At this point, are fucking PRIESTS in the Confessional any less reliable than psychologists?
>Math & Science
>Posts psychology
Can't you even read?
>Critique study comes out
>Critique study is also critiqued.
That is literally what the article says without his hyping. All this would mean is that the result was never robust in the first place. And before you ask I'm a physicist, not a psychfag.
when does the one on climatology come out?
>mfw I actually bought into that
That's it, I will never believe anything from psychology anymore. Fucking meme "science".
Why would you buy into it? I'd never heard of that shit in my life before this article and when I was reading about the cookies and radishes, I assumed the kids who ate radishes gave up first because they were jealous or frustrated that they didn't get cookies and the other kids did, so they gave up soon. The explanation that it was because they were fatigued from using up willpower seemed fucking retarded.
>How can so many scientists be so wrong?
I can't wait for the social sciences meme to die.
What's wrong with priests in confessionals?
>ego depletion
What the fuck am I reading?
>But by this point, there were other signs of problems in the literature. The lemonade effect, for one, seemed implausible on its face: There’s no way the brain could use enough glucose, and so quickly, that drinking a glass of lemonade would make a difference. What’s more, several labs were able to produce the same result—restoration of self-control—by having people swish the lemonade around their mouths and spit it out instead of drinking it.
Not trying to defend psych, but I don't think glucose would be the point here. If anything, I'd imagine it would be the feel-good homones that are released when you taste it.
>implying psychology isn't quantum mechanics applied to humans
Wow it's nothing
The theory that when your ego levels reach zero you die.
toying with a hypothesis until it fits an arbitrary P-value is soft science. no surprise to me that it's bullshit. only a matter of time until the other "bastions" like sociology and political science come tumbling down as well.
>the International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology recently accepted for publication a paper titled “Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List,” whose text was nothing more than those seven words, repeated over and over for 10 pages.
>CO2 effects increase global CWP (crop water productivity) by 10%–27% by the 2080s depending on crop types, with particularly large increases in arid regions (by up to 48% for rainfed wheat).
>Factorial simulations with multiple global ecosystem models suggest that CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of the observed greening trend
so, there is a "greening trend", and the rising CO2 is the major cause; also, crops will require less water
>what's wrong with pedos
You could apply this thinking to anything that has experts. Of course that suits you just fine, since you're a degenerate populist.
Psychology is not a science. Why are you so suprised ?
I don't see how the frustration idea is so different from the idea involving the word "willpower"
>the rate of pedophilia among priests is far lower than the general population
>the rate of pedophilia among teachers is far higher than the general population
find a new meme already
This. That shit made me lol it's so dumb. It's like some dumb copypasta you would read on ac containment board.
So the extra plants will fix everything?
Who knows but we only care about our growth not ecological diversity. Also we can't fix things like climate.
What's important is that climate science fags can now add this to their fucked up models and make predictions.