Did anyone actually get anything from that eth whale? Do the mods post these threads just to collect pajeet addresses?
Did anyone actually get anything from that eth whale? Do the mods post these threads just to collect pajeet addresses?
bermp for itnermest
Nope, no one got shit.
They just gather wallets and add them to software used to constantly monitor their balances, once any of them attains certain level of wealth a chain of events is unleashed, first automated crawlers to search the web for the wallet posted on the internet trying to gather information about the person behind it then comes the targeted attacks which aim to steal the target wallet's funds, some Twitter ecelebs might have experienced this
sounds a bit tinfoilhat to me, but fuck what do I know? Nothing .
Is that possible?
Absolutely, I'm actually updating the code on min right now.
Most of it is automated and trivial to do, now go search your wallet address on google
Kek. So I'll need to find out for myself
which is why I used a throwaway
Yeah i get that. Since it's only newfags replying to those anyways
fucking retarded, everyone uses a throwaway with 0 transactions
Other way around friend, you're assuming everyone is not retarded which is a fatal mistake. If that were the case the SEND X TO THIS ADDRESS TO RECIEVE 2X scams wouldn't make thousands of dollars daily
ETH is a good short right now
Sorry can you rephrase that in normie?
Thanks for the info given to this point in any case
Fuckings kikes, what do I do? Move coins to another address?
Also why do you imply it being dumb searching your own wallet on google? I would never do that of course, it's fucking pointless, but some idiot might and then what happens?
Sorry, I was asked to refrain from posting further by my sysadmin. I honestly thought you were off the clock Niclas.
Yes I received, 200 AUD in eth
actually? etherscan link?
Thanks for the answer user, good thing i used my shitcoin wallet
I hope you'll make it
Op here. It was all legit brothers. You guys do know you are the ones in control right?