Anyone here have Veeky Forums gf? If not describe your ideal qt.
Anyone here have Veeky Forums gf? If not describe your ideal qt
My gf is MechE. She's about to graduate and I bet she'll get a job quick cuz the "we need more women in STEM" shit. proud of her though.
shouldn't it be P instead of Q?
literally all the cuties are in bio. I'm physics and all the girls in my classes are a fright
I want to kiss her
my ideal qtsci study in a research
my ideal qtsci is smart
my ideal qtsci likes art
my ideal qtsci haven't been at the church
my ideal qtsci is cute
my ideal qtsci has her hair obscure
my ideal qtsci is secure
my ideal qtsci has pink nipple for sure.
oh man.
sounds nice
A lot of physics students are cancer
my sciqt is tall
my sciqt doesn't wear much make-up
my sciqt works in a lab
my sciqt likes movies
my sciqt likes staying in more than going out
my sciqt is confident
my sciqt has a big ass
my sciqt is cute
>tfw no qt algebraic geometry gf
are math girls autistic too?
do they feel the same thing we do?
do i have a chance?
idk man, i feel the same way but im tired of feeling down. I'm literally just gonna ask enough girls out until 1 says yes.
>tfw no Julia Galef gf
Why should I continue living again?
> I'm literally just gonna ask enough girls out until 1 says yes.
this is a science board and everybody surrenders to statistic.
She plays her looks and knows it. Hungry guys pander to her for being able to internalize some basic logic rules (of which she does as they had to be fundamental truths of the world)
>my sciqt is tall
manlet detected
>my ideal qtsci is secure
brainlet detected
having an insecure gf sucks
6'1 bubby
My ideal qtsci works in another field because I don't want to talk about my work in my relationship
my ex girlfriend asked me every weekend if I love her, what are the reasons I love her and she asked to my friends if they saw me with another girls.
so... insecure chicks sucks!
I know but I don't care. She at least seems smarter than the average female.
>tfw you've already met your ideal qt but she lives 3000 miles away
I agree, insecurity is unattractive.
I claim her as my qtsci waifu
>tfw you've already met your ideal qt but she lives in 2D
Whoever this sci qt from The Universe show is.
And? Everyone knows 6' 4" is manlet cutoff
>this is what 6' 7" manlets think