Why don't girls like crypto?
Why don't girls like crypto?
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they're fucking idiots
Because anorexic magazines
They like it when the man start to make money with it
Risk aversion. It isn't something they can see taste or hold.
why don't girls like me?
believe it not, they can't into abstractness.
Because girls are the real realiats amnd very risk averse. Imagine getting everything for free already, why would u need crypto if kneepads only cost 2$ and can get u infinite wealth?
if it isnt ruining western civilization and destroying families they just arnt that into it.
In my computer science class there are 5 women. 2 of which own cryptocurrency. Is this a sign to sell?
cs girls are men
hoe big si your total class?
sounds like some good small talk, user. why don't you go break the ice?
No, you want as much of the dumb money flowing in as possible, then you sell.
men excel at manipulating their environment, women excel at manipulating men. their goal is to land a man who is rich and powerful, not become these things themselves, they don't usually care about applying their knowledge to build something like wealth themselves. phrased this pretty generally but you get the idea. but really though who actually cares? idgaf if there aren't women in this space.
I got my gf to invest in OMG but she only put like $250 because she's "scared", what a pleb
haha yea my g/f would only put one paycheck into deepbrain chain because she said "this looks like some chink scam" haha what a dumb bitch.
but...she's right
>In my computer science class there are 5 women.
i'm sorry.
I'm friendly with all of them. One owns around $1000 worth of ETH and just holds it. The other is a bit more invested, actually buys into alt coins and is actually keen on talking about Crypto. Last I heard she's mainly holding NEO & OMG.
Should add they're both new. the ETH girl bought in late Jan 18 and the other since around November
If just by flapping your penis around, you could get a girl and if you were to marry and divorce them you could take half of their shit, would you take any financial risks ?
Or would you fuck any rich guy until you get pregnant ?
That's cool. Safe picks for sure, she should be happy EOY.
no balls
Spot on. You can also tell how masculine a person is by how eager they are to extract knowledge from you
>5 women in cs class
First year comp sci major confirmed
they don't understand it because they're too busy taking the perfect selfie to have time to learn about crypto. therefore they don't like crypto.
Women are hardcoded to not take risks.
She says too scary yell at grog when grog sell rock at ath.
because they like spending and you cant pay with crypto
I’m a femanon with crypto. I can’t post tits bc blueboard. I have tried to talk many of my friends into crypto but a lot of them are overwhelmed technologically. Even something as simple as buying on coinbase and transferring to gdax to trade for altcoins is waaaaay too much for them. The only other people I know in crypto are men, and even though I know women could get into it, it is too technolocally daunting.
>technolocally daunting
do the needful and shill your lewds
Fuck off roasty.
Boys club only.
What? I have brought plenty of pretty gurls into this, they suck cock for crypto boois. I dont know whats wrong with you autists
forgive me user I usually hold myself to higher spelling standards than technolocally or whatever the fuk
Women are risk averse.
Forgive me user I typically hold myself to higher spelling standards than technolocally or whatever the fuk
yes. Go back to tumblr or something.
Thats exactly why you dont get fooled by twitter crypto girls. What are the chances that pretty face avatar is really talking about satoshis and icos?
But tumblr is politically correct and they don’t give a shit about crypto
Also I enjoy Veeky Forums specific memes that tumblr has deemed alt right
>you would post tits
fucking whore get of this board.
Get in touch with me within 1 hour.
user, it’s a lose lose situation either way on my part. If I want to contribute to a thread with my perspective I am required to post tits. When I do I am called a whore. If I don’t then I am a larping faggot autist.
You look like you have a cute face!
Or maybe don't be faggot autist who takes these Internet things too literally.
you are a larper either way, unless you post a fucking timestamp
best to disengage at this point
Is this acceptable sir
>those hands
Definitely a dude
Nice try tranny.
Show penis
Post boipucci
sharpie in pooper and timestamp or gtfo.
I would give you my Linky ;)
Show tits tho and I'll send coins
Fun fact.
About 3/5 of the people responding with "fuck off roasty" probably have cunts
can you be my gf sir
pls my famalie
how much linky for the S U C C?
No, this is a sign that there are smart women who are also interested in computer science.
Anyway, show us your feminine penis pls. We know you're a trap ;)
It's the curse of the chans.
That said, every channer I've met IRL is a whole lot chiller than the many angry channers that populate this board.
That said, there's a good bit of decent people on here, even if many are hiding behind a facade of anger.
It's okay to be a non-retarded female.
The women I know who are into crypto are from places like Africa or South America, because they NEED to make it. In some cases they out-earn the men.
It's ironic anger. I wouldn't take what's said here too seriously.
Interesting facts. Not surprised as I've met a good number of femanons in person back when anonidate was a thing.
That said, 4channer guys tend to advertise themselves IRL a lot more (thus easier to identify) than 4channer gals.
This is called the gender equality paradox. When women are allowed to choose what they want to do, and not do it because they need the money, they choose traditionally "feminine" careers.
But gender is a social construct.
Sorry, I don’t accept shitcoins (except nano)
How desparate for attention do you have to be to post on Veeky Forums as a girl, jesus christ
Holy fuck there are women here. But why? It's barely funny anymore even for men
>women (Male)
Officially a roastie. Fuck off back to /b/ or /r9k/ dumb whore.
Something something internalized m'sogyny
*tips winged glasses*
they are too busy destroying western civilization with this #MeToo shit
God, I hope that's not really you in the picture. Don't actually post tits and a timestamp for fuck's sake. These circle jerk threads will pop up from time to time, you are not enlightening anyone here and posting these pictures just exposes you as an attention seeker.
Lol, true! There is a lot of that. I used to have a lot of pent of anger about women as well and the chans, for a while, made it worse about 10 years ago.
Meeting channer women in part has helped me somewhat go past that.
Still, with my current shituation in life, so ronery.
It's like /pol/, you act like an ironic nazi for a while and you become a nazi. You LARP in /r9k/ for too long and before you know you're "that" girl with no female friends
When I told my gf that I had part of my savings in crypto she immediately forced me to check out her half.
She's very risk averse, not sure if it applies to women in general, but it is the vibe I'm getting.
want me to teach you how to trade properly
But I don’t wanna get banned my dude
Women are more risk averse. They are able to see scams while men fall for scams all the time.
In a all male market bubbles always occur and in an all female market bubbles never occur.
All that means is women are smarter than men and they won't buy your monopoly coins.
>part of my savings
>she immediately forced me to check out her half.
Nah I don’t wanna join your discord
I don't group chat; one on one
It's not clear from your post but if half of the money you invested was hers she's entitled to have "her share" back if you didn't ask her permission.
Unless it's actually your money and she just considers it half hers.
>Always says what's hers is hers and what's mine is hers.
>though taught me a lot about how women think and act by outright admitting that many "misogynistic" things that i say about her are essentially correct.
What’s your portfolio? Not sure if you were ironically calling LINK a shitcoin or you’re retarded.
>claims to be technically proficient roastie
>doesn't know how to evade bans
thirsty af
I've been here since 2008 and I don't know how to evade bans.
I've only ever been banned for a day at most though
women dont like taking balls to the walls risks like investing in crypto. they are also easily (this is all more or less generally speaking) manipulated by their emotions.
this obviously doesnt go for all girls, and i have for a fact talked with several women who trade crypto here that dwarf my portfolio. you would just never be able to tell because the whole marketplace and places that they are talked about are anonymous (atleast any of the good ones). the smart ones know to blend in.
but if we are talking regular women, refer to my first paragraph
You'll get a 3 day ban from posting tops.
Fucking advertiser's get a longer ban than nudes. That's only if the mods think u have shit tits anyway
>be phone poster
>turn airplane mode on then off
The literal state of Veeky Forums.
Why take risk when she can let you all take risk that take the beta bucks of the lucky one?
brush your damn tongue. it has brap meat all over it.
Hope I can get a wife after I make her 10 million. Have to make it first.
Hunting - high risk, high reward. Conquering - high risk, high reward. Gathering - low risk, low reward. Nurturing - low risk, high reward.
What do you propose user
you are the reason everyone here thinks all women are retarded whores. holy shit. i hope these are actually yours. youre about to get backtraced bitch
I teach you some pretty cool math