Is there a reason why Kenyan children don't pass the mirror test by the age of six when other children do?
Is there a reason why Kenyan children don't pass the mirror test by the age of six when other children do?
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Difference in culture as user stated previously
uhm, those are chimps, not Kenyan children
How come animals aren't "clever" enough when they can't recognize themselves in a mirror but for African children we have to make up silly excuses about their culture not being about individuality? Maybe animal culture is also about being part of a large social group so that's why they don't pass? It sounds ridiculous when you try to think objectively about animals, so why can't we think objectively about humans?
>lol don't be silly xD
>be objective xD like me
It's sad how some people always find a way to get facts to fit into their narrative to prevent contradiction of their preconceived notion of things.
It's also sad how other people will disregard the facts for the very same reason.
It's also sad how these people can't keep up with the increasing vagueness of arguments and end up contradicting themselves because of their obvious lack of understanding of emergent properties.
>implying he contradicted himself
>implying he isn't right
Quit detracting from the OP. African children don't pass the the mirror test until they're far older than other children. And could be used to explain the reasoning used in the video.
>axiom: all races are equal in intelligence
>African children shows sign of being less intelligent/self aware than other children
>mental gymnastics, hand waving, and perfectly "good" excuses
>preconceived notion of things successfully defended against facts
I think you missed that African children pass the test in western countries.
The conclusion is
So you alter science becouse you dont want to be racists? Thats not how it works.
Yes, niggers have no soul
>Magpies, orcas, and asian elephants and white children from 18-24 months recognize their reflection in the mirror because of their culture
>This is concluded! You're not allowed to question it!
wew lad
But muh society
Ants also have a society, but no soul.
it's obvious that they are unevolved. Just like all niggers are, worse than animals. We can then reach the conclusion that lighter skin means greater intelligence, because science says so. Which then means that Slavs are all very intelli... Never mind, I just remembered that Slavs are subhuman. Excuse me.
>Slavs are subhuman
because they're undeveloped?
According to this logic North Koreans are genetically inferior to South Koreans
>I think you missed that African children pass the test in western countries.
[Citation needed]
And I already searched for this.
Obvious test of hypothesis: what then about western children living in Kenya?
Kenyan mirrors are shit. That is all.
wow, this is truly pathetic mate
Genetic superiority?
Or just high activity levels at high altitudes from a young age combined with rigorous training?
>Is there a reason why Kenyan children don't pass the mirror test by the age of six when other children do?
Why are you asking this question? You posted a video that just explained the reason to you.
If the answer they gave isn't sufficient then do your own fucking research and stop being a lazy asshole who trolls Veeky Forums to start bait threads.
>I ran out of arguments.
Keep on running.
>tfw asians are the smartest human race
Why don't you serve your chinese overlords like any mediocre intelligent being would do? Or are you a dumb nigger who refuses to accept his inferiority?
I'd be uncomfortable too if I found out I was black
Just to be clear, Africa is the most genetically diverse continent. What is true in Kenya isn't necessarily true anywhere else in Kenya.
>being this triggered
>The reason animals don't recognize themselves in mirrors is because, according to scientists, they lack "self-awareness"
No you are correct. The video gave such a bullshit answer
>When the animals don't pass, it means they don't understand self-awareness
>But wait...niggers don't pass either
>That would mean niggers are dumber than animals
>Hmm...better find a cultural excuse with no viable means of proof
>Ah here we go: Kenyans are collectivists. That should do it
This is modern biology.
Hypothesis: they just cant see themselves in the mirror because they're darkies
the mirror test is the most unscientific-but-still-accepted-in-its-field thing i've ever seen. and of course, it comes from biology, the king of soft sciences.
>birds and literal chimps pass mirror test
>little niglets fail the exact same test
m-muh culture
>it's a "/pol/ attempts to gain some intellectual backing for their racist beliefs" thread
Don't forget to defend subhumans on your prefered social media platform.
Only YOU can us us make the list of traitors to execute !
Virtue signaling, for a better tomorrow.
We're literally just discussing the video you fucking faggot.
Blacks cannot recognize themselves in the mirror while every other race can but we're supposed to pretend they should go to college. It's funny.
>it's a Veeky Forums is afraid of being construed as racist for processing empirical data thread
kenyans are so smart the question everything from the day they were born.
You cannot show a kid a new to them piece of technology and expect them to understand what they are looking at.
These Kenyan kids don't have a mother sticking them in front of a mirror everyday saying "that's you! Can you see yourself? That's [insert name of spawn here]! Your so cute. Yes you are."
The African kids have no perspective because it's there first fucking experience with the device.
kek, this
>question that might have an answer that's offensive
>"fucken leave my board you neo nazis!"
not saying this isn't a thinly veiled /pol/ thread though.
all I'm saying is when a stormfag makes a claim or implies something, it's better to actually try to refute it than just take the tumblr approach and demand they stop talking.
when you tell a stormfag he shouldn't say something it only strengthens his belief that what he's saying is correct
>guns handed to Muslim baby
>he stands up and mutters something about dictatorships and virgins
>shots fired, infidels slaughtered, baby is screaming allahu akbar
>b-b-but it's his first experience with the device!
>I think you missed that African children pass the test in western countries.
Maybe, but to play devil's advocate. Every African-Americans family tree has a few snowballs in their coal bin if you get my drift. How would counter that argument?
But corvids and chimps can.
Different species of chimp have different abilities I guess.
so what you're saying is that actual chimps learn more quickly than little dindus?
I believe it
>being this lazy
I can't tell you how many threads I had to spoon feed anons information concerning various topics. This is on top of pointing out fallacies in their arguments.
You bet I'm triggered motherfucker, It's fucking 2016, people should learn to flex that mammalian brain of theirs a bit more and do the research themselves.
but it's not even by species. it's some small group (in comparison with the species) within a species.
Adult bonobos in a zoo with no doubt access to a reflecting pool are being compared to six year olds with no access to reflecting materials.
And yes, I'm sure full-adult bottlenose dolphins are smarter than six year olds (both white and African) in many ways.
The fuck are you even talking about?
It was a joke.
Africans have mirrors and reflective surfaces
People all over the world and all throughout human existence have seen their reflections in pools of still water
Most Africans live in cities and have homes with electricity, yes they are small shacks and the electricity is powering some lights and a clock radio but they're aren't running around the jungle naked
You liberals are funny you deny scientific truth and infantilize nonwhite peoples yet you'll always claim to have the moral high ground and always run to a sociological explanation when science doesn't fit your worldview
Not that user but African Americans have been an established population in the west for nearly 500 years. Who have not only been bottlenecked from their original source population but have predated and been tied to American culture (and by proxy western culture) for so long that their historic links (outside genetics) to Africa is almost superficial at this point despite doting on their "roots" on many occasions.
Genetics doesn't work the way you think it does
Isn't japan even more collectivist than Kenya? In fact, aren't asian countries in general prided on being collectivist? The chinese are to the point of sadism.
Why do we have to inject lefitst rhetoric into what should be a simple statement about racial intelligence? Africans are genetically more likely to be fucking retarded.
They're retarded, even Bonobos are probably more collectivist than Kenyans
Aren't blacks less likely to pass the "marshmallow test" too?
I'm black and I'm pretty curious why we're so fucked
>"marshmallow test"
Is that where you keep yourself from thinking about the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?
The video op posted only mentioned western and Kenya children.
Where are you getting your information that indicates japan and china passed too? As a matter of fact a lot of people in this thread seems to be working on the assumption that everyone else outside Kenya (and assumed other african countries) children passed the mirror test similar to western kids.
Post the sources to prove this is the case. Otherwise stick with the information at hand.
the Stanford marshmallow test
> In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards (i.e., a larger later reward) if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned.
>In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI), and other life measures
If you're talking about that shitty video on youtube where the black girl ate the marshmallow before the person could even finish what she was say about the test then that doesn't even count.
The kid wasn't paying attention to the lady at all.
>niglet failing to follow instructions
yeah, not indicative of anything
More psychological pseudoscience, I would put very little stock in any of this shit and instead look at the performance of individuals rather than how they score on tests
>follow instructions
That would imply she was listening in the first place. As I said she ate it before the lady could finish speaking.
The only thing she failed at was using her ears to fucking listen. If the marshmallow was poisoned she be dying on the spot and wouldn't have a clue why.
>The only thing she failed at was using her ears to fucking listen. If the marshmallow was poisoned she be dying on the spot and wouldn't have a clue why.
sounds like what happens when a dindu commits and crime and then fails to listen to the officers who respond
Cool it with the racism and you might be taken more seriously okay?
dont you think that the faggot in the video would have claimed that asians failed too instead of saying "muh collectivism"
its an easier explanation than that scapegoating bullshit. i'm going to assume that they were the ONLY ones who failed, and the skinny leftist twinks needed a sociological explanation for why, instead of facing the reality
just like always :^)
you are spewing sociology drivel because like any good goyim academic you're terrified of being accused of racism
dark skinned people are dumber on average than light skinned people. that's not racism, it's a statistical fact
The degree to which intelligence is heritable is highly debated and I would look to the Korean Peninsula for answers
South Koreans have amongst the highest IQs in the world, their nation is one of the nicest in the world, they are a worldwide leader in tech and Pharma and heavy industry
North Koreans on the other hand live in extreme poverty, almost everyone is illiterate, they live in old rundown housing in the cities and the rural people engage in subsistence farming
Yet North Koreans and South Koreans are genetically the same
>Next, Broesch and her team took their test to Fiji, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Peru, Canada and the USA, where they tested 133 children aged between 36 to 55 months. The performance of the North American children was in line with past research, with 88 per cent of the US kids and 77 per cent of the Canadians 'passing' the test. Rates of passing in Saint Lucia (58 per cent), Peru (52 per cent) and Grenada (51 per cent) were significantly lower. In Fiji, none of the children 'passed' the test.
Well hey, dark people are stupid. Who knew?
Koreans have the same genetic potential. No one ever said that environmental factors can't retard or diminish working intelligence. There's no one so genetically gifted that lead poisoning wouldn't ruin their intelligence. But when you start the game with a lower IQ, the odds of you finishing with a lower IQ are much greater
Can we end this thread now? I thought you were supposed to be a smart board Veeky Forums bit turns out that you're actually just /pol/ tier
>native Kenyans and modern day African Americans are genetically identical
4/10 you tried
>citation needed
Does anyone have a source / citation for this? I see the claim regularly, but I never see a proper source on it. And I'm not clicking a youtube link.
Explain how within 500 years by not even really mixing up races you can change genetic code so much that you go from not recognizing yourself in the mirror at 6 to becoming self aware at 18 months and how you reach the exact same level of intelligence as every other race and why if it's that easy to genetically manipulate intelligence 18 months is the limit
Read the thread?
African Americans come almost exclusively from West Africa, a small region of west Africa too comprising the modern day nations of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin
They are as genetically distinct from Kenyans as Irish are from Greeks, possibly more so
I know the claim is bullshit. I'm just wondering where it came from. And I'm not clicking some shitty youtube link.
Human evolution happens far quicker than most people assume, especially within the brain
The advent of civilization has rapidly sped up our evolution
Well seeing as Kenya is located on the Eastern coast of Africa I don't think many of them were part of the North Atlantic Slave Trade, so current day African Americans are not likely to be descended from them
Kenyans are just stupid, even by dindu standards
what difference does this make
So what you're saying is, to test this, we need to show mirrors to chimps in America and to white kids in Africa?
Am I understanding this correctly Veeky Forums? This will prove whether it's genetic, right?
You answer precisey none of the questions and even then you're not even providing any proof.
Human intelligence hasn't changed that much actually. If you took a prehistoric child an raised it in modern society it would be just about as smart as modern children.
No doubt on average we got smarter but what's far FAR more significant on our society advancing are the ways we teach children. And I'm not even talking about culture. I'm talking about fundamental simple insights in fields like math that if taught at a early completely change how children view the world today compared to back then that even though say Pythagoras was definitely a one of a kind genius he'd still be a bumbling retard who can't grasp the concept of I dunno exponentials if you showed him and wouldn't be able to wrap his mind around it.
That is correct. Now consider the living conditions of Kenya. Consider the living conditions of Fiji, Peru, Saint Lucia, etc.
South Korea: Very intelligent, good conditions.
North Korea: Low IQ, very bad conditions.
Same genetics.
Kenya: ?????
Are you, perhaps seeing the pattern here. It's fine if you don't, you can keep shouting about how blacks are /genetically/ inferior.
Maybe if you shout long enough, people will forget disease and malnutrition and stunted growth are things.
Thank you.
> same genetics
You know theres a huge genetic difference between black genetics and the remaining races right ? You know black people living in ridiculously good conditions don't end up intelligent right ?
Keep up the strawman though. Shitposting seems your only method of communicating
Nah. If you're gonna call a "strawman" and shitposting, I don't really see this line of conversation going anywhere meaningful.
I'm gonna gracefully bow out now, you're free to hold tight to your convictions and never change them.
Instead of debunking his argument you start posting memos and just pretend what he said is just stupid.
This reminds me of a group of people fighting for woman's rights. Do we check privileges on Veeky Forums soon?
> dont you think that the faggot in the video would have claimed that asians failed too instead of saying "muh collectivism"
> its an easier explanation than that scapegoating bullshit. i'm going to assume that they were the ONLY ones who failed, and the skinny leftist twinks needed a sociological explanation for why, instead of facing the reality
Well apparently thanks to , said faggot in the video didn't and now YOU look like a complete retard because you failed to post a source to show the mirror test done in other countries.
All I wanted was a source to verify this was the case and not play around with just "assumptions". Instead you wanted to take the easier way out, jump to conclusions and go on some mini political tirade.
While that doesn't include data for asian countries like china and japan, I still appreciate you posting a source instead of just working on assumptions alone like some other anons.
But now the issue is why does the stats for passing spread in such a way (as the guy in op's video stated it's a continuum)? Because even if it's lower compared to the US and Canada, Saint Lucia and Grenada have a high portion of blacks that pass the test in higher numbers than the Kenyan children.
>Well hey, dark people are stupid. Who knew?
It's hard to say the passing of the mirror test is strictly tied to cognition since reported IQ scores in the Caribbean countries like Saint Lucia and Grenada are roughly on par with African countries.
because you accept things a youtuber says as fact. he probably did a quick google search, didn't fact check anything and didn't communicate what he read correctly in his video.
if a kid doesn't recognise itself in a mirror, when it's six years old, it's probably retarded. kids can go to school at that age!
pic related, it's what six year olds look like
>if a kid doesn't recognise itself in a mirror, when it's six years old, it's probably retarded
I see what you did there