Tfw you're doing a master's program in biology and your lecturer is using silly cartoons and comic sans in her power...

>tfw you're doing a master's program in biology and your lecturer is using silly cartoons and comic sans in her power point presentation



more like
literally the worst part of biology

What did you expect. All of the biology people I've met are tumblr tier women who still have the mind of a 15 year old girl.

Ask your lecturer what her tumblr is. I bet you she has one.

Why do you even go to class?

Without ecology we wouldn't have discovered T aquaticus, and wouldn't have PCR. Shit making just Taq polymerase is like an million dollar per year industry.

>lecturer has personality
>she likes cute things
>that means the entire field of biology is terrible

more like


try higher

that's more biotechnology than it is ecology.

she's more like your grandma that doesn't know what a computer is.

T aquaticus, the bacteria from which Taq polymerase comes from, was discovered as a side effect of doing studies on the ecology of bacterial communities in hot springs at yellowstone national park.

>replying seriously to bait responses
this madness needs to stop

>discovering the bacterium is ecology
>discovering the enzyme is genetics/molecular biology
>studying the enzyme is biochemistry
>producing the enzyme in larger ammounts and developing PCR is biochemistry/biotechnology

So everything is an important part of an interconnected process?

the cutesy pics are fine, in fact welcomed occasionally
comic sans however
completely inexcusable


I have a math professor that does this. I kind of wonder if it's just to troll people... proofs in comic sans in bright coloured letters...

Could be punishment, you know.

German? Perhaps from Preussen?

yes german.
also, here's another beautiful slide.

You niggers don't know about my dark blue background with yellow arial.

>not learning elliptic curve cryptography from brightly coloured overheads on an old projector

is this real? doesn anybody believe this looks professional?


You realize your classes are probably full of women who didn't get into a PhD or MD? So the cartoons make sense

i don't know exactly how your systeem in the us works, but here you need to have a master's degree before you can start your PhD.

in germany it's bachelor (3 years), master (2 years), PhD (3 years).

Ah well... that sucks then

Here in the Great (and soon to be Made Great Again) USA you can skip right from Bachelors to PhD if you get accepted.

>you can skip right from Bachelors to PhD if you get accepted.

what a fucking joke heh

Ya I know its hilarious. All of those Euro brainlets have to waste their time doing a babby masters while us American's can get right down to business with the good stuff.

so an amerilard phd is on the same level as a yuropean msc

some great education you guys have, good going

>that absolutely terrible jpeg compression
Your lecturer must be put down.