"You're so smart user buying those coins to take care of our future...

>"You're so smart user buying those coins to take care of our future. I love you for being so ambitious and forward thinking."

Begone thot!

lol never tell your girl about your cryptos or you are fucked

>to take care of our future
>our future
My future, bitch!

>buys bitconnect

Never happening lol

>user, why must you always think about EVERYTHING in terms of economical value, you are materialistic and shallow

the IRL version ive experienced:
>you should sell some every now and then, the extra cash would be nice


>the extra cash would be nice
*frugality intensifies*

If she breathes....

>tfw it was my gf who first got into crypto and told me about it

>Bitch pulls out this
>Constantly gets in debt
>At the end of the month she's asking for an interest free loan from me
Sorry sweetie, this isn't working out

You smell LINK

>women in charge of being fiscally responsible

Disgusting. They are the ultimate consumerbots, filthy financial fiends that drain you of your hard earned money.

rame without the fucking flavoring

This is my life right now tbqh senpai

>gf is literally this supportive and loving and think magic internet meme money is hilarious
>just wants me to be happy

Feels good, man. It really does.

This should have been me but my ex actually ended up hating me for crypto. I went 3000% above my principal with 70 trades, but it doesn't fill the void inside me left by the scars of love.

her doc only had one tube of botox left?
where the fuck's her upper lip?

Looking forward to hearing you rage in a few years on here user. I'm guessing this is your first long term relationship. Don't worry, you'll learn the lesson eventually.

Same in my case, although she also tried to shill some coins to her mom and aunt, lol. I mean, I have a career, this is just a lotto ticket.

>met sweet girl while caring for stray raccoons
>she knows how to care for them and thinks they're really cool
>she does a lot of volunteer work with strays and farms as well
>take each others virginity
>eventually marry
>money is tight, but I eat protein powder and ramen for two years to save as much money as possible
>feed her decent, but we don't go out and cook everything (except one meal a month)
>manage to save about 50k over a two year period despite her being in school
>she came from a very wealthy family, but scrimped with me because she said that she trusted my vision and financial responsibility
>tell her one day that "hey, we're about to invest a lot of money in something that is very risky, but has a lot of potential for money as well"
>"don't worry, user. I trust you :)"
>unreal gains
>she thinks I'm a wizard
>discover LINK

We're either going to hell in a handbasket or completing the financial equivalent of a hail marry.

>7 year relationship
>Has been loving and cool even when I was a total poorfag
>still really suportive and loving as I chase my dreams while working a crappy job

I don't know bro. Not saying it's perfect but we gel pretty good. I was a real piece of shit for a while too. She definitely deserves better.

If shit falls apart ina few years then that's life. Prolly really easy to say now but come and go from our lives all the time


Thata girl, I'll take us to the moon baby

>She definitely deserves better.
She gets it on the side from Jamal. He dicks her while you play with imaginary money.

nice larp