Well, Veeky Forums?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Yeah that is a nice drawing well done
0.75^5 = 0.24
Therefore greater chance to negate all damage on bottom row, since 24% > 15%
Anything else?
It's 1 - 0.25^5, idiot
You are an utter moron.
0.75 is the probability that one person negates all damage. 0.25 is the probability that one person gets damaged. 0.25^5 is the probability that they all get damage (assuming independence) 1 - 0.25^5 is the probability that at least one isn't damaged.
We want 0.75^5 because this is the probability that none of the five get damaged.
Bottom track is a binomial distribution (that they get harmed) with mean (5*0.25)
Top is binomial with mean 0.75. Since 1.25 > 0.75 I choose top as that statistically kills less people.
Is the goal to kill them or not I'm confused
>Not posting the /pol/ edit.
LOL man!
This is what I came here to see
Flip a coin
Ingenius. This way, you've only killed half as many people, while the coin killed the other half.
Then flip an infinite amount of coins
I don't get it.
Before the car moves to hit the people, it has to travel half the distance there. Before it can travel half the distance there, it has to travel 1/4 of the distance there.
If you add up all these increments, you see that the train moves backwards 1/12 feet.
Is this still an ethical question or purely a math one? Because if it's just math then I don't get what the goal is.
I mean if the only goal is to minimize the number of people who get hit then obviously you switch the track. If it's to maximize the chance of stopping the trolley then obviously you don't. If it's an ethical dilemma then I have to know what will happen if the trolley isn't stopped to have some idea of the relative importance of those aims.
The goal is to identify it as an attempt to mess with your emotions, to not take it as a personal responsibility and then to figure out who the fuck is messing with your head.
Put yourself in the shoes of the one man. You'd save yourself, right?
>what is humor
I don't see why it would move backward. It seems like it would never be able to make it all the way to the people because it would always have to go another half the distance that's left and it would never run out of halves.
baka at this shit tier scrub who can only manage a 15% damage negate, flip the switch and kill that fucker
if 5 people out of 6 have a 75% chance to negate all damage and 1 out of 6 has a 15% chance to negate all damage it's obvious that the last person is a genetic fuck up and should be killed anyway for the good of all
even of 5 out of those 5 people come out alive they're gona fuck you up later in life for risking their lives instead of the other guy's and they won't believe they had a floating text over them saying they have a higher chance of surviving
What about now?
This one is actually simpler than the usual formulation, if you dont pull the lever you have an almost 1/4 chance of no one being hurt
E[Left]=0.85 deaths
E[Right]=1.25 deaths
Left is better if all lives are equal.
Probability of no death[Left]=0.15
Probability of no death[Right]=0.237
Right is better if you will be prosecuted for murder if any of them dies
kek out loud
mild kek
He's right though. Do the math.
Don't pull. The expected values are comparable, and only one doesn't put the agency on you.
>the guy smiling while pulling his dick
however, you can score a multikill
You should be able to answer this.
Pull it
easy, you pull. the result of your actions is ambiguous, but pulling is the only one that guarantees your safety. my dog could answer this, and he did.
You read it wrong
Answer to OP:
Pull the lever
Pulling the lever kills 0.85 of a person on average
Not pulling the lever has the following chances:
23.73% chance of killing no one
39.55% chance of killing one person
26.37% chance of killing two
8.78% chance of killing three
1.46% chance of killing four
0.097% chance of scoring a pentakill
So not pulling leaves us with 1.25 people killed on average.
Pull the lever.
pull the lever and pray that the sweet release of trolley-death takes me to a world without trolley problems
I don't get how this is an issue to begin with. It's ethically clear, the less people you kill, the better...
Because acting makes you responsible for the deaths. By pulling the lever, you are forcing a man to be sacrificed. You are actively killing someone by acting
Don't turn and crash
youre forgetting that id let 1.25 people on average die before i took the chance of getting hit by a trolley
I feel like that logic falls apart pretty quickly. Say I'm the president of a country that I know is about to be invaded and the invaders plan on killing everyone in my country. Let's say I also know that my military can defend the country, but at the cost of many lives. By your logic, I should not make the decision to defend, and should instead choose not to act and let more people die.
dont pull
fuck the other guy
You're missing the point.
The trolley problem ultimately means that are you willing to sacrifice someone without their consent in order to save lives?
In the one second I have before the train arrives I think what the fug are all these numbers floating around these people I wonder if some put lsd in the punch and by the time I've thought this the train had continued in whatever path it was on.
>are you willing to sacrifice someone without their consent in order to save lives?
But the alternative is letting people die without their consent. It's only really a dillema if you make a hard distinction between action and inaction. Personally, I don't. Choosing not to act is an act in itself, in my opinion.
either push the fat guy off the bridge killing him or 5 people die
No it's not a dilemma at all. The only one having done anything wrong is the guy tying them up. You are just toying with peoples conscience.
Alright, you cucks.
There is a train traveling at a very high speed along the track. The track splits into three tracks at a certain point. The topmost track is completely clear. The middle track has five people strapped down, which will all die if the train hits them. The bottom track has FIFTEEN (15) people strapped down, who will all die if the train takes the bottom rail.
You are given a strange switch which is known to exhibit quantum behavior. If you pull the switch, there is a 50% chance that the train will switch rails to the top track, and a 50% chance that the train will switch rails to the bottom track, killing all fifteen people. If the switch is not pulled, the train will continue down the middle path, killing five people. As the switch relies on some unknown quantum effect, the outcome of the switch can not be calculated (I believe this property is called indeterministic?).
No, you can't untie the people on the tracks, you gigantic autist.
The only options presented to you are to either:
>1) Pull the switch
>2) Do not pull the switch
Which do you choose?
This. You should be asking yourself
>Who tied these guys up and set me up to be in this situation which I am in.
Use the switch until track goes up
fuck i knew i forgot something
you can't do that, once the switch is switched you can't switch it again
also you're a cunt
E(X) of the random variable representing the number of people killed if you pull the switch is 7.5. 7.5 > 5. So you should leave the switch as it is.
Shitty mouse and paint skills aside...
Well, Veeky Forums?
Tie the lever down and go eat.
Or just pull it enough times that they can get free.
What about now?
Then all you have to do is pull the lever once and you can go eat, no tying required.
ive got tons of these, if anyone wants more
what now Veeky Forums
>you should be able to solve this
yes please
>Non-quantum objects in superposition
Did schrödinger not teach you anything?
I don't know, I think I'll just kill marx
schrodinger was wrong...
The only moral solution is to stop time forever.
american free speech huh... everything is a-ok except communism which in heart seeks a more fair distribution of resources and labor
power of propaganda is terrifying
if you kill the company owner, the demon can just keep doing the same thing to other person, and marx will protect those workers during/after the rebellion
if you kill the workers, marx still leads the rebellion, kills a shitton of people, and that's that
if you kill marx, the rebellion is prevented, saving shittons of people, the company owner can keep exploring those workers, but if any of them commits a crime, that worker will be punished properly.
>marxov chain detected
>the rebellion is prevented, saving shittons of people
And we can always start a non-bloody socialist revolution if we really need to.
> its not free speech if its against my communist ideologies
>the company owner can keep exploring those workers
I now understand capitalism better
I don't think you understand... well... anything, like at all.
>it's not blind adulation for my communist ideology
>therefore it isn't free thought
The thing about free speech is that it's not defined or dictated by other people.
"...and the author of the example"
Well, it's obvious.
This. His fault for not realizing he was entangled.
The bridge is too low. Trolley will crash and send its pieces flying, right onto men on tracks, thus killing them.
Fucking engineers, I swear.
So, if you turn around and close your ears, you can blissfully pretend nothing happened?
>this is what it's actually like to be a time traveler
pull the lever and close my eyes
That ensure both outcomes will occur it at least one universe. All you've done is frozen yourself in time.
jesus christ...
how is killing a person free speech?
Communism asks you to kill people for the glory of the nation. Usually it ask you to kill yourself. Thus, if advocating for communism is protected by free speech, then free speech is always murder.
>Communism asks you to kill people
I can't even...
>guns kill people
>cars kill people
>bullets are evil
>thermodynamics is corrupt
boo fucking hoo retard, grow up and take responsibility, as if those things aren't always going on regardless of the ECONOMICAL MODEL adopted by a nation
the only way I can see to take out the media is to switch after the front wheels are past the switching mechanism, derailing the trolley and causing it to roll through them.