last time it was posted the Veeky Forums average was like 130
[spoiler] 128 brainlet reporting [/spoiler]
Last time it was posted the Veeky Forums average was like 130
This was the end result and the averege of the general population.
Didnt even have time to answer the last ten so I answered them randomly. Whats the deal with the answers? Are they binary or is there a spectrum of answers?
Pic related
Not as special as I thought I was
Oh for fuck sakes
>93 percentile
does that mean 1 out of every 10 people you've met has been smarter than you? ouch
I think it means im smarter than 93% of people who took that specific test
Don't worry, you are very special. More special than most.
135 brainlet here
Good test desu
I didnt' notice the chronometer until 10 minutes had been left.
You really mean that??
No. You have the same experience and memories as us. Thus your brain will operate the same kind of informartion at lower speed than high-IQ geniuses.
>tfw dummy
You are just plain "smart" from the POV of co-workers and obviously, your boss.
How does it feel?
I refuse to believe this is real. Someone with 140 IQ can't actually spend their time on a Malayan Mariachi forum, can they?
I'm 135 and I'm here ;^)
Is the 140 the Veeky Forums limit?
Yikes. Big autistic IQs like yours?
Post your mensa screenshot
Are you retarded? You don't have the same experience and memories as the people on this board. Jesus, did you really read my post?
Your post? The one where you literally say the exact opposite of what you're trying to peddle now?
If you're the guy bragging about the 135 IQ I can already tell you're socially retarded.
I got 145 or more
Does your ability to spot patterns really have a significant correlation with your ability to learn new languages or understand concepts in chemistry and physics?
>15 point margin of error
>your iq is very likely ~100
kill yourself my senpai
feels average man
It was fucking sarcasm, you dumbfuck.
How can someone has the same experience and memories as another?
Calm down, nobody knows what you're talking about
Then, why did you answer me if you don't know shit?
To tell you to stop embarassing yourself
Why do you give a fuck?
I don't
Yes you do.
lol, are you OP? Ima stop bumping your thread
It's real, but I'm not active on Sci, usually only lurking on int and pol.
Also I think that you get better by understanding the underlying logic of the test. Usually its just moving the geometric around in your head to fit a pattern.
Nice emotional control. ;^)
I've never do one of this, there's some of this ins spanish? I don't want search by myself because i don't know which will be reliable.
You don't need to know english. Actually the test consists of pattern recognition.
>trying this hard to get into an internet fight
Do you notice that you are actually answering my posts?
fuck off you two niggers
Well first off there are 2 errors in the test and they have managed to have the answers available in the source. Idiots...
So you sourced the answers and that's why your IQ is 145? I guess that's legit, welcome to Mensa
>Having to cheat
In general, any online IQ test is unreliable, and IQ tests really need to be administered by trained professionals.
That said, some online IQ tests are more accurate than others, and if this one is by MENSA then I bet this is as good as online IQ tests get - no one takes IQ more seriously than MENSA. The only real reason to find out your IQ (other than its original purpose, which was to identify which children were intellectually impaired and needed extra academic support) is to access the resources of high IQ organizations, which range from scholarships to grant funds, to access to networks.
actually you replied to him and u need to stfu
where are the answers in the source?
This was pretty easy.
It's not cheating if it's their fault...
Ok :(
>answered 5 questions
>clicked other 30 at random
>tfw 101 IQ genius
>access the resources of high IQ organizations, which range from scholarships to grant funds, to access to networks.
Genuinely interested, which organisations offer these?
Well, actually I did the test and got 143, meaning one wrong answer. (One error is in a board and one is in an answer.)
I then searched through the source, found the answers and lastly noted the errors.
He is not me.
I feel so fucking stupid.
I've had multiple official IQ tests come back in the 160+ range that were done by professionals. I can take it when I'm back from class if Veeky Forums wants to see its accuracy.
Not, i'm not as smart as this test say, this is serious.
You are.
tried to take it honestly. had to guess at the last 4 or 5, just couldn't really wrap my head around them.
brainlet banz inc
What a pathetic attempt at an IQ test, from mensa no less.
Everyone: remember to knock 20-25 points off of your score.
Now if only this number got me a gf
In the source is a link to an identical test. This test uses an encrypted Javascript to check the answers. Find a way around the encryption, you get the script and there you'll find an array containing the answers.
>mfw this is real and not bait
Bit less than what I got on an official test.
Pretty content.
Oh well
samefag pls no
You know that IQ tests don't mean much, right?
They do. Do some research.
>tfw IQ has declined 17 points in 15 years.
Still in the 90th percentile but feels bad, man.
so i got bored and clicked finish at 40%
nice test
IQ tests are really inconsistent for me
I've been placed on some to be around 135, the average is around 144, and a couple have placed me at 156 and 164.
not reckon a talent 128
130 not bad. I think I could get higher if I thought a little harder
Averaging all the scores showed in the pictures posted here = 127
Why do you average something that is so non-linear just like that?
Let's compile a list of IQ exams with Raven Matrices
What are they bros?
The more I work on these the higher my IQ goes up. Most of these follow the same basic patterns ayy lmap lets crowd source these and ace them all
Doesn't have to mean that as you probably selectively meet people who are in your own "range" more than others since you're a small kid.
Most of the question has a similar logic to it, no?
Yes they are all the same basic idea, just more and more complicated things happening at once.
Did better than I thought
Didn't finish. About 80% through I think.
But that means I got a score of 110.
Why is this score lower than the one from 5 years ago?
123 fuck this test
Because it is a stress test, mate. They seeing if they can get you off your balance.
138. It had many questions which were similar to the test
Then you got a feeling for what you can do without having to expose what you really can do. Great!
I got 130
What fucking annoyed me was that the last 5 or so I'd seen before in an aptitude test, but I didn't have time to do anything but guess them
97.7 percentile, am I still a brainlet?
Alright, since most people here are retarded, but are getting 90th percentile+, we can conclude that the test is complete rubbish and the average is probably around 120
The problems were all the same
Selection bias.
You misunderstand what average intelligence is. Most people on Veeky Forums are above average intelligence.
Someone with average intelligence thinks they're fucking BRILLIANT, if they get an A in freshman stats.They usually go into nursing/medicine, or become public sector workers, assuming they get an education at all. Something like plugging a monitor in is new and terrifying to them.
I'd guess that most of the people on Veeky Forums are actually 110+, regardless of the ridiculous shit they say and do.
Not sure about the problem against scores like 120 and such.
What, to be "smart" you have to be 4 deviations from the mean?
That's like saying 6'4 isnt tall because its not 99.9 percentile.
Top 10 global university student here, going for a masters/PhD.
> Clicked every question at random
> test gives pic related
You are the usual online IQ tests are grossly inflated shill
weird I got the same
except, I study psychology at a state university that's not even rated. 5 years no bachelors yet
Does this mean I got everything correct?
1% of the world is smarter than me, that is like 6-7 million people ffs... How the fuck are we still drowning in this stone age primitve ape times