Do you think you're better than people who work minimum wage and why?
Do you think you're better than people who work minimum wage and why?
none of them take any initiative or attempt to improve themselves or learn any valuable skills
they are worthless humans and will not make it unless they break out of the shackles of their own laziness
I have a passive income
Yes, because I spent the time getting a degree. I also note that minimum wagers are not quite as refined as I. Not to worry user, even worse are those who don't have jobs at all and delude themselves into thinking they're smart investors whilst living off their parents' money.
yes they work so i dont have to
>Do you think you're better than people who work minimum wage and why?
Depends on why they work minimum wage.
i'm cool with me, no need to stand on anyone else to feel taller
t. 2017 millionaire
because its unethical to sell disgusting food to poor people and make them poorer by creating fast food addictions.
so yes morally I'm far above them.
no but i wonder what the minimum wage would be without the minimum wage
i honestly do not and i've been told so by many. sometimes directly, but mostly indirectly with extra food.
congrats user, i'll be there with you this year
you see yourself in others
Corporate drones sell their souls to make their corporate masters more rich, and their corporate masters use that richness to kill us all.
Remember that if you work for a multinational cancer corporation you are part of the enemy, a servant of devil.
cheers, user. i believe in ya.
make that money. don't forget to keep it real
>t. baby's first punk record
no i wouldnt
besides theres a mental illness out there that prevents people from achieving anything and they always resort to low risk and minimal effort jobs
who said anything about being smart let's be honest it's all about being first to the party and luck. Don't try to compare others to your own shitty wagecucking station in life if you can avoid ever being a wagecuck why not go for it.
I'm probably not better, however I sure do a better job.
We are largely a product of our surroundings.
You're not just beneath the average fast food worker morally, you're also an edgy fag
Same here. Probably better than some and worse than others, I just make more money.
Depends, min wage lifers are pathetic. most probably have some sort of mental illness or lower iq. They are good entry level jobs for kids. I what I took from my min wage job was that I will do everything in my power to make sure I never have to do this again
thanks user. will do
If you died tomorrow and can be replaced as easily as a burger flipper then you aren't superior in anyway no matter the digits in your bank balance.
I make more money then them for a lot less work. I don't think I'm better than them though. I just wouldn't want to do what they do.
not better than, no. i just have more options.
there but for the grace of god, and all that jazz.
Leddit detected. Go back.
yea because I just am.
Why does having not been born with below average IQ, low conscientiousness, and poor serotonin modulation/impulse control make me a "better" person than them? Lose your delusions.
Absolutely not. I was there before. I aways remind myself to be humble & let other people deserve the respect I want.
No, we all have to start somewhere and we can't all be captains of industry.
its not that im better than other people
its just that other people arent as good as i am
I wouldn't say better just have a different perspective.
No because I have actually taken the time to contribute to society and I have lived both middle class and in poverty. Most of them are people who didn't have the same opportunities that many people take for granted. That or they made some mistakes in life and have found themselves trapped in a financial situation that is very hard to get out of.
Fuck what any of these idiots say. Most of them have enabler parents and live sheltered lives.
This except it applies to 99% of people, minimum wage or not
and what amazing skills have you learned that make you such a superior human being?
>implying what you do doesn't fit exactly what you just said
Triggered minimum wagie detected
Yes, I used to work for it, until I figured out how not to.
i respect everyone that works
Same goes for high end wage cucks i.e. your average IT nigger
I worked a minimum wage job for 7 years (different jobs) Everybody around me was lazy hated life and didn't really know shit about the company they worked for.
There is a cycle that keeps you down in minimum wage jobs.
When you get out of minimum wage you are a person.
Self awareness and self reflection. I think this applies to most posters here as well. The common bugperson doesn't understand their own feelings or motivations. This is why many people you meet will, for example, support black lives matter. In their head they believe "blacks are equal to whites", but they don't understand why they think that. In reality they want to believe the two races are equal not because of facts but because of societal norms and peer pressure. If you can't acknowledge the influence of these things on your thoughts and decisionmaking you may as well be a tree
ignoring all the race stuff cause thats for pol... you are so narcissistic that you honestly think you are some superior being. Calling other people "bugperson" and have the audacity to claim that you understand someone elses feelings more than they do. You are a fucking idiot with some serious delusions of grandeur.
Yes because I work 75 cents above the minimum wage
Depends desu. People here act as if min wage labor is a career path or some shit. Plenty of people actually work part time to help with school or have something to do after retirement in their free time, as crazy as that sounds. If you place yourself above people for this it's about as autistic as looking down on a 14 year old you paid to mow your lawn. We all start somewhere. But if you're in your thirties and have been flipping burgers for the last ten years that is kinda pathetic.
>t. Sad bugperson
And its not just about race, it's about any given thing. If you can't see that most people don't understand their motivations and seem to live on autopilot then you're probably a bugperson yourself
broke brainlet detected
Notice how he reverts to societal norms and shows public discontent before attacking the poster.
Most people have zero awareness of themselves or their surroundings and are always chasing dopamine rushes in one form or another. Rarely do they perform any semblance of self-reflection, and this usually while staring into the bottom of a glass and lasting a few seconds at best.
Wagies will never understand. They are like NPCs that haven't been programmed to intelligently interact with the world at large.
They just exist and react to external stimuli.
>le ad hominem
I never said I did and there's a good chance no one on Veeky Forums is either. I work in the entertainment industry so my work is not directly essential to keeping the world turning. It's entirely subjective anyway what work contributes value to society as every little bit everyone puts in adds up but there are certainly people whose existence creates a net drain on society, both poor and rich.
the irony of you calling people NPC's while peddling this recycled thought as your own
I wonder if you have the self awareness to realize that what you're doing is attempting to elevate yourself for a dopamine rush. You are not above nature, child
I did my dude. Left my job in 2017, discovered crypto-trading (knew about btc for years) and I have a consistant income from trading crypto. I'm also suicidal because I get no social interaction.
you are the literal embodiment of this meme
t. somebody who hasn't spent any significant amount of time around wagies
Sure, everybody is 'woke'. Everybody has dreams, ambitions and obstacles that hinder their path. The difference is that wagies follow societal norms without question and lack the courage to risk it all and follow their dreams. Risk is uncertainty. Uncertainty is fear. Wagies prefer the comfort of the herd.
Prove me wrong.
No but people often think i do.
Boomer here. I paid cash for my first house working at McDonalds on minimum wage. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
>Do you think you're better than people who work minimum wage and why?
Yes. Because I sacrifice personal desires to improve myself with the intention of having a better life for myself and my family.
>the average person is average
now what are you going to do with this incredibly PROFOUND knowledge? You know what's even more tragic than being a wagie drone? Being someone who supposedly has it all figured out and still leading a rather unimportant life. The world will keep on spinning if you die user. History is written by people smart enough to acknowledge these basic truisms without needing to recite them for all who will listen. Go do something better with your time if you're so important.
You are such a fucking idiot. You probably made a lucky investment in crypto and now suddenly you are some ascended human. Hey retard, did you know that humans are social animals and that is why we have societal norms? You aren't better than wagies. You are just a moron that screeches when backed into a corner and simultaneously too autistic to realize this about yourself.
Your fedora is showing.
I'm a 1099 worker for multiple companies in multiple industries. I have to say the most mentally demanding job I've ever had was managing these dumbfucks. Every time I have cash in my wallet and I decide diabetes might not be too bad I tip these asshats because I feel bad for them. I'm not better than them, I just make more money. All men are created equal.
No because I do.
Let me give a perfect example of how not everyone is woke and some people are better than others in terms of IQ, etc. Take the Internet for example. The largest library of basically free information in the world. We have no need for schools or colleges or libraries anymore. Literally ALL of the information you need to become wealthy and successful is at your fingertips. And nowadays, almost the entire first world population has access to a computer. And what do these retarded monkeys do with them? Do they spend hours researching info about world history, the arts, science and technology so they can become prodigies? No, most people are on fucking World Star or jacking off. Proof that white people are superior. There.
you're getting mad at a student or severely disabled person
and you're on a peruvian basket weaving forum. You faggots need to get off your high horse. Everyone is a degenerate in some fashion. What have you done for the world?
Ah yes. Life has no purpose. How original. We should embrace decadence. How presumptuous of you to presume that I want to 'write history'. I'm just trying to spare other anons the never ending grief that is sympathising with wagies.
Yeah okay enjoy being poor and ignorant
You're right. Thanks man. Not worth it.
>life has no purpose
>embrace decadence
you destroyed that strawman. I wonder what his rebuttal will be
and just to remind everyone, this guy is using a recycled analogy about NPCs and external stimuli to prove a point about other people's banality. It wasn't even accurate either. Life is nothing but responding to external stimuli, you goddam brainlet
Are you that autistic that you can't recognise sarcasm or am I being memed? Maybe I'm the one memeing you. Who knows.
You sound like a liberal. Defender of the innocent. Yes, if only those poor wagies had the same opportunities. Meanwhile you slate those that used those very same opportunities to better themselves by claiming that they are the average and have zero impact.
So, in effect, you memed yourself, my friend.
As for 'recycled analogy' that's called accumulated knowledge. You build on previous concepts. Maybe try picking up a book sometime, buddy.
>accumulated knowledge
no, that's called being an uncreative hack. For such an enlightened mind I would expect you to be able to craft a more eloquent analogy. I see that one posted on this board at least once a week.
you'll be fertilizer for the soil in less than a century, same as those wagies. The universe is indifferent to your existence. But at least you got to live a pretentious and self important life, right? A legend in your own mind...
> work as walmart cashier
> tell co-worker we waste 40 hours a week scanning peoples stuff
> tells me someone has to do it
> she worked there for 20 years and made 15 an hour
maybe not a better person, she was a nice lady, but definitely more ambitious
>it isn't hard work learning how to program a Cisco router, configure servers, etc...
I see you projecting.
Forgive me for cutting corners on a Kyrgyzstani dental forum when it comes to 'eloquent analogies'. I obviously underestimated the intellectual aptitude of some of our more prestigious members.
I sense a longing of some sort, user. Could it be that you've embraced nihilism? I suggest brave pessimism.
There are two universal truths: death and taxes. You cannot avoid them, not for long anyway. Should this then mean that we give up all hope of overcoming ourselves and striving for more?
The universe may be indifferent to my existence. I am indifferent to wagies.
Ironically, wagies will never accept your world view. This is why you come here, on Veeky Forums of all places, to debate with strangers on the internet.
The sooner you realise that there is a hierarchy in life and that you either climb or regress to the mean, the sooner you can find purpose. I'd say I wish you the best, but I sincerely hope you an hero so that less of your filth contaminates ambitious folk and kills their entrepreneurial spirit before it even has a chance to spring.