEL TO EXOTIC LOCATIONS, TRY NEW DISHES AT TRENDY RESTAURANTS, AND TAKE AESTHETIC PHOTOS

Que the incel wagecuck cope.

who gives a flying fuck


No, please stop. I'm going to die from second hand embarrassment from reading this shit


Back to lookism with all the other closet homosexuals shoo shoo

day ruined

damn OP. i don't even pray but i'm gonna say one for you tonight.

saw this thread a few months ago. it's funny because it's all true. most people on Veeky Forums will never know


this is some sort of sexual fetish for you op, right? because you do realise we're on a board where a bunch of us invested into btc or eth early on and now live a worry-free neet life. might not have hordes of teenage girls dying to be with us, but the whole wagecuck lament you allude to at the start just doesn't fit this board

How old is this copypasta if someone called @amber92 is supposed to be jailbait. Have autists actually been reposting this for the last seven years? sage

that sounds fucking awful. you'd be like a slave and you're value is always going down. intelligence is what's important for men.

they turn a blind eye because they think money is the one true salvation

these men experience a life behind our most whimsical dreams

sounds vacuous and meaningless

>giving up on life because of muh genes
I'm sure Jeff Bezos doesn't give a fuck and he's way more relevant than some cuckboys who got blessed with good genes

as expected, in the space of less than a minute the normies that populate this board desperately launch a blitzkrieg of cope to try and immediately discredit this obvious truth

im sorry lads, things aren't going to get better for you


ok biz. I end it today. Dubs confirm I shoot up a model agency downtown. This fagots deserve to die fuck them all fucking fagot fruitcakes and their Jewish bosses

hahha you are such a fucking coper

Jeff Bezos is addicted to acquisition of wealth and power. There is nothing about addiction worth romanticizing.

these guys live in an eternal state of bliss

Male model = fast road to gay prostitute.

Every year there's a crop. Always a little younger, always a little better.

Pretty soon, the phone stops ringing and you stop getting work. What's the solution?

Well, we all know what the solution is.

Completely agree. Also Instagram is complete cancer.


fuck off cuck

Literally all I want is to look like Chad. How much req and link do I need to be able to get lefort II and genioplasty by next summer?

says the one who bothered to make a post about male models


keeping you up at night, faggot?

now imagine you are an ugly overweight plainjain... that must fucking suck. Having model tier chad genetics is probably godlike, but if you fall into the 99% you still have shot via other qualities

literally cope: the replies


not an argument

so many redditors on biz now

>those prices


ETH was 30 cents and NEO was 3 cents at ICO. You'll find lots of people who "escaped the rat race". I started in June and have $500k now. I don't have to work. But I like my job you pleb. If you don't, then change job. If you're not skilled enough for that, learn something for 3 years or so. However, probably you're like any other kid these days who says " whenever I start something, I lose interedt quickly." Well you see those are problems but not problems of money. But EOS, ETH and NEO now and more likely than nit you buy yozrself a few years of free time, his way. Muh "escaped the rat race. You just have an unjustifued inferioeity complex and are perversly addicted to feeling bad about not being born a pretty girl

Am I on /r9k/ ?

Wtf is this?

What's with all the misc reposts lately?



holy fuck at the cope ITT

when did biz get flooded with redditors? the replies to this thread are crying wojak incarcinate

Nothing u said is wrong OP


Are you the same faggot spamming "ywn be chad" threads all day? You sound underage, so i don't really hold it against you, but for fuck sake, get a grip m8.
95% of the population are non-chads, it's really not that big of a deal. I would be more worried about being a brainlet than being a non-chad. Just go over to the nearest rekt/cringe thread to realise how lucky you are. Occupy yourself with fulfilling interests and stop worrying about shit you have no control over

Be happy with who you are, user. You’re looking everywhere else but inside yourself. Individuate.

you actually wasted your time writing this? given that you arent what you describe, why even bother posting it?

>Be happy with who you are, user
this is the most normie post i have ever read here

>Every year there's a crop. Always a little younger, always a little better.

This, ever year there is a new crop of young hotties. Out with the old, in with the new. All of these modelling chads better get financial advisors or get to know how to manage their money cause otherwise 99% of them are going back to their old jobs within five to ten years.

Pfff, this is a life of a hooker, they shine until 25 and end up in a dumpster. I would understand if you were shilling Leo di Caprio, but some instgram sluts? Nah man, you failed selling whatever youe tried to sell.

Why is everyone a cuck on this board?
I don't have the chad gens but i still have a GF and friends and i'm cool with it
Cope harder faggot

the normie floodgates have been well and truly open to Veeky Forums.

>be happy with who you are!
>get interesting hobbies!

do you not realise while typing this you sound exactly like a mother talking to her fat ugly son who she knows doesn't have a future with women?


>Veeky Forums - Business and Finance
Where do you fags who pine over this bullshit come from, and why don't you post it on /b/ or some shit


Kek, you're trying to project your delusion on biz
I assume you are some retard and ugly faggot and now you're trying to find validation in your point of view
Get out

the coping is unreal

I will never be good looking enough to be truly a chad, but still much better looking than average. I can assure you that the experiences these guys get daily are fucking amazing. Thanks to being a successful athlete in high school and college I had enough of them myself to tell you, they really are better than crack.

There is just nothing better than attractive girls vying for your attention, desperately wanting to give sexual favors so you'll like them, etc. If women *want to*, they can provide physical, emotional, and psychological pleasure all at once like you wouldn't believe. For chad, they will do it all day. For normal guys, never, not even if they're married to them.

I have been friends with a few true chads and can confirm it's a 95/5 rule also.

make sure im setting up my kid to be as beautiful as me.
>white woman
>above 5'6"
>8.5/10 or above only

the *only* thing that comes close is getting in Donald Trump's position, where you have such status, charisma, riches and power that you are treated like a chad, but by slightly older women.

The good news is, you have control of your body, finances, social skills, etc.

The bad news is, making it to the top 5% of guys is fucking hard.

tfw 6'5 with body of a fitness model + decent enough face but havent left parent's house in 6 months because of extreme social anxiety and aspieness

Literally more attractive than all of these men. 6'1. What do?

have you gotten your hormones checked? You may have low testosterone.

you stop larping on biz and go to a modelling agency

My social life are non existent, and my sex life comprised of craig list whores for about 6 years now. But i've adapted to this lifestyle, and went /comfy/. What's your end goal tho? You projecting your insecurities all over the place while calling others "redditors/normies" because they don't subscribe to your /r9k/ 'tism. You're stuck in a loop of self pity and bitterness. Take it easy, user

i'm on exogenous test since a year ago lmao. Steroids ruined my life in more ways than they improved it.

Found you OP.

I've done plenty of modeling (I'm male) I'm fit, decently good looking and photogenic. Less than 1% of 1% of male models make any money whatsoever, and very few can do it full time. Men arent a hot commodity for photoshoots like you think. Its usually just some photographers working on their portfolios willing to shoot you for free. Even if you manage to get published theres no guarantee anything will come from it. My life was the same before and after dabbling in modeling. The only guys who rise to the top are the gay ones or closeted ones willing to get on their knees and suck off editors and people with connections in the industry. Any random guy you see in a magazine likely had to do something gay af to get in there. Theres no shortage of guys wanting to get into modeling so they get taken advantage of. People want to see sexy girls in a magazine or website, not a guy unless you're a celebrity. Even guys with thousands of followers on social media get this treatment.

Its a (((pipe dream)))

how much?

I take 150 mg of cyp weekly, also 10 mg of ostarine a day because I am cutting and don't want to lose muscle mass.

What did you take user? What happened?

im already /comfy/ like yourself exept my vice is older whores from tinder. i just want to blackpill the newfags here who are so naive when it comes to looks.

these are the best threads for scaring away normies, they cant handle this sort of shit and dont want to hear it

I've modelled for agencies before. No longer interested in doing it. It's not all it's propped up to be.

I read OP and i'll tell you why
I use to be a pretty good looking little chad, plus confidence through the roof
All people were my friends, could talk to any girl and did.... Had enthusiasm and spark which girls love

Things changed as i got older, now I personally think i look 5x worse although sometimes ppl compliment my looks
My confidence has mostly gone to shit, i have a dead look in my eyes (thank you drugs) and am very boring. Nothing excites me and think about every day how much better my life would be if i had chad looks and girls adored me.
I can barely pull a fucking date on random dating sites, unless they are disgusting roasties which i won't bother with

NO way youre not a faggot

>im already /comfy/
sorry op, but we can all see right through you.

I have a model tier face and am 6'1, but I'm a basement dweller and overwieght because never worked out, and almost 25yo

>tfw couldve been a model if I got my shit early

just test e for 90% of the time, usually 200-250mg with some spurts of anavar or another mild injectable.

other than my physique nothing in life improved. Hairline receded. Crippling body dysmorphia. There's a reason you have guys who are 250+ pounds and still feel small. Gear makes it all worse. Got stuck in a negative feedback loop of feeling inferior, which generated social anxiety + depression. I did much better with women naturally, and was cold approached by them quite often. Things are worse now.

I think everyone should take a big 5 psychometric assay before considering steroids. If you test high for neurotocism they will fuck you up mentally like they did to me. Otherwise you'll probably be fine.

>scaring away normies
There's enough autistic shitposting on this board as it is to scare normies away. Endless pajeet/fat sergey/MOON/bloodshittingwojak threads are normie repelent. Take that shit to /b/ or /r9k/

What are you talking about Micaze-kun, most people on this board are newfags who came during the last fex months, me included.

*when I say naturally, I mean I did better with women before steroids.

also this whole thing led me into discovering the lookism crap, which has made me hyperaware of all my facial flaws and what not. It's truly a rabbit hole

but steroids are the only reason I discovered bitcoin and ether last year. So they are the only reason I'm on biz with a ton of money made from crypto

the faggiest post in the history of this board
OP sucks cock, no surprises

this is a common cope, you will see it everywhere in normie circles. any male that brings up the taboo topic of male physical attractiveness and its relation to quality of life will instantly be branded a 'faggot', most likely by the ugliest male of that group if you'll notice. The normie desperately wants to avoid the topic altogether especially in groups as it makes him uncomfortable.

whats interesting is i didnt bother replying to your first reply in which you asked 'why i bothered to make this thread', yet you have bothered to stick around and try and discredit me with some sort of lame attack

If you want me to spell it out for you, read works by Carl Jung, Joseph Cambell, Nietzche, Lao Tzu, etc. I N D I V I D U A TE or become a material slave and orbit circles in your mind and thus creating a neurotic black hole.

You honestly think being a model means anything? You’re a fool.

yeah, ive known guys at the gym that went on gear and fucked their arms up with stretch marks in just a couple of weeks. that shit will permanently fuck you up if you dont have enough self control.

You motherfuckers whine so much about looks, just spend your cryptogains on steroids and plastic surgery, it's not that complicated

Id imagine these guys probably do feel insecure around more masculine men who do more than just pout on instagram. Having a life full of effortless external validation isn’t that good for a only looks good for us since we are all starved of it.

thanks armchair psychologist
love your blog
now get off Veeky Forums, head to /lgbt/ or whatever

>You haven't shaved or showered and your wardrobe is as basic as it gets

what's with this place's obsession with not showering and grooming? Take a fucking shower you disgusting plebe.

nah, people keep bumping it, i dont filter threads. you definitely seem to have worse issues than the people you love crying "cope" to though, that much is clear.

*spend it on scientology

Thanks OP I’m gonna model

you think being attractive to women doesn't mean anything? you think a normal man can be content going through life un appreciated sexually? you're naive


These guys will never feel the satisfaction of getting success by yourself. The change of zero to hero is the absolute strongest drug release men can ever experience. And they're never gonna experience that. The power to show your powerlevel on demand is more satisfactory.

I'll trade 10/10 aesthetics any day to play life on hard mode. Fuck these filthy casuals.

how is that clear exactly?


they're probably also very short, at least under 6'2 or 6'3. even if you're one of those fat ugly beasts of a man you won't feel emasculated next to someone shorter than you.

>the attractiveness blackpill
>not the massive cock blackpill

I doubt these people are ever truly happy or content with their lives
>hurrr that's what a bitter virgin would say
No, it's the human condition. No matter how much you have you always want more. How much do you think it eats Chad1 up when Chad2 gets just a little more attention or a little more money. It probably eats him up inside, that he can't find any satisfaction in his life. "I have it all, why don't I feel fulfilled?". Nobody is ever happy with what they have, even the guys on top

i guess it depends on what you enjoy in life.

personally, i enjoy locking myself in my apartment for weeks and playing video games

IT means everything you delusional sheep
I'll tell you why, while you are reading books desperately trying to grab things to fill the void of not feeling 'there' or the greatest you can

The chad has a 10x advantage because he doesn't need to do that stuff. He has young pussy going after him all the time that he can feel good about himself with out needing to read those faggotry self help books, and seminars etc.

You would be amazed at the feeling you get when people like you more just because your looks. Even guys are friendlier with other guys that look better because their 'friend' can be a pussy magnet and hook them up. I've seen it with my own eyes, stay coping friend. It is better than not coping i suppose

this is another form of grade A cope

why has there never been a 9/10 male in the fields of science or philosophy, ever? Because they have no need for such distractions. They are fulfilling their biological purpose every day. Validation and reproduction. Life demands no more when those things come easy.

Mate, I lived that hedonistic life. It’s an endless void of insanity that spirals you towards hell. Mental Coalescence > all else.

these balkan or shitskin chads all have bad genes which will not serve them well. Duckface much? what a fucking joke stupid bitches wetting their knickers over these gayboys lol

I most likely have a better bod that this dickwad, but I'm not a faggot, so I don't own instagram. Not even jelly or tripping.

Not attractive enough for that but attractive enough to be flown to vegas 1-2 times per month for gay porn. Daddy would be proud

Read what I wrote above you fool.

Sorry but those guys only have a lifespan shorter than bitcoin. Will they look the same in 5 years and will they still be able to compete with the younger and stronger chads?

It's like no one thinks long terms. No wonder all these morons on this board panic sell and expect magic gainz in just one week.


if you stay healthy you can keep looking good for many decades. the whole point is the only people that think of it as a competition are the losers.

I've lived that life as well when i was younger and it was the greatest feelings of all time
I want nothing more than to have that transferred to me now

I guess some people are just more conscious about their looks than others. Some people it is engrained and they can't get it out of them selves no matter what they do (me)
Some people can be fat stupid slobs and be happy, confident, loud.... not me
(i'm not fat btw , p fit)