Why did I take this meme degree? There is no jobs for me because I'm not a 1 in a million genius physicist. Kill me now please....
BSc Physics
welcome to Veeky Forums
You fell for the Veeky Forums meme. Hopefully you took some CS courses and know how to program.
well working is for plebs anyways
it's not like you get a degree to work and get money
>He expects a job in physics
Fucking kek. You'll have to apply your transferable skills, brah.
>caring about jobs
Yes, you are truly a non-genius.
>muh rigor
>muh quantum mechanics
>muh cosmos
is right. You're just not smart enough. I won't end up like you.
I've lost count of the physics grads that have to do some CS shit just to go by. Either start coding to go to grad school for CS to get some decent jobs OP.
No one gives a fuck if you can make money with the knowledge you gain from Veeky Forums here, the only people who care are engineers.
You'll start caring once you become an adult and your parents stop paying for everything.
>Freshman engineer makes a thread to justify the fact that his career sucks and all of his friends who went for physics are probably having a blast.
I know because there are jobs in physics. If you were an actual physics bachelor holder then your thread would read more like
>I have applied to various jobs but not one has picked me
The butthurt of engineers is so strong that I can smell it from miles away.
Here is a personal story, back in my first year of college, right after graduating highschool, I started studying mathematics in university while literally all of my close friends from highschool went to engineering. Some took software engineering, some civil engineering, some aeronautical engineering, some mech engineering and one guy went for industrial engineering.
After like a month of being in university we finally did a long talk over skype to discuss how everything was going in our respective majors and our life as supposed adults.
All that I said amounted to
>Everything is going great, getting As all around and have plenty of time because professors don't leave homework and the people are nice to talk to.
Everything my engineering friends amounted to
>My calculus professor is a fucking angry sad bitch. Every single day I get assigned more fucking homework that counts for 25% of the final grade. 'Technical drawing' is killing from the inside, have to draw so many bullshit shit to turn in every day what the fuck. They never told me this would suck so much.
I did not outright make fun of them but it was clear what was happening here. They took the academia equivalent of an office job signing papers and shit, while I took the academia equivalent of smoking weed, getting high and then looking at the sky while I write down what I see.
I clearly chose the better life.
you can still get jobs in general with a physics degree right?
it's just the jobs IN physics that are difficult to get, r-right guys?
when that happens, I'm just killing myself.
my IQ is 93 and have a physics degree from Cambridge
passing exams is something even a monkey can do if they are predictable
No. Don't fall for the Veeky Forums meme. Employers aren't looking for "problem solving skills", they're looking for specific skills: programming, data science, statistical analysis. Skills for which there is a market for.
You'll never walk into a interview room and be presented with a metal link puzzle.
currently working with a guy with a masters in physics at a top uni and he's a code monkey now
i'm not even memeing
My IQ is 125 and I've failed every year since the eighth grade.
My intelligence in regards to pattern recognition is unmeasurable btw.
1) I don't even fucking know if you posted that picture ironically or not. If you did ignore the rest of my post.
2) It's not just about money it's about getting to work interesting problems/having a meaningful place in society.
3) It's not just about work, it's about not being a fucking barista just to survive after having spent 3+ years acquiring a degree.
4) If you can't get a professional job after graduation your life will fucking suck in this economy, way worse than any previous generation.
Wew lad nice strawman, all that says is that your friends are idiots, and you know what they say about people whose friends with idiots.
For B.SC degree it's a fact that physicists have practically no options have you ever been to your universities job fair? How many of those companies accepted physics students? 10%? Probably less.
In terms of enjoyment, the only people I know who didn't enjoy the most of the courses we took in engineering never made it to third year, not mention the enjoyment of being able to create shit with our skills, genuinely creating, something which physicists can never claim.
user, give me a hug and lets off ourselves together
>The butthurt of engineers is so strong that I can smell it from miles away.
where did OP said anything about engineering, can't you for once stop spouting excrement
but what if I like physics :(
>I took the academia equivalent of smoking weed, getting high and then looking at the sky while I write down what I see.
And you're proud of that fact? The fact that society treats your bachelors as a worthless background degree while your friends are initiated into serious professional responsabilities?
Also you're not going to get a lectureship even after getting into a good grad-school so enjoy waking the fuck up when that happens.
This is so true.
People on Veeky Forums and other retards who fell for the stem meme love to say shit like "it shows that you're smart!" or you "have problem solving skills!"
Entry level jobs do not require you to be fucking smart, they require you to be qualified. Jerking off to science for 4 years qualifies you to do exactly nothing. Employers aren't even looking for "smart" people no matter what anyone says. They just want wageslaves who can sit at their desk, function well socially with their other workers, and do their bullshit work in excel.
Don't fall for the fucking stem meme unless you literally want to kill yourself at age 23 because you chose being able to brag on Veeky Forums over guaranteeing a roof over your head
>Wew lad nice strawman
Just the fact that there is such a class as technical writing and that the professors have the nerve of leaving homework for it is enough to call the entire degree 100% shit for people who love shit.
Drawing is so dumb and stupid that after just 2 weeks in euclidean geometry I stopped even doing diagrams to 'aid' my proofs and just said 'let there be triangles'.
Fuck wasting time drawing retarded straight lines.
>friends are idiots
Maybe but just to defend them, they all have IQs just a few points below mine and most of them have the personality type INTP, just like I do.
> practically no options
I don't care too much for physics but just by googling I find aip.org
Those look like options.
>where did OP said anything about engineering, can't you for once stop spouting excrement
It is implied. I explained why I knew his post was faking to be an actual physics bachelor holder.
If he is a fake the most logical conclusion is that he is engineer, however CS and Biology are also valid guesses but those are not as common here. CS people are mostloy containe din /g/ and Bio people have mostly offed themselves.
>And you're proud of that fact?
Fuck yeah man. It is fun and serious at the same time.
Plus, we also get plenty of 'applied' """serious""" real life classes. To name a few: statistics, programming, financial mathematics and 'mathematical methods for scientific research'.
Those all lead directly to jobs.
>into a good grad-school
topkek I am not going to grad school. I am making good money as a software developer and I think I will stay here for at least a few years. Maybe I will go for a masters but that will only be like 5 years after I graduate undergrad, not right away.
Math is comfy.
Then you go full force and don't stop untill you hit masters, after that there's a great market for physicists, about 30% of the team I work in are physicists with masters, then other 30% CompE B.sc and 40% EE
>It is implied.
you're just looking for excuses to vomit shit like
>Math is comfy.
you're probably the same guy who goes around saying "physicists can do anything they want" and "biology is rote memorization"
grow up, child
this t b q h f a m
>physicists can do anything they want
I'd never even dream of saying that.
I wouldn't even say that mathematicians can do anything they want.
We are all clearly put into boxes the moment we sign up for university.
>"biology is rote memorization
b-but it is. The fuck is going on? How can you deny this?
Oh. don't tell me now that you are a 500 IQ genius who logically deduces the function of every hormone just by looking at its molecular instruction.
NO YOU DON'T That is fucking impossible. You memorize it!
Nope. Pure degrees sciences like Physics is the type of degree where you need at least a Master's degree to even be employable.
>not getting an engineering undergrad degree then getting a Physics master's degree
At least you'll be employable and have a higher chance of getting a Physics job after getting that Masters degree.
I really hope you're memeing right now. If not, IQ tests are designed for people like you to feel good about themselves for being "smart" despite having achieved nothing.
This is a completely idiotic post. Why does Veeky Forums think that you can't get a job unless you have an engineering degree? Do you think every person in the world is dead set on becoming an engineer? Do you understand that there are jobs in fields other than engineering? People with no college experience largely have jobs -- why would a physics degree make it even harder to find employment? Have you seen the unemployment rate of people with a BS in physics?
Stop. High schoolers actually visit this board. They're very impressionable. So stop giving them false ideas.
What are you talking about?
Physicists who can't get jobs are either autists who don't know how to market their skills, or didn't gain any work experience, or experience in anything practical during their undergrad.
If the former is you, I can't help you; consider suicide.
If the latter is you, don't worry, you're a couple of courses in programming / control systems / stats / finance / project management / etc away from some of the best paid / most employable / most interesting jobs around.
>If the latter is you, don't worry, just take courses from majors that actually find jobs and pray to god they pick you over them
Note: It is enough to take one or two of those courses I listed, or to simply gain experience in job roles where you can learn those skills.
And even the high schoolers can look and see that some people are making arguments and some are merely throwing their hands in the air and proclaiming "you must do my major! Only people in my major get jobs!"
For fuck's sake, this may be a five year old study, but look at it. This sure doesn't fit the Veeky Forums narrative of "engineering or starve to death."
PLEASE be bait.
If this really isn't bait/troll, this might be the finest sample of freshman Veeky Forums distilled into just a few posts.
>hates engineers because jobs and boring careers and anecdotes
>hates bio because it's all just memorisation, like that highschool class I took, amirite?
>romanticises academia without knowing what it really entails.
>thinks his math degree makes him smart
Deep down something tells me I am being trolled. If I'm wrong though, take this man as an example of what to NEVER become. He is in for a rough awakening himself in a few years.
Fair point. Except you'll find you get the job much easier with similar skills and a background in physics.
The level of maths required for a job in finance is met just as easily by a physics degree as with a maths degree, for example. If you do a course in financial mathematics (or even a MOOC), or get some summer experience, or get an entry-level job in finance, then you'll break through the barrier.
>this might be the finest sample of freshman Veeky Forums distilled into just a few posts.
Nah, Veeky Forums hasn't been pro-academia or pure studies since I was in high school five years ago.
Consider this: most of the people on this board would probably agree mathematics more readily lands you a job. Why? Most (read: all) of the maths required for real jobs is sufficiently covered by a physics degree. But in addition to this; physicists gain some experience with engineering, experimental work, report writing, and some programming and applied statistics.
Can anyone justify why maths+ is somehow less employable than maths?
This is why I think it's most likely that if you can't find a job with a degree in physics, you either got a shit degree, or you have no idea HOW to market your skills.
U can become a high school teacher and fill the children's heads with memes! xD
What electives should I take to make myself grad potential and employable to the industry?
Bitch you're doing computer engineering, you're fine. I guess it depends what you're most interested in doing when you finish.
I don't know how many you're allowed/required to take, but I'd guess any of your electives are fine. Application Development Using JAVA would likely be the most transferable, and Robotics & Lab would likely be the least transferable.
For required support courses: Project Design Principles and Applications, and Elem Linear Algebra and Diff Equations would be the most beneficial/employable.
I feel so smug right now famms
hello, senior in physics here
i ended up taking a fuckton of CS and bioengineering classes
or try and get into biophysics, its a lot easier to get into than some of the more esoteric fields, and the research is pretty neat
>in physics
ha ha ha
Thanks for weeding out the plebs user. The less competition the better.
Compared to maths, no. Compared to biology...
>b-but it is. The fuck is going on? How can you deny this?
so it is you, heh
you might as well use a tripcode, silly goose
Kek, I knew those faggots weren't smart
This entire thread is really about this picture, and the butthurt of course.
Thread is filled with people who have no clue what they are talking about, repeating something they heard, and providing no evidence to back up their statements.
Many of them are most likely still in H.S. and don't even know what they want to do yet. Proceed with all of this in mind.
Veeky Forums doesn't think that, Veeky Forums knows how bad the STEM job market is; engineering isn't immune either.
Math degrees often have stats or financial math courses which is why they are hired over physicists.
Also if you need a token nerd to supplement your modelling team why the fuck would you not pick a real mathematician over a physicist?
No it's really about the "top majors by salary" picture.
Notice how a physics major brought up engineering when no one else mentioned it, then they argued for a while got BTFO then after engineers left you, a physics major, brought up major politics again.
You care too much and you insecurity shows why you need online IQ tests and sat scores to feel better about yourself.
Report frogposters.