why live...
>some people are earning 10k-20k a day posting fake ETH giveaways on Twitter
at least you aren't condemning yourself to hell for all eternity
Implying you can’t be that guy
what? how? and how are they not hunted down by authorities?
how does that even work? send x amount of token to x address and get x eth? lol
I wouldn't want to live as a rich fuck because I scammed bunch of poor naive retards.
Are people still falling for that shit? Really?
You say that but if someone offered you that kinda money... I bet you would start scamming.
well I could immediatelly create a fake binance twitter account and do it. but i wont.
nowadays they do this in groups. they fake famous twitter accounts, lurk 24/7 and as soon a famous twitterfag posts something they reply with a fuckload of likes.
you, as a single person, are not able to do that.
>authorities in India
Fuckin kek
20k from just one post with fake comments and paid likes by bots
>Implying that all rich people are scamming those below them.
This thinking is exactly why YOU arent one of them. Money olpy goes to people who provide Value into peoples lives. A job provides almost no value into the economy. And high paying jobs are the way they are because they're more valuable. People try to increase their value by going to college and getting a degree and such, but the real way to provide value is by creating something people need and then requiring money for it. For example: an agency that writes people's essays for them. People like highschool students see this as very valuable to them because someone taking care of their homework for them is something very valuable to them. Same thing goes for any business, they just share value, and people are more than happy to pay whatever they're charging because it's valuable to them. The only way to make $20k is to produce value in the world and seperate the income from your time. If you're: ((working for x amount of hours) * (for x amount of money)) it'll be very hard to make 20k an hour because you have a limit of 24 hours a day, and no job pays 20k an hour. but if you have
((an item or service that costs x amount of money) * (for x amount of people that buy it)), you can make $50k in your sleep. it's that simple. go out there and find a business that doesn't require your man hours to operate. then you'll be making money like you've never seen before. trust me, i never post on Veeky Forums, let alone on Veeky Forums, but this piece of information is what made me make some major changes in my life and aquire the freedom from work i want. you should be able to have freedom like it too. go out there and TRY to provide VALUE into peoples lives. you'll have money before you can even think about it.
Fuck, m8. I've gotta get in on this ASAP
I thought people would already have wised up to this by now
because you won't be rotting in jail for the next 10 years
Why, it's not ethical. Are you a thief user?
10k from one post
just imagine the naive single mother who's gambling on crypto with her welfare money to create a better life for her children, i can't do that shit man, sorry.
knowing very well that i could've sabotaged someone's livelihood for my own gain fucks with me and i wouldn't be able to sleep at night
We don't have any authorities yet
>alon musk
And he still fools people? Kek
It's illegal to do so. They are doing it from shitty third world countries where authorities not yet understand how email works. Eth is one of the most tracable crypto. Wallets are getting blacklisted and transactions monitored. You have to monero up quickly to make it to withdrawal. All western neet who try this will get party vanned.
How does this asshole do it? As soon as I fucking try my account gets instabanned.
Who the fuck cares about a single mother on welfare who's gambling it on crypto?
This is interesting whats happening here?
As soon as I add a picture my account gets banned until I add a phone number but fuck that I'm not putting tracable stuff up, I tried using an online phone number but the text didn't go through so I kinda ran outta steam. Anyway, twitter has an algorithm to stop people from copying profiles. These pajeets must've added their cell phones to their account or found a way around it.
These people deserve their scam. Fuck them for being this stupid.
Most of the ETH these guys get is just sending it to themselves to make it look legit. They're probably only getting 0.2 ETH from poor retards.
fucking brainlets, the scammer is just sending eth to himself to make it look legitimate
To make it look legitimate, it would have to send eth to OTHERS
are you retarded? the caliber of people that would fall for it wouldn't bother checking it, they see other people sending they send, it's a scam for absolute brainlets like you
If a person is smart enough to open a blockchain explorer, he will check if he's sending coins to OTHERS, not if other schmucks are sending coins to him. It makes zero sense to imitate fake donations, you fucking brainlet.