Why does Veeky Forums think that psychology is bullshit?
Why does Veeky Forums think that psychology is bullshit?
Because the axiom of choice disproves free will
Because it is
Such strong language OP. We don't think that at all.
It's simply not a framework for generating and testing hypotheses, therefore it isn't science. It isn't invalid, it isn't a waste of funding, and it isn't never worth discussing, but it does all boil down to analysis of statistics and correlations.
Although to be perfectly fair, sometimes people do create hypotheses relevant to the field of psychology and they do carry out a rigorous study of some aspect of that hypothesis. This is rare, though.
Actually it PROVES free will.
Psychology is a science. There are just different levels of mental disease and with other sciences it can be more black and white. I think psychology is one of the more interesting sciences.
Psychology just requires more intelligence and effort to be able to deduct any valid research from.
I don't know if it is intelligence and research as more as it is the diagnoses and expansion of disease spectrums with mental illness.
Psychology is good as a hobby to read about, but making it your main major and take classes about it is bullshit.
Explain that to the mass that needs therapy for depression, paranoia, aspergers, anxiety, body dismorphia, or any other mental state that was discovered thru psychological research. Yeah,... I'm sure it's just bullshit and useless to help others.
Veeky Forums is psychologically predisposed to think that psychology is bullshit.
>Why does Veeky Forums think that psychology is bullshit?
Trouble replicating the results of crucial experiments and the fact that its "truth" changes based on public opinion. I won't say that it can -never- become a valid field, but it's nowhere close right now.
Being used to help others doesn't make something less bullshit.
>Why does Veeky Forums think that psychology is bullshit?
Because Veeky Forums is full of high schoolers who literally think the guy you have pictured is at all relevant to modern psychology, and, relatedly, that psychiatry = psychology.
Because they try to make you happy, and happiness is bullshit.
Sigmund was a fag
It's not all bullshit. It's just closer to "bullshit" on the scale of "well demonstrated" vs "bullshit" compared to other areas of modern scientific inquiry.
Because it lacks falsifiability, reproducibility, and is based almost entirely on confrontation bias on the part of the practitioner and self fulfilling prophecy on the part of the patient
desu, I don't even think anyone on Veeky Forums could name three significant psychologists - Freud not included.
Terrible repeatability and predictability. Fame based on emotional angle of experiment rather than result.
And when its not clinical research and there is no patient?
i don't think it's bullshit, i just think it's still in the "striking blindly at the darkness" stage of science when there isn't a single strong theory that guides all experiments in the field
as it is, the effects it studies are so small-effect and either weakly genetic or hideously polygenic that i just don't trust the results. plus, it doesn't help that a lot of the people in the field use some dodgy statistics
It's not science. A art maybe, but not a science.
What is the point of psychology when we have psychiatry?
Because academic psychologists follow this protocol:
1.) Form an opinion based on common misconceptions or a wild irrational non-sequitur beliefs
2.) Conduct surveys with strange language so you can manipulate the data while recording it in order to reach a preconceived conclusion
3.) Use confirmation bias
4.) Encourage other members to believe it with pseudo-news campaigns, etc... claim consensus
5.) Use words like "could" "may" "implies" "might" "will hopefully" while also encouraging readers and other academics to accept the data and disregard the requirement for predictability and peer-review
Because field psychologists follow this protocol:
1.) See patient
2.) Hold presuppositional judgements based on the fact they're there to see you
3.) Jump to conclusions and use hasty generalizations
4.) Use bulverism and circular logic
5.) Lie to patients about what you think, believe and are accusing them of on paper
6.) Gossip about the projections you made about your patients; dehumanize them and claim you "proved" their issues with circular logic and confirmation bias
7.) Use "appeal to the DSM" fallacies, arguments from ignorance, etc...
8.) Call all people that question your tactic of jumping to conclusions by calling anyone that questions your or the common issues in your practice/field of study crazy, delusional and paranoid
9.) Spend decades trying to cover up abuses and proof of the "confirmation bias issues" within your field
10.) Repeat common misconceptions and outdated beliefs in your field even though you're supposed to be an educated academic
1.) No positivism or falsifiability
2.) 5150 institutionalization is guilty till proven innocent
3.) Circular reporting and quote mining is considered okay
4.) Projecting and confabulating is considered okay
5.) Denial about the environmental issues causing pain
6.) Victim-blame/shifting blame
Psychiatry is no better.
I once met a psychiatrist that lied about me to my face and made up all sorts of accusations... within 60 seconds of meeting him.
He did all the talking, accused me of not having any coping mechanisms, fund of knowledge, being emotionless and too emotional at the exact same time, etc.
He then stated I told him all of this.
He did this in public at a Starbucks and people just stared at him.
He went on psychotically smiling and laughing to himself talking about how he just proved I had a chemical imbalance.
Yes, he was a real psychiatrist.
Yes, most of them are that psychotic.
For most people, yes. It is one of the most popular majors, and, frankly, the majority of them don't have the talent for it.
Shit, you got me.
How did all of that happen in sixty seconds? I'm calling bullshit user.
Psychiatry is the problem.
Psychology is just science.
is that climate science? I can't tell the difference.
Most medical doctors, EMT/EMS people, and nurses are some of the most psychotic people I've ever met. I suppose you have to be to do those types of jobs. The ones that are not usually quite after a few years and/or have a mental breakdown because they have empathy and they can't handle it doing those sorts of jobs.