Post your face when trump just blew up your portfolio by starting a trade war


Eh? Trade war would be awesome for crypto. Fuck off shareblue faggot.

link to article?

Fuck off stockfag. My investment will moon.

I cashed out this morning. Crypto here I come!



beware the ides of march

i don't care as long as he fucks over the chinks

thats in 14 days u dumbfuck

Isn't he coming for the guns too though?



Reaction is always going to worse than reality. "ELITES" with agenda have been pushing for full free trade with no punishment for abusers like China. Therefore the economists overpump how bad a trade war would be to scare politicians.

This 500 dip might be a buying opportunity if you time the low. NAFTA blowing up is another buy opportunity too.

rome didn't collapse in a day


I'll give patterns you can see

Trump election - down 1000, experts saying never recover
Brexit - market goes nuts downwards for a few days

The economists make it sound scarier because of their own belief system. Therefore the scared sellers are higher in number than you would imagine with unbias analysis.

I would not worry about this few days of move

>runs on deportation and rights
>pleads for DACA spics, gun bans
I should've voted for Clinton, Putin would've glassed the swamp by now.

fucking animals in this thread

stfu monkeys, Trump is playing 4d chess

>tfw trump takes the american inbreds guns away
haha get fucked burgerboys

More like 1d chutes and ladders.

Friendship ended with outdated stock market, now CRYPTO is my new best friend. Thanks Mr. Trump!


Trump is another Jew puppet.

Kek, he's stuck playing tic tac toe.