This is the most ambitious crypto project I've ever seen, nothing can compare in that regard.
I'm going to try and educate you plebs about it. The infrastructure is made of 4 main things:
1. SKYCOIN: A coin that is technically superior to any alt there is. Transactions with zero fees that take approximately two seconds, unlimited transaction rate, no need for miners and block rewards, low power usage, ALL of the bitcoin's technical vulnerabilities fixed, a consensus mechanism superior to anything that exists, resistant to all conceivable threats (government censorship, community infighting, cyber/nuclear/conventional warfare, etc).
- Once coinjoin is implemented and the network is running over skywire, it will have a higher level of privacy than any other coin (more anonymous than zcash/monero and without the overhead). Wannabe drug lords should switch from monero/dash to skycoin after the CXO browser and skywire are available, because all of the ecosystem components are integrated with each other. You could have a decentralized silkroad on skywire and pay seamlessly with the same coin you use to pay for your utilities.
- Numerous peer reviewed whitepapers.
- Skycoin is being developed by legit engineering geniuses, for years (predating Bitcoin’s boom).
- Holding Skycoins generates income in the form of Coin Hours (like NEO’s GAS). There will be a marketplace where Coin Hours are traded and Coin Hours will be used for services within the Skycoin ecosystem.
And this newbies is how to spot a coin to stay away from. Anything shilled on /biz but especially shit constantly shilled
delet this
stinky linkies and arkies will be the real winners some day
I remember when BTC was shilled
Nice argument faggot
2. SKYWIRE: A decentralized ISP where you earn coins for forwarding traffic/bandwidth (like Tor but faster, not backdoored by NSA and you are getting paid to run a node), that will give everyone nearly free internet access and will get a lot of users and actually be useful. Different networking protocol than TCP/IP, designed to be immune from literally all currently known network based attacks.
- Uses public keys instead of IP addresses, with all of the traffic encrypted by default, making man in the middle attacks impossible.
- Nodes forwarding the traffic can only see the previous and next hop, not origin or destination, making it extremely private.
- Latency is superior to TCP/IP because ISPs use hot potato routing, while Skywire doesnt.
- Speed is superior because bandwidth aggregation is possible, making it possible to share the unused bandwidth of your neighbours.
- Immune to ISP control tactics, such as throttling, censorship, outages, etc.
- Designed to be ran on skycoin's own open source hardware infrastructure.
- Works as an overlay over the current internet as of now, but will be completely independant as soon as the network backhaul is in place.
- Incentivized for the first 14 years, you get paid for running a node and transferring packets for the network.
way too ambitious IMO
where's the rest of this
together with us skylets friend
I still got a bit on the small offchance they actually pull this off.
3. SKYLEDGER: A platform that’s their version of Ethereum’s ERC20, but with Ethereum's technical limitations fixed. Every coin is given their own blockchain and the platform runs on top of the skywire infrastructure. Coins have already started doing ICOs on skyledger (, SPACO, etc). About 30 coins lined up so far. There’s a programming language (CX) and it’s not limited to just "smart contracts". Developers of each chain can hardcode whatever they want to do. For example full video games could be embedded on the blockchain, if anyone would want that.
Ethereum is using javascript for front-end. Skycoin is using CX and CX is completely memory sandboxed and uses affordances to box applications and APIs in, so stuff like the parity hack can never happen in skycoin. Skycoin is using affordances and a genode style resource/permission system. So there's an easy way to write security policies - like "the frontend should not be able to access my coins unless something gave it permission to do so". Where as ethereum cannot enforce constraints like this, so they are just duck taping over the problems and hoping they go away.
Skycoin is designed to make these problems impossible through good architecture.
Who actually falls for this shit. Garbage coin, sorry OP, do not want.
>coin starts tanking
>shills for said coin start popping up
every time
No you don’t you stupid newfaggot and you clearly know nothing about the way the market works if you think this shit coin could reach even close to that
In what academic journal was their white paper published? Hint: none. Not peer reviewed. How can one post contain so many lies?
How do they handle DNS???
4. Then there’s the massive ecosystem of stuff being built on top of the previous three things. Like the sky-messenger, the file sharing/dropbox functionality, distributed social media (sort of like Steemit but running on skycoin’s infrastructure and platform), DEX and OTC markets for the whole skyledger family. There’s about 15 development teams working on different projects within skycoin’s ecosystem. And unlike shitty erc20 tokens promising similar things, most of this stuff is already being developed, you can check the github to see the progress.
This is a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity (The first opportunity was with Bitcoin's price rise). You need to hold these coins for a year or two, and not be greedy with day-trading. That is the most ultimate lesson I can ever teach you.
Basically if you choose ignore all of this, you're a fucking retard.
Keep buying your icos without any product.
Uh-oh when a coin I like gets posted on this board its usually bad news. I got into skycoin when it was @ $10.00. Literally no other coin in the market I like with the exception of the decentralized exchange known as Waves plateform.
I don't know that skycoin is going to make anyone rich, but it will literally transform the way the world works in a profound way. Internet will no longer be owned by a small minority, censorship will be impossible and net neutrality will never be destroyed.
As far as the modern era is concerned this is the equivalent of sending a man to the moon in the 1960's. Its going to transform technology in profound ways and I want to be apart of it.
Whether I get rich or not I want to fund a project I'm passionate about. I'm actually hoping that coins/coin hours stay relativity cheap because thats how it should be if everyone needs to have access to it (although I have a feeling the coins are going to suffer from hypoinflation once all coins have been distributed and coinhours are sold to the masses.) People are going to want to keep the means of production and sell the product so I might be wrong and we might all make it if we keep the coins.
Ether way I'm satisfied with the coin, good luck to any of you going down the rabbit whole the first time. If you ever lose faith check the github, this shit is as real as it gets.
Ambitious? Sure. Serious? Absolutely. They already have a headstart of 7 years ahead of any competition and the people on the team have serious experience. I'd rather put my money into something I personally believe in and lose it then to gamble it away on something I think other losers are going to like.
Great well thought out argument.
If someone actually takes your advice then they're probably dumb enough to eat their own shit for fun.
The Skycoin white paper is so fucking lame. Like absolutely nothing interesting...probably written by a 19 year old CS student. It's pretty clearly an exit scam, or at best a project with no future beyond the possible influx of dumb money.
and why is that?
enlighten me
>I don't understand something so its shit
absolute state of crypto
Read it yourself. Also, mind showing me how the fuck that pos qualifies as "peer reviewed"? Give me a journal name and page number. I'll wait.
Its funny skycoin fud is always just some salty neckbeard weeb diarrhoea
I like how it's instant replies until I ask for a source. Lul. Better luck next time.
I don't know which academic journal, but it was featured on ICA3PP, so there's that.
They can fud certain things sure but you just cannot fud skycoin fundamentals
reminder that skycoin literally doesn't even have a whitepaper
Find a project you 100% know there is a peer reviewed journal article about. Now try to find me the fucking article. The amount of hoops you have to jump through in order to get academic research papers is ridiculous. I'm not surprised they aren't easily found.
I love skycoin but who the fuck is that sudo cunt in the telegram ruining everything
>lin K
>s K y
>ar K
Lads ...
Stop shilling this shit.
Everything that has "coin" in it is SHIT, except bitcoin.
OP said peer reviewed. It's not. They gave a hashing talk at a conference but that really doesn't mean shit if he couldn't get it published.
I made so much money with LTC already
SKY will even make me more
>Buttcoin is the only coin worth investing into
>Trolling this hard
Why are you even on this board faggot?
60% of skycoin holders are holocaust deniers. That's how stupid this proect is.
hey rabbi, whatcha doing
Thanks for substantiating my claim.
welcome mr shekelstein
I like the idea - but suspect it's a scam. Why?
Miners. Those fucking miners. It's a few raspberry pi's and an antenna for $600. But can I buy one for $600? No. I need to pay 1 BTC. Oh yeah then they'll "reimburse" me by repaying the difference in Skycoin. Reeks of pajeet scamming.
If they really wanted this to work, you could use any regular PC with an atheros card and a custom Linux distro. You could buold one yourself and spam em across the city, hooked up to solar cells to run forever.
Why can't I do that OP?
And wtf do they need their own Blockchain? This is actually one of the few times an ERC20 token really WOULD be better, so they can focus on the mesh topology and functionality of the network, leaving Skelly to worry about the underlying chain. That's what specialisation is for. Why have they disregarded all attempts to suggest sidechaining or swaps to a major coin?
Nah, it's bullshit. It's a great concept (decentralized mesh ISP) - but yeah just do it with open hardware and an ERC20 token. You want the barrier to entry as low as possible. In fact, that's going on my list of projects.
>Ethereum uses javascript.
Kek, yeah sure it does.
Guys is SKY really going to make us rich?
Are we finally going to be early adopters for something huge? (Besides LINK of course)
I get excited about SKY just like the early ETH days, and I haven't felt that way since. I cant tell if im just bipolar or if this is the real deal.
>Peer review means there's no journal article.
kys pajeet.
You can't buy them anymore even if you wanted. They sold out. Of course you can build your own, just get some orange pies and an openwrt router. The software is open source.
They need their own chain because eth does not scale. Another cryptokitties or an ico, and the network is unusable for days.
Have you read any of the whitepapers of any project currently on the market? Besides ADA which really is a whitepaper, which means that its academically peer reviewed, the rest of the whitepapers are just a marketing sheet for dumbasses like yourself. You know nothing about investing.
Its cool but also very risky.
>But can I buy one for $600? No. I need to pay 1 BTC
You can build your own miners, there are even shopping list for that. But two problems:
-Getting Orange Pi is problematic atm
-Only official whitelisted miners will be able to run at first - those who paid 1 BTC, showing their interest. Shortly after more people, the one with DIY miners, will be able to enter the testnet.
complete fucking shitcoin premined and given out to their friends and only friends can validate. wtf? fuck this shitcoin!
Looks like ive found another thing to filter, sage
what does this even mean?
there is a very informative blogpost about distribution on the skycoin website
Just started looking into this. Definitely gonna keep an eye on this project. Might invest some profits in summer into a DIY miner.
Wow, this seams to be to good to be true? Is there any downside? This thread really got me excited about the project, can anyone send me some sky to test it out? Send me 10 sky and I will send it back to you.
ITT we laugh at people who bought 8 raspberries for 1BTC
i'll send you .001 sky if you post your address, pajeet scammer
If its so good why did it do absolutely nothing during the bull run
there are literally 0 of those people in existence. also there are no "1 btc miners" left available and there haven't been any for months. it doesn't matter if you want one or not.
your fud is obvious when you stick to obvious untruths. if I buy two things for price x you don't get to say I paid price x for thing 1. I bought .95 btc worth of skycoin with my "1 btc miner". I already had much more than 1 btc worth of skycoin, so don't try to tell me it's worthless. then all crypto is "worthless" and you should he somewhere else.
what bull run?? it 5xed in December if that's what you mean. finishing correction/consolidation right now. if you are calling any movements in the past two months a "bullrun" you're retarded
ITT post synth's best rants and insults
Not even Google or Microsoft could pull this off. Unrealistic ambitions.
This is literally what pushed me over the edge to buy. I can lose a couple of grand, doesn't matter, but I want to be in on the only project that retains a semblance of the sentiment and ideology of early Bitcoin.
Big companies never pull anything off, they just burn money until someone else pulls it off and then buy his tech. Microsoft considered the internet a threat and Google rode the backs of open source projects. They didn't build shit, basement autists did it all.
>90% of alts went goes 10-100x
Not the markets fault your shit coin cant keep up with the market