Bitcoin will never go under 11000 ever again
Bitcoin will never go under 11000 ever again
10895 rip
Not going to say you are right or wrong, but I wouldn’t bet on it. And, I’m on team bitcoin.
I don't think I've ever seen a more attractive female in my life
fuk, me too, i want to make sweet love to her
uh oh
>most attractive femaile
>not 2D
Isn't she that Mayli bitch who did porn?
At least wait until the week closes. Ive seen this shit approach almost 12k last week then drop to 9k for no apparent reason.
b-but the robin hood guy said it was gonna crash
Nah fuck that pajeet fake followers scammer cuck soyboy
I thought this exact same thing. Fuck.
>tfw no hapa to facefuck
life hurts
>cumsluts react
>tfw white with asian wife and hapa triplets on the way
wat do?
You don't get out a lot do you.
hapa women are goddess tier. Literally living anime. You're just another plebian.
Bless you, white man. Eurasian girls are the second best after pure asian girls. Please produce as much as you can.
t. asian
tfw hapa girls are idolised
tfw hapa boys commit mass shootings
Lots of attractive women on my campus, but this chick has something else
jewpa boys commit atrocities
kys u disgusting cuck
white/asian are top tier
jew/asian are bottom tier
jew/anything really
that chick is damn attractive too, but the original post is still better
Hapas are double-edged swords. They are insanely beautiful and sexy as much as they're mentally ill and your children will definitely look like mongrels
new phone, who dis?
>mentally ill
The amount of scientific research that goes into this is insane. I don't know why this type of shit fascinates me so much. Is it genetic or nurtured? I wonder how much upbringing plays a role as opposed to genetics.