Prove this wrong

prove this wrong

looks like a tier list made by a cs major who spends too much time on Veeky Forums

Calculus is a subset of Analysis

Game theory and everything derived from it are extremely useful in many situations



This is pathetic.
Please find something better to do with your time.

I think best math is the one that does not use letters.

Geometric topology and differential geometry are much more useful than whatever else "geometry" signifies. Demote chaos theory as it is a meme. I'm curious why you rate abstract algebra higher than topology.

Topology is only really useful in furthering the development of other areas of mathematics as far as I'm aware. Same with abstract algebra. You can study other integral domains using abstract algebra and the field computer science couldn't possibly have its needed algebraic systems. But it really should be in the group of useless mathematics since you can't compute any thing with it.

First, define "usefullness".

I feel like this list was made by a NEET who do nothing but lurk Veeky Forums, read some math books and "feel superior" than other people.

Category theory is useful in CS.

If it uses number it isn't math

>topology in bottom tier
wew I see somebody didn't do well in that class

meant to quote OP

>anything math being god-tier

You're thinking of engineering.

>differential equations
>linear algebra
>god tier
You seem to like boring plug n chug stuff, fag.

>based on usefulness
there are very few practical applications of it. hell, even outside of it's own field it's not very useful even in the theoretical sense. I can think of only things like string theory, which is shit in itself.

>what is ergodic theory
>what is Morse theory
and there's a lot more to it than string theory. Pretty much anything that has continuity there can be a tie to topology

I think he means the more complicated stuff, not that first year undergrad bullshit. So for DEs, for instance, he's probably referring to non-linear DEs and PDEs.

Linear algebra is a lot more than the intro class everyone takes. In junior/senior level classes you get to vector spaces, inner product spaces, etc. where it becomes much more theory based. I imagine graduate level linear algebra is even deeper, but I have no experience with it.

I don't really know what he means by calculus, maybe applications of vector calculus (curl, divergence, and line and surface integrals, then higher dimension shit you probably see in grad school)?

The only one that is said to be god tier that I don't really get is geometry, I don't know what that refers to because I haven't taken a geometry class since middle school. Apparently not differential geometry, maybe geometry in 4+ dimensions?

topology pops up all over the god damn place in physics.
Off the top of my head, GR it's useful in classifying cosmologies, in condensed matter physics entire phenomena are related to topological invariants of a field theory--you've got Chern simons theory and knots, topological insulators, edge states, etc.

Just because you don't know/understand the applications doesn't mean they don't exist. Did you even Google before whining about it?

> Implying math doesn't teach you the same transferable skills that engineering does
> Implying that you can't do just about anything with a math degree

Probably, but some of the stuff has merit. Linear algebra, analysis, and DEs being unbelievable tier makes sense given the applications they have. I would rewrite chaos theory (it is kind of a meme, desu) as systems, where chaotic systems are a subset. I'd also bump number theory up a level because of all the applications to cryptography. I have no idea what he means by geometry, that's vague as hell, and I don't understand why differential geometry is two levels lower.

I assumed calculus refers to the more computational side (probably vector calculus, he can't mean first year stuff) in higher dimensions (not that I've really dealt with this stuff, I'm just guessing).

lel. Algebraic geometry has some uses, but most geometry is of little practical importance unless you want to draw everything with only a compass and straightedge.

Also, why the hate for game theory? This is one of the few methods to get a Nobel prize with mathematics. Altough it doesn't further a lot of other mathematical disciplines, it very clearly has practical applications. (hence the Nobel prizes)

>muh practical applications
Butthurt engineer detected

I was under the impression this is what OP meant by "useful". By all means, enlighten me.

< linear above abstract

Just that in mathematics it's hard to predict what will yield practical applications, and gaining a deeper understanding is worthwhile even if it doesn't end up in an improved algorithm.