>"Oh hi, do you remember me, user? I was in your high school physics class! Remember how I used to annoy you by bugging you for help? Tee-hee!
>"So what do you do now, user? You're a Math post-doc? I'm a junior doctor. Wow, I bet we didn't expect that I'd become the smart one!"
"Oh hi, do you remember me, user...
Other urls found in this thread:
Lel oh lel
>Math post-doc
"you must have me confused with someone else miss"
do I know you?
>med students
pick one
Makes me laugh how they think rote memorization = intelligence.
Do you know Ohm's three laws? No? Neither do I.
But apparently, med students need to know them for their intro physics.
>rote memorization = intelligence
I love this meme. I've met kids with insane memories who couldn't apply a physiological principle if their life depended on it. They then switched to easier majors like engineering, political science, or psychology, just to name a few.
Take a human physiology class. In fact, if you want to start anywhere, I suggest you take a human embryology class.
>Do you know Ohm's three laws? No? Neither do I.
That's Part of highschool education...
>Ohm's three laws
>Medfagggs so stupid they can't even rearrange a linear equation
Did that just go right over your head? See .
>A Mathematical Model for the Determination of Total Area Under Glucose Tolerance and Other Metabolic Curves
Is this real? Do meddfags publish academic papers on shitty numerical methods?
If you had said "successful," you might not be trolling.
lel i learned V = IR in grade 6 as one equation only and that isn't something you should be proud of.
How dafuq is this high school material?
Are you trolling?
Literally everyone on earth knows them, there about as basic as multiplication tables.
That's taught in the second 100 level physics course. Also, most pre-med students take algebra based physics.
I am talking about U=R*I, I=U/R and R=U/I.
It is literally all the same shit, one single Ohm's law, where are the "three" laws med students talk about?
If you are baiting now, I am totally falling for it.
It isn't the norm, but apparently happens.
>he doesn't know the 3 forms
DC Ohm's Law
[math]V = IR[/math]
AC Ohm's Law
[math]V = IZ[/math]
Fields form of Ohm's Law
[math]\mathbf{J}(\mathbf{r}) = \sigma (\mathbf{r}) \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r})[/math]
Doctors publish "research articles" in pretty much anything in their field no matter how trivial or simple, they are pandered af. The scientists are the real deal.
I'll give you the microscopic form.
But this was about medfags not knowing algebra and preferring to instead memorize three forms of U=R*I, and arguing further makes it more unfunny than it already is.
>It isn't the norm
No but this is [math] \| \cdot \| [/math]
But it is intelligence. If it weren't, you'd be able to do it too instead of shitposting on the science board of a Cantonese finger painting forum.
10/10 forty keks delivered
You're implying I couldn't.
I don't associate with non-whites so you have me confused with someone else.
Who would ever say this? I've never heard doctors going around proclaiming themselves to be geniuses.
I never knew people like this. It could just be because all mathematicians, including myself, are autistic as fuck.
>area under tolerance and curves
You mean integration? That's first year calculus for anyone in math, physics, or engineering.
If your going to do anything with the nervous system it would be nice to have a basic understand of how it works given that it's all electrical impulses.
And algebra, I guess.
top kek
That's why it's funny
There is only one law of Ohm
all the rest is communist teachings
B-But I earn 300k ma'am
No this is
No this is [math]\sup \left( {\; \cdot \;,...,\; \cdot \;} \right)[/math]
fuck off f a m I don't want to listen to your bullcrap because I'll never have a gf and love is a social construct
Wow, you just started?
Must've failed a lot, looks like I'm right.
Sorry, I don't know who you are.