I got this little tinder thot coming over in 20 minutes or so

I got this little tinder thot coming over in 20 minutes or so

Should I try to shill her on crypto? Any coins I should yell out the name of mid-sex? How can I bring my love of Crypto into this dicking?

Other urls found in this thread:




Good point

youre not meant to fuck the whales op

Shill her on Burritoken or Tacoin or "One Family-sized Pizza Please. No its just me"-chain

Definitely BoldPure.
Tell her that we will be saved from scamming pajeets.

yeah uhhh shill er instead

Yes, we all want to dump our bags on her after you dump your load on her.


Talking to strangers about crypto is a good way to get robbed.

low test and low energy confirmed

yeah diet coin

why are you going to fuck a walrus??

she is going to be shilling you. she is clearly a fucken whale.


Sorry op she's cute but is about to be fat af


>MCD $1000 EOY

>floorboards don't creak and moan like the house was built on top of 10 Indian cemeteries when she takes a step

>not taking money from roasties
You'll spend it better than she will.

sometimes this board makes me want to get on tinder but then my conscience reminds me I'm not degenerate


where my pics at

Implying this fat trailer trash even has money for a bus ticket

How’d you get her?

read the OP homie

i'll be back in an hour or so guys

make sure to bring a harpoon

Congrats man. My tinder game is complete shit I hardly get past the first few exchanges. Oh well


Looks like she already likes XTRABYTES

U serious bro.. Is this the whale that's been manipulating my coins?


OP got tired of getting fucked by whales so decided to fuck them back.

Alright alright I'll stop

My tinder hasn't been working i think the jews got mad i was slaying to much pussy

Based nige

>muh fat muh whale
It’s so fucking obvious you keks are virgins. That ass looks thicc af more cushion for the pushion

ask her if she knows what a pump and dump is

The fuck is this shit?

probably some sort of pizza bait mechanism in his driveway.


thats a real slam piggie you've wrangled there op well done. brapcoin would probably be a good fit for her depending on her asset distribution


Ask her if she wants to learn

Young chunk, best chunk.

She looks fucking nasty, don't be so thirsty user.


>that brapper

Yesterday i had my first Tinder date, it was a really cute german girl, i spilled spaguetti all over the place but i didnt revealed my crypto power level.

Felt all day misserable but im trying to live by: "fail again, fail better".

When you slip it in whithper in her ear
When you cums screamo
>D T A!!!!!



>Letting some stupid bitch you met on tinder know about your finances.
This is how I know you're a faggot, she's going to wife your ass up

Pump her for information

think OP drowned in that


Imagine her squatting and your face and slowly pushing out a thick turd in your mouth

fugggggg muh dick

>Falling for the vaginal Jew
user I...

Don't be so autistic.
Just fuck her and then kick her out. That's what women are for.


unironically gave me a boner

Shes like a fat midget. Nice shit taste, you probably buy electroneum.

Looks like they are having a good time my dude

show her your gains. bitches love gains

what the hell

bump. op deliver

what would you have her eat for the week beforehand?

Josh Peck on the laptop in the beginning

She's so fat it's dripping through her face. Literally melting off her.

Maybe by the time she's walked to you she'll have melted into normal proportions.

4/10. Would not fck

you have to go back, spic

Wasn't expecting to see tunamelt today

too bad

kek, all the virgins in here saying they wouldnt hit it
I believe you
But I dont believe its by choice
Even if you wanted to
You would make up some excuse not to
Like the little bitches you are
OP why dont you start a group of girls that start giving hugs and kisses for crypto
not hooking
just friendly exchanges of ideas within a close proximity
ask her to be your first
you know you must

gross dude

People are still posting in this thread meanwhile op has fucked this lil qt and probably came in her vag.

Stay virgins

she fat
but I'd hit

What the actual fuck?

>those shoulders
>that 5 oclock shadow
>those hands
>that hip to shoulder ratio
thats a man, baby

damn I really just spent the last 7 hours flipping this girl.

Pretty funny coming back to this thread

I was planning on doing crypto shit all day and now it's 10 PM

well, to update you all

I introduced her to bitcoin and crypto and blockchain for the first time in between rounds

She seemed to "get" a fair amount of it and I definitely piqued her interest. I'm a very good teacher naturally and she seems like a bright little freshman thickie

I asked her to pose for me, cause I liked her outfit

Mom jeans are my shit

tell her that you got a nano dick



glad you both had a good time man. not quite sure why you're blogging about it and posting her pics in a hoxhaist vegetarian couscous restaurant, but whatever.

Its nice that he is letting all these newfags know that its capable, and that thots will play with your bits if you have the willpower

better than legit tranny threads about nothing but trannies thats for sure

I seem to have mustered quite an audience while I was gone. I kind of like it

>hoxhaist vegetarian couscous restaurant

do you live in a ghetto my man?

As someone who went from a probably below average looking awkward and frightful kiss-less virgin for quite some time I would actually be more than happy to somehow share just how much is capable and how easy it really is.

I've went from how I was to having somewhere btwn 70 and 100 girls in just a couple years. To be fair I did wind up pretty generally attractive. BUT there's a loooooot of very obvious but apparently aspie-foreign things any user can do to increase their level of perceived attractiveness

It's the same reason the Yankees always win. Nobody can keep their eyes off the pinstripes

University town

phat girls are much better when clothing doesn't give them muffins

if someone rolls dubs

or can guess one of my favorite low market cap coins I'll post another pic we took

Well fuck


That pic makes me like her less desu. No excuse for fat girls. But I'll roll anyways just incase you can convince me she's hot.

meh stop

Bitch only looks good in 1/4 pics you posted and it's cause she abused the angle. If someone does roll dubs, pls don't post another.

Bitch would fuck you for a snickers bar

t. literal faggots

guess someone has to fuck the fat chicks...

Rolling for dubs because sadly this is the best biz thread since the caveman one last month

Yeah op is doing charity

hey now, hey now. I flip thots of all kinds. From the tinniest to the thickest. No discrimination, as long as this user wants it

buttttttt... I must have been misled. I thought this was a BRAPPP board!