Genuine question - what's the point of Mensa?

Genuine question - what's the point of Mensa?
After attending events/talks and reading their material, the people there just seem to enjoy wasting time together, rather than doing any actual academic work. But growing up as a kid, people had always spoken so greatly of Mensa. What's happened? Was Mensa initially good?

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no it was always a sub-masonic self-praising shitfest

So why join? You don't need to pay a membership fee to get yourself off.

some people just need to wear a badge

What's the purpose of Mensa?

Smart people have egos too.

They also have fucking working to do.

There is no point. It is a gathering of self-righteous autistic who, despite a lack of personal accomplishments, had to create their own circle jerk because of "much Iq"

As ridiculous as this post sounds, it's probably accurate. My father and stepfather are both members of Mensa. My father enjoyed getting together with his Mensa group to do puzzles, but my Stepfather always hated it. He said that it was a gathering of people who hadn't achieved much to complain about how their intelligence wasn't appreciated.
Note that my father and stepfather had very different paths. They were both in programs for gifted kids. My dad wound up going to good schools, got a degree in engineering, got into computer science early on, and has lectured at MIT. Despite all this, he has very little to show for his intelligence, and basically takes high paying programming/developing jobs. Despite contributing to books on CS, he's kind of anonymous. Keep in mind, he's the one who likes Mensa.

My stepfather became disenchanted with the whole gifted kid thing, flunked out of his shitty college because he never studied and just did drugs, and wound up getting drafted to Vietnam, where he got injured 8 months later. He then went back to school, got his BA, and wound up getting a Master in Architecture. He wound up having a high position in local government, and then became a city planner for major city developments in the Middle East. His name carries a lot of weight in the architecture, planning, and sustainable development communities. He couldn't stand the Mensa people, and ironically thought they "weren't very bright".

I have a thick cock.

Being smug. That's literally it.. People join MENSA to feel better than the rest of us because they're card carrying members of an organization of smart people that do smart things that not smart people like you and I aren't smart enough to understand. If we were smart like them we would be in mensa being smug about how smart we all are rather than doing something productive with our lives.

People cherish even the most mundane things, if it brings coherency and relevancy to their lives.

This. It's a pure circlejerk.
My family encouraged me to join Mensa when I was like 15 I think. I knew even then that the club was pointless and said no. Why am I going to join a society for "geniuses" when I've never even done anything with my life yet?

People are always looking for a way to feel superior to others, to feel a cut above the "plebs". Go on half the boards here, you'll find there's a bunch of smug superior know-it-alls complaining about others. With intelligence it's particularly easy to fall into the trap that people think that every decision they make or thing they are thinking about is somehow "better" or more valid, and how they must always be right in arguments, etc.

I listened to an MLK speech that said that this is the cause of a lot of racism. Looking down on other races is an automatic way to make yourself feel special and superior. Explains why most of Veeky Forums is racist, most people on here are losers IRL.

Ever think they look down on blacks because they're scared of them due to their propensity towards violence for little reason?

Is this the best argument you can come up with?

Do you expect people to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week? Most of them probably still work


Are you saying that every single person on /pol/ has been beaten up by a black guy? Most of them just jumped the bandwagon to look superior. And anyway most people who dislike blacks due to bad experiences don't go full white power mode. The people doing that are almost always losers IRL.

You know what I find funny about IQ and society?
If someone asks me what my IQ is and I reply "120", they will be skeptical. However, if I claim "80" they'll believe me no problem. Despite the fact that statistically they are just as common. Is this how to spot an insecure person?

To bring jews and other ego fetishists together.

Nobody is going to lie about being mentally handicapped in order to impress people.

that is what the medias are showing us but is it really true?

t b h I have never seen people who go full white power only in medias

>the first post is someone complaining about straightening her hair
We neurotypicals certainly never think about how our hair looks or go through effort to style it.

any society that supports and celebrates intelligence is alright in my book. It's a pretty scarce resource. The majority of humanity is insufferably stupid and incapable. A planet consisting solely of highly intelligent people would be absolutely amazing to live in.

Nice projecting, loser.

People must think you're really dumb.

>what's the point of Mensa?
spergs gonna sperg

unless you're a bus driver

>Is this how to spot an insecure person?
No, because you'd have to go back in time and ask them the other question too.

supply and demand would take care of that.

in germany the chapter or whatever you call it of mensa gave a price to a swiss historian who gives talks about 9/11 conspiracy theories. basically he says the official theory cant be proofed so every other theory is just as likely to be true. he tries to sell himself and his aproach as academic but is just a nut like every other thruther.

Most IQ tests only test expectation bias in regards to patterns.
IQ tests for children are even worse, as they often employ cultural bias as reject lateral thinking.
In fact, lateral thinking is condemned by many of the psychologists that create IQ tests.
It isn't a coincidence that psychologists score high on IQ tests, even higher than nobel prize laureates in areas a true sciences like physics, etc.

My IQ ranged from 103 to 160.
It tests: Meaningless.

The point of mensa is to brag about being part of mensa.

Source: a friend of mine is associated with mensa.
He does not miss an occasion to brag about intelligence.






You inow what's funny? In spanish mensa means something like stupid or dumb.

Dick-size comparing is more profitable and productive than IQ threads

They're just a group of masturbating monkeys desu

Let's create a long-penis society

Why ... I mean really. Is this even Veeky Forums. Because of all your fucking dank memeing and frog posting, you don't even see the obvious anymore.


>what's the point of Mensa?

To have a sense of sumg satisfaction over doing literally fuck all. There was a mensa society at college, so I thought that I'd go along to the meet and greet. I swear they had "Hi my name is.." stickers that included their IQ. Anyway long story short I got in to a fight with the president and called a lot of them cunts, needless to say I never went back.

Mensa is fucking pointless, even the guy who founded it thinks that.

Yeah, and white's propensity to kill you without you knowing what's going on by fucking up the economy to get a few bucks is a lot better. You should definitely trust the underhanded guy more than the straightforward one.

Mensa is a circlejerk for 'muh IQ' nerds.
We should just agree anyone with an IQ above 116 is pretty smart.

t. person with an IQ of 117

They have those. I no longer have low self esteem, but I got more self conscious when I found out there are legitimately groups of people where the main thing is you either have to be a size queen or have a huge dick and they get together and have orgies. Which is a silly thing to get insecure about, but I also used to get insecure about IQ, too. That's just as dumb

>To have a sense of sumg satisfaction over doing literally fuck all.

Yeah, this sums it up fairly well. My own experience with Mensa many years ago was that it was a giant circlejerk for insecure people who haven't actually accomplished anything of importance in their lives. Not my scene, but to each his own, I suppose.

t. former Mensa member

Only Aspergers has increased intelligence, most with autism are severely retarded

rather earn one of these personally

it's a good read actually you lazy fuck

Quads of quads indicates truth.

Who is your stepfather?
This was a very interesting take on mensa

People are less likely to lie that their iq is lower than average.

Want to be in something better than MENSA? Attend graduate school.

>rather than doing any actual academic work.

lmao, how did you come to expect this?

>Was Mensa initially good?

I can't imagine why it would have been any different. Mensa is just nursery for 'higher IQ' people, it was never anything else. But hey, it's a cheap way to do a verified IQ test.

My uncle has an IQ of 165, has worked for the biggest defence contractors, public and private universities, and national labs. Take a guess as to whether he's in Mensa or not, and that should answer any questions you have about Mensa and the people who join.

I've always been interested in IQ stuff, and I took the test with my Dad because I knew that he was interested too. We both were accepted, and it's something that I can do to bond with my dad since we do not have many mutual interests.

Dad is currently our counsel's vice president, and I'm a proctor.

>Is this the best argument you can come up with?
I don't think that really matters.
>Do you expect people to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week? Most of them probably still work
Huh? Where did this come into it?

Alexander Shulgin met his wife Ann at a Mensa party.

Dr.Shulgin is my hero and he's done more work than I'll ever accomplish in my lifetime but Ann shulgin just hung around and paraded like she understood his work without even knowing chemistry.

All Mensas have aspergers.


Holy fuck, Mensa threads on Veeky Forums are consistently the most retarded jerkoffs I've ever seen.

Most of your "objections" to Mensa are stupid.

It's for meeting people, not "doing" things, you fucking retards. It's not a university. I know you're all NEETs or undergrads (not even making jabs, it's just a fact that 90% of this board is still in school or NEET), but once you actually get a job you might have the desire to join a club and socialize in your spare time.

Most people hating on Mensa here apparently think meetings consist of people literally repeating their IQ score over and over at the top of their lungs or some other horseshit. It's a society with an IQ requirement, it doesn't exist to discuss IQ. Most people are laid-back and no one gives a shit about your IQ once you are actually a member; I have never been asked mine nor have I ever heard anyone talking about their---or anyone else's---IQ at a Mensa meeting. The thing that I would say is most similar to mensa is Veeky Forums. There are people there who can discuss literally any and all of your interests, something that is extremely hard to find outside of these 2 places.



Your definition of "success" is probably fucking retarded if you actually believe. Prime example of this is .
>guy goes to good schools
>gets engineering degree
>gets many high paying jobs
>passes down his knowledge to the next generation, lecturing at world class institutions and contributing to textbooks
>has a wife and kids at home who he loves and who love him
But somehow this guy is a failure because he's "kind of anonymous." This is the biggest NEET horseshit I have ever heard. Wow, your dad doesn't have any theorems named after him-- what a fucking loser, dude!!! I sure hope I don't follow in his footsteps with his lame high-paying job and contributions to his field. I wanna be like the weed smoking, m16 toting badass who got the other guy's sloppy seconds instead.

The world is not Veeky Forums. Just because someone isn't published doesn't mean they "haven't done anything" like everyone suggests over and over in these shitty threads. What exactly do you want people to accomplish? Most members have jobs they enjoy, get paid well, and have active social lives. Again, most NEETs and high schoolers here probably cannot understand the importance of that, but you will in a few years.

What's even stupider is the criticism of having a club with exclusive membership when you are posting on the most exclusive social site of all time. There are regularly 250+ post threads about "dumb shit that normalfags say." I'm sorry that grown adults choose to try to engage with others they are similar to in real life and don't just shitpost on chans all day.

Overall, ost of you sound like idiots who talk about Freemasons as if they are the Illuminati. You have no idea what you're saying and just sound ridiculous.

Wow, you're like full on mad.

>There are people there who can discuss literally any and all of your interests, something that is extremely hard to find outside of these 2 places
englighten us faggot

I don't know if it is like this elsewhere, but in our counsel there's a tacit rule that you don't bring up IQ. No one will actually stop you, but it's seen as in bad taste because we all try to get along.

Someone get this hothead outta here

Did you mean to type those numbers the other way around?

but hes right

its sad to see how butthurt people are about mensa, and the majority of them have not and would not ever apply... because then their "IQ" becomes real

just leave the mensa and other high IQ society people alone.

this shit on Veeky Forums is pretty much the bitter fat bitch going around spreading rumors about how the attractive girl is a bulimic slut

>wound up
>wound up
>wound up

I hope English isn't your mother tongue.

I'm no Mensa member but he's right. Mensa is just a club for people with above average IQs to do shit together. I just detect a shit ton of insecurity or anger on this thread because they aren't part of an exclusive club and need to vent it out. Shit, I think Mensa is a little pointless too, but if a bunch of high IQ guys want to meet up, do puzzles and solve problems together, where's the harm in that?

I can see your point, but I still disagree. If you want to socialize, try activities that smart people engage in, like chess, or fencing. I did both, and it's great, met lots of interesting people.

I did the Mensa entry test, and scored 145+. It didn't make me feel any better, I guess I'm just good at solving these puzzles. However, denying my companionship to someone because he is "below 130" is utterly inconceivable to me. It's just another arbitrary segregation of people that I cannot, by my humanity, approve of. There are many great people in this world and the vast majority of them wouldn't pass the Mensa entry test.

So there are many disadvantages to the Mensa, and no benefits that can't be easily obtained elsewhere. I hope you can see my point too.

>everyone who dislikes Mensa has a low IQ


a) They thought they were smart enough, so they took the test and didnt get in.
b) They took a bunch of feel-good online IQ tests and are sitting pretty at 140 IQ, but are afraid to find out if they are truly as smart as they think they are
c) They took the test and got in, and just dont happen to like Mensa.
d) They know they arent smart enough to get in so they never bothered to try.

I think b is most likely.

>I know i could join mensa if i tried, but its such a scam and waste of money, why bother
>Why bother? I already know im smart enough, i got 140 once on a test.
>I have or am working towards a degree in a stem field, surely that means my IQ is high enough for mensa, why bother i've already achieved more than most of them

Tell me this doesnt describe at least 90% of the negative posters in this thread.

Your post has almost nothing in the way of argument. You begin by prescribing people to do things without justifying why and then say some of the stupidest holier than thou horseshit I've ever heard.

>If you want to socialize, try activities that smart people engage in, like chess, or fencing
Why? There is zero motivation to your suggestion other than "lol, workt for me i dunno and MENSA BAD!!!" If someone met "lots of interesting people" at Mensa, how is that worse than doing it at your fucking chess club? It should go without saying that not everyone wants to play chess or fence and whatever bullshit like tennis you are going to throw at me in your reply. It should also go without saying that you are fucking free to join both Mensa and whatever other clubs you want to, but apparently---as shown in the rest of your post---you're extremely ignorant of this basic fact.

>denying my companionship to someone because he is "below 130" is utterly inconceivable to me. It's just another arbitrary segregation of people that I cannot, by my humanity, approve of
Being a member of Mensa doesn't preclude you from offering "[your] companionship" to people outside of Mensa. Mensa is not a fucking cult. You are free to marry, fuck, and talk to whoever you want to no matter there affiliation. Nobody cares what you do outside of meetings. Nobody is going to check up on you to make sure you're only hanging out with other high IQ people. This aura of exclusion and haughtiness that you believe surrounds Mensa does not exist in reality. I do not know of a single member that only hangs out with Mensa people. They almost all have significant others that are not Mensa members and certainly all of themhave friends that are not members.

>Tell me this doesnt describe at least 90% of the negative posters in this thread.

It doesn't describe me. I haven't read all the posts in the thread, and even if I did, I'm not sure I could make such judgments.

Either way it's a pure ad hominem and irrelevant to the discussion about Mensa societies. I know Veeky Forums likes ad hominem, but let's try to keep it factual on Veeky Forums.

>There are many great people in this world and the vast majority of them wouldn't pass the Mensa entry test
How is this an argument against Mensa, or anything at all for this matter? As stated (and should go without stating, but apparently you're an idiot), you are free to hang out with anyone you want outside of meetings. This is not the Westboro Baptist Church. Mensa members don't think non-members are cretin slugs that are going to idiot hell.

Overall point: Nobody is recruiting you. If you don't like Mensa---that's fine. I don't care; nobody cares. What I can't understand is why you and everyone else in every Mensa thread on Veeky Forums feels that other people should also hate Mensa, as if Mensa is obstructing or preventing something good from happening in the world. It is very curious that you are hellbent on trying to stop people from joining a club that perfectly suits their needs

>j-just join like a fencing league, you b-big iq circlejerk bullies!! why??? uh, because i said so!! :(((

Is there a group for that? German for thick is "Dikke" isn't it? Try that for a group name.

I'm scared of white people who do violence for little reason. Aren't you? Also yellow, brown, grey, green,...

Um, ego is not limited to ANY group. Even 'jews'. Even you.

>that guy is stronger than me so he obviously does steroids and/or bodybuilding is for fags

the thread

just how privileged are you?
how was the neighborhood you grew up in?

Odd. It comes from the Latin for "table" - that is why the logo 'M' looks like a 3D image of a table. Maybe the Spanish meaning derives from "thick as 2 short planks - like you'd make a table from"?

Well, you could say that about the whole of humanity.

So your entire argument boils down to:

>Mensa does nothing bad
>You can do whatever you like outside Mensa

Yet, you do agree that the day has a finite amount of hours? If so, why would I want to spend some of that time with a clearly inferior option, namely meeting people from a certain arbitrary group, as opposed to meeting all kinds of people and learning chess? The argument you make for Mensa is socialization, yet socialization is everywhere.

Objectively I can see no reason why I, or anyone, would want to attend Mensa meetings. There are many very, very smart people at my maths institute, however, I've never heard a single one mention Mensa (or IQ).

>apparently you're an idiot

Thank you very much.

I wonder what it is like to be this butthurt over something this stupid? I can't even imagine.

my IQ is 125

am I dumb lol



Your father sounds more successful than your stepfather to me. You seem to place too much value on notoriety - and a damn slight too much faith in the value of local government.

Well said.


.........I'll just let this one go...

>enjoy wasting time together, rather than doing any actual academic work
I don't know much about Mensa, but I think this is the point. If that doesn't suit you, go somewhere else.

>all the butthurt in this thread
Everyone seems to think Mensa owes them something because it's hard to get in and the members are supposedly smart. But if the Mensites enjoy their fooling around, who are you to judge?

>clearly inferior option
That's entirely your opinion, though.
You seem completely incapable of understanding the concept that other people may have different opinions to you.
>Objectively I can see no reason why I, or anyone, would want to attend Mensa meetings.
Since when were preferences, opinions, or tastes objective?

Mensa is a club, why would you expect them to do research?

Mensa is the way a cunning fuckface can scam money out of intelligent but overtly vain fuckfaces

>very little to show for his intelligence
>he's kind of anonymous
>a gathering of people who hadn't achieved much to complain about how their intelligence wasn't appreciated

>going to good schools
>got a degree in engineering
>got into computer science early on
>has lectured at MIT
>takes high paying programming/developing jobs
>contributing to books on CS

So, let me get this straight. Your dad has a degree in engineering from a good school. He got involved in computer science early on. He has lectured at MIT. He has contributed to textbooks in CS. He has taken high-paying programming jobs.

Plus, what's the problem? He likes doing puzzles with his friends from Mensa.


>Tell me this doesnt describe at least 90% of the negative posters in this thread.
As much as I like elitism, it should be reached through hard work and bettering yourself rather than just being born into it, so no it doesn't describe me.