Did any of you faggots go to Anarchapulco? What was the general sentiment around Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash?
Did any of you faggots go to Anarchapulco? What was the general sentiment around Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash?
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Can someone give me a quick rundown on this meme?
Maybe this will help.
Still don't get it
Mother fucker... Core devs were suppose to be there to debate and ALL cancelled. I was really looking forward to this debate! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Google le happy merchant
Still dont get it quit being a fuckhead and explain it. Pretty please.
With ____ you lose!
>cannot be unseen
what have you done?
You're going down a rabbit hole friend, one you'll never return from
Is this loss?
type reddit.com in your address bar and never return.
fucking /pol/ i swear
*handrubbing intensifies*
before pol it was a key on your keyboard, after pol it reminds them of their favorite anti-semitic stereotype (the > being the nose). All because they caught the disease of anti-semitism from /pol/. Their view of the world is horribly twisted, their ability to reason forever poisoned, they will never be socially accepted or loved. It's pretty sad really
>bald spot
>free air
>cold hands
>they will never be socially accepted or loved
>implying that's a bad thing
are you a norm
Yes, listen to this goy! Anti-semitism is everywhere and jewish people are definitely not vastly over-represented in the media. Indeed, please do not state this fact to anyone, as it is definitely untrue and very anti-semitic. Thanks goys!
Retard, jews are over rapresented in every segment of (intellectual) human activity, i dont se you /pol/fags complaining about how there are to many jews in science and how they contributed just too much to humankind through society... Fuck of
of waht?
>Contributed just too much to humankind
Care to name a few? I'd actually like to be enlightened. Also, I never doubted their intelligence, and it is their intelligence combined with their extremely tribalistc mentality that makes me wary of the powerful ones.
Also, the jewish people are overrepresented in the media by a factor of 2,000%. Can you name another area where jews are overrepresented by that much amount, or any other race for that matter?
>Can you name another area where jews are overrepresented by that much amount
They are over represented there, but not by 2,000%
This was so obvious and stupid I didn't expect it to be that. I expected something more clever.
Nothing of value was gained from this meme.
Clearly wasn't that obvious or you're just stupid.
>he pretends an insular group with strong disdain for the outgroup won’t use their disproportionate power to their own ends and at the expense of the larger host group, and pointing this out is totally fine with the insular group
I wonder who could be behind this post?
What? /pol/ is shit. Veeky Forums is shit. reddit is shit. The Internet is shit. And why? Because it's full of drones living in it like in thte fucking matrix.
History is antiJewish.