>tfw my uncle who owns a factory has agreed to machine parts for my hoverbike
It's finally happening guys, I won't be able to hear Veeky Forumss butthurt over the sound of the propellers.
Tfw my uncle who owns a factory has agreed to machine parts for my hoverbike
>mfw your hover bike can't take your weight and tips over beheading you
t. Alberto Barbosa
Keep the asspain coming, it only fuels me.
I'm glad your uncle is supportive of you.
>mfw I don't even know what a hoverbike is
Must be something for engineering plebs. As a math master race genius I only care about abstraction. Have fun with your petty little toys, brainlets.
I see you have more important things to attend to, like collecting garbage and finding a good bridge to sleep under tonight.
I am creating the future of fun and leisure while you sit in your basement doing pointless math puzzles? Fucking why? Oh well sucks to be you I'm off to hoverbike quidditch. Chow!
Hey virgins, just to rub it in some more I found another hoverbike company and they have listed a load of applications
It's also being released next year.
Would you look at that? The world's first commercial hoverbike released a year after I predicted it. It's as almost as if Veeky Forums was wrong...
where's the grub
Oh, hey. It's Joe.
>can't grasp what a hoverbike is
>not even with the clue of "propellers"
I call bullshit.
>Man builds murder bike; accidentally kills self. News at 10.
>catwoman jumps from a building and climbs into my bike
>"my mother told me not to get into bikes with strange men"
>"this isn't a bike"
>hoverbike takes off
>mortal kombat theme starts playing
I'm ashamed of how hard I laughed at this.
I bet you don't even have CAD models of your supposed hoverbike.
>> the impact cause the hoverbike to go into vortex ring killing both of them
im drawing it today.
its a new Veeky Forums meme
haters gonna hate. im gonna be the steve jobs of hoverbikes
>Be OP
>Have medical degree
>Gets butthurt
>Invents world where he is making a hoverboard
>Rich uncle making him parts
Nice try.
Epin toad maymay
no im 5 years NEET so Veeky Forums will be that bit more salty when they realized that they wasted 3 years in pure math school only to be upstaged by some basement dwelling kid with a 3D printer and a meme idea. It will be clock boy all over again.