Anyone else just got abused by IB Physics exam?
IB Physics exam this morning. :I
Other urls found in this thread:
1) This is not related to science or math
2) underage
1) It's a fucking PHYSICS exam... How autistic do you have to be to not understand the relationship between Science and Physics?
2) Basically everyone who writes IB Physics exam this year will be 18 and above, me included.
The grades boundaries better be adjusted otherwise I'm cucked
Kek, timezone 1 or 2?
So you're just a newfag then
Lurk moar faggot
KYS desu fampai.
IB Physics is easy as fuck.
Come back when you are in 2nd year.
Do you mean IB as in HS for international students?
the international baccalaureate. It is generally more common in America and some international schools in Europe, so yes, I believe you mean the right thing. We had our Physics HL (&SL) paper 1&2 today.
I just sat my exam, thus I am second year? And no, IB Physics paper 1 is easy, but if you are claiming that this year's paper 2 was easy then you have no idea what you're talking about.
anyone wana talk about any of the questions that came up? I'm pretty confident about most of them, and can probably remember all my answers. Especially paper 1.
Piss off brainlet. This shit isn't difficult.
Second year of university you retard. IB physics curriculum is brain dead easy. If you read the textbook you could get a 6. 7 if you practiced a few exams. Its not even a calculus based physics curriculum. If you are honestly struggling with IB Physics you should stay away from STEM. No trolls. Just look at your syllabus and compare it to other programs. AP, A-levels, abitur are all more in-depth than IB.
The problem with the exam this year was that the textbooks were barley related to the questions asked in this exam
2014 physics papers were easy as fuck so go be a faggot somewhere else
Sign this shit bois
what's the difference between IB and AP
>all these whiney high schoolers
>complaining about problems where someone (multiple someones) already know the answer
Yeah, no. Come back when you're doing research, kiddos, then you can complain about physics problems.
The IB is a scam.
It can't be any harder than AP Physics and that course was a walk in the park.
More work, but not as hard.
What was the problem on the test you guys are talking about.
As for a tip, I took and passed the AP physics C tests and while I learned all of the material, it didn't prepare me for the more rigorous and advanced physics. My engineering dynamics course kicked my ass until I realized I can't breeze through like in high school.
So you can get a 5 on your AP or a 7 on your IB but don't start thinking you understand physics, let alone mechanics or E&M.
Still doesn't mean shit. I took the exam, and as long as you had some basic problem solving skills and read/did questions from the textbook your probably got 75% higher on both papers. Only reddit brainlets that just grind questions but dont put any effort into actually understanding the material found it hard.
Interesting. I took the IB physics exam in grade 11. You have to understand that IB only covers the introductory first year courses of university, so obviously anyone with any experience or knowledge is going to think you're exaggerating. Obviously it's harder when you're at the age where people still care more about having fun than getting letters of recommendation.
disagree at least for maths. I took the Ameridumb AP Calc BC test as well as IBHL maths and the IBHL was much harder AND more work
Really? I only took BC but I thought that was easy as shit.
yeah BC was very easy because you don't really learn much for calc BC
ibhl was much broader in scale, though still not hard. had lots of stuff on vectors, matrices, probability that was not covered in calc bc
It's IB. If you think that's "science" then you have a lot to learn obviously
Jesus talk about setting the bar low
Git gud