How many of you Veeky Forumsentists believe in the whole "transhumanism" deal?
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I think you mean 'posthumanism'.
Posthumanism is when you fuck around with uploading and other magical bullshit.
Transhumanism is just getting robo legs or whatever.
They're apparently two different things, though transhumanism can result in a posthumanist civilization.
More like transsithanism
Speaking of uploading, is there any reason cell-by-cell digitization of the brain wouldn't work? Purely from a theoretical standpoint; I understand the logistics of accomplishing it aren't nearly there.
It's called cyborg, not trans-anything.
Well transhumanism is already a thing. Plenty of people have prosthetic limbs, and many other people have hearing aids and cyborg eyes.
>is there any reason cell-by-cell digitization of the brain wouldn't work
Not that I know of, if you can do a perfectly accurate physical simulation of 1450 cubic centimeters.
Which is the biggest bottleneck. Moore's law is already dead, doing such things will require a radical different architecture.
But that wont be you. It'll be more like an exact clone. It's both you and not you.
Keep quiet about that or the common people will start to get pissy.
tried to find the one with DE:HR music, but alas.
>I posted it again.
That's the most worthless chart ever. Not because I necessarily agree with the singularity, but because it's so poorly put together. What the hell does "Technology" even mean on that axis? How do you know what's physically possible? Is our current technology truly pushing the bounds of physical possibility in every regard? etc.
>What the hell does "Technology" even mean on that axis?
Look it up in the dictionary, nigger!
>How do you know what's physically possible?
>Is our current technology truly pushing the bounds of physical possibility in every regard?
>Moore's law is already dead
not if you look at transistor count, which is how he stated the thing in the first place
>we have surely reached the peak of what can be invented
>said every dunce in any point in time
Nah, recently the major writers on transhumanism decided to try rebranding as posthuman to be polite to trans people.
That isn't what he said.
Technology looks for loopholes in laws of physics, but it cannot break those laws
>pretending to be a different person when you defend your argument
you are a fucking retard thinking this chart contains anything making it worth reposting
this thread has got nothing to do with breaking the laws of physics. even if it did, assuming we already know everything there is to know about physics and know exactly where the wall is, is retarded.
I know you spent alot of time on your neat graph, but what is already stated here it's trivial
Have you ever noticed how all transhumanism futurists predict immortality will be attainable right before actuarial tables say they will die? It's almost as if they aren't being objective and are instead basing their predictions off of the fear of their own mortality.
A worth while endeavor, but it has problems facing it.
-Homogeneity of the population, if it gets to be too popular.
-Social inequalities, there's always going to be those people who will refuse the augmentative technologies. Secondly, these technologies would be very pricy to get your hands on.
-Reproductive barriers, maybe transhumans don't want filthy human dick.
-The values of posthumans may not perfectly lineup with the values of humans.
I'd like to see where transhumanist technologies take us, though.
Some good writers on this topic: Nicholas Agar, Nick Bostrom, and Michael Tennison.
Veeky Forums as a whole apparently crashed when I'd originally wanted to reply to your post.
>Look it up in the dictionary, nigger!
I know what technology means, but if you're using it as an axis, you have to be giving it a quantitative value.
For the purposes of that chart, it's fucking pointless.
The problem with transhumanism is it's always presented as "lol cut off your limbs and replace them with robotic ones, so cyberpunk XD". It's never, here's a simple injection that will keep your from getting old (telomerase), or make you stronger (myostatin), or let you see a broader range of colors (custom made photopsin set at non-standard wavelength of light). It's always presented as machine components replacing/enhancing the body. I guess biology after high school is just too hard for most folks.
I hadn't noticed yet, but I could have predicted it.
>fucking pointless
Then you understand the point of the chart.
This post is the reason I'm bothering with this thread.
I'm the only true transhuman on Earth at this time. I'll benefit from 'the singularity' before my biological life ends because I will ensure that I do.
A personal belief I have is that there is infinite potential scientific development so theoretically yes. But I can't imagine anything significant happening soon. Maybe in thousands of years out brains will be connected to computers that greatly increase our processing ability. Maybe in hundreds of thousands of years we could have quantum computers that exist outside of our universe yet still connect to our brains giving millions of times the processing power
Perhaps this processing power could open up whole new branches of science impossible for unassisted humans to imagine. The Whole idea is so far out there it's hard to predict the future. Maybe out whole society will change. We all just might become so logical that life itself seems pointless and society ends. One person could become society. I really don't know
Personally I'm hoping for advances in stem cells, genetic recombination and mitigation of tissue rejection.
>Wanting to retain a homogeneous genotype
>that exist outside of our universe
>so far out there it's hard to predict the future
pic: The post.
To be fair, a large number of religions and human thought are based on the fear of mortality. It's not surprising that people would want to make scientific guesstimates on the same principle.
And realistically, if biological immortality is attainable in the future, there will be at least a few lucky bastards on their last legs before it's accessible.
I'd rather look into cryonics, to be honest.
No, I am cis
That is precisely why such predictions can readily be discarded.
WIth certain laws such as The Theory of Relativity Manipulation isn't so far out there. Also our comprehension is extremely limited so our perceptions of reality are heavily limited so my belief isn't so far off the mark. Also I don't think were even the slightest bit close to my prediction. Zero percent chance that my grandchildren will even see the first steps.
Try to actually open up your mind.
>extremely limited
Speak for yourself, thanks.
'you' are the pattern the neurons make, not the actual neurons.
No, you are clearly the first one to ever notice this
you could say the same for psychology
i could say a phrase that could change your outlook forever
memes are what separate humans from apes
What is there to believe in? Evolution can take different forms, but always occurs.
This is incorrect. Posthumanism is about changing ourselves into entities unrecognizable as human rather than cloyingly pretending to eat and fuck and shit once we've uploaded or whatever. The term has been around for some time.
Does Veeky Forums believe in transexualhumanism?
Good taste, user.
Wouldn't uploading yourself into something not just lead to copying yourself and you would still die with your own body?
To say humans aren't extremely limited in their comprehension is just stupid. An example we can use is The Big Bang. To put it simply The Big Bang seems like it should be fundamentally flawed with nothing to trigger it leaving three explanations.
> It is a cycle
Actually entropy clearly says that this route is impossible as the cycle would slow down every time, which puts us in the same boat we were as before.
>God did it
Are you fucking stupid? Even if God did create the universe you should understand by comparison we would be nothing.
>Our biology betrays us
This is the only logical assumption. Essentially our brain's are unable to understand a certain fact about the universe like effect without cause. This isn't a matter of lack of scientific knowledge; The Big Bang itself defies our understanding of the universe.
Also intellect is relative so to say human's intellect while in reference to technology assisted lifeforms calling us limited makes perfect sense.
>is there any reason cell-by-cell digitization of the brain wouldn't work?
I would do a neuroprosthetic conversion first then convert the prosthetic into a purely digital medium. That way there is a better guarantee that it truly is you that is being saved. Speaking of which...CNS (mostly spinal) neuroprosthetics are making some good progress lately, but they tend to focus on motor problems. Only maybe a handful of teams are even touching memory afaik.
>How many of you Veeky Forumsentists believe in the whole "transhumanism" deal?
Please elaborate on what you mean by that, OP. I consider myself a transhumanist, but you seem to mean something very different by it than I do.
>>Is our current technology truly pushing the bounds of physical possibility in every regard?
So you admit to knowing fuck all about physics.
Not the user you responded to, but why so snarky?
That's why people call the singularity the atheist or nerd version of the rapture.
1. No, not even close to the only one to notice that.
2. As a counterexample, I'm absolutely transhumanist, and looking realistically at the pace of medical research in the real world, the extreme difficulty of solving the problem, and the kind of social attitudes that may be necessary to make it possible (maybe you need to genetically modify your kids to give them immortality) I expect my great-grandchildren to be immortal, but probably not myself.
I, personally, expect to probably live a bit longer than I otherwise would with current technology, but that real immortality is probably a preventative-maintenance thing and if it is developed within my lifetime I will probably be too old to take advantage of it.
Also, I'm highly doubtful of brain uploading; even leaving aside questions of processing power, right now we don't even know enough about human cognition to be sure of what to simulate. Recent research, for instance, indicates that glial cells may play a hugely important role (perhaps as critical as neurons) that we'd entirely overlooked until now.
Nor is it at all obvious how one would obtain enough detailed information to emulate "me" in a level of accuracy that would actually count as a new instance of my self, and also you really can't just wave aside concerns of processing power.
And prosthetics to directly replace normal human bodily functions are likely to suck relative to their meat equivalents in important fashions, such that extending my failing body with technological upgrades is likely to significantly reduce quality of life, and will at some point probably not be preferable to just dying.
Also, medical devices develop REALLY SLOWLY.
So you make a clone of "you".
Thanks for defining you more clearly in this sentence.
Slowly replace your neurons instead of copying them all in one go and you'd transform yourself, not make a clone.
This, should be your fight too brother!
you are now looking at a literal extension of your neural network
Maybe in the distant future, who knows when that will be exactly though.
As it stands, technology is nowhere near good enough IMO to enhance what biology has cooked up for us.
It doesn't help that there's so many 'transhumanist' fucknuggets going around doing completely spastic shit like sticking BATTERY POWERED 'magnetic field' detectors and other such crap.
I read this one example where people put a sensor in their wrist which would light up through the skin whenever a sufficiently strong electromagnetic field was adjacent.
It's like, wear it on a wristband what the fuck are you doing nigger
I strongly agree with everything you have said. I would put my hopes on cryonics, if its pace of advancement wasn't even slower.
Our only hope is if AGI comes sooner than later.
I want to believe the hype
>maitenance screw-thing in the talus
this particular leg looks retarded
Regardless, this is a thing that is happening for cripples. Augmentations will possibly happen somewhere along the line because somebody will pay for it. I'll probably think it's awesome but as I reconsider it and weight the pros and cons, I'll fal to find enough pros beside sci-fi movies gave me a craving for robot limbs.
>rich people get robot legs
>bums set up old microwaves to easily mug people
ain't it easier to use external augmentations?
I was thinking about it and I wouldn't trade my functioning meat for a machine.
I wish I had one of those rubberband armor that is supposed to aid your movement if you have developed RSI or some shit.
Although I don't, but I fear for my shoulders.