Which even number is the most even and why is it 4?

Which even number is the most even and why is it 4?

There is no most even number. If there was, you could double it to create a number that's even evener.

if 4 is most even how come I can make it even more even by the square?
[math]4^2=16[/math] is clearly more even, even if you say otherwise

Obviously false: 2^3 is even, but just barely

define even

spoiler: you can't

Any integer divisible by 2... is this bait?

This user gets it.
No, just dumbposting.

[math]4^2 = 2^4[/math] is a pretty damn even number, but its symmetry relies on the evenness of 4. I'd say it's likely the second most even number of all other even numbers.

0 is the most even number.


Literally 0^401? Nah mate.

2 * pi is the most even u get 2 whole unit circles

If you want to get to the root then we should seriously consider 2 to be the most even number. I will admit that 4 is a strong contender as well as it is divisible by 2 exactly two times, a property no other even number can brag about.

*two half circles

>two half
Dividing out common factors, that gives us 1. Not an even number.
>2 is an even number
I suppose next you're gonna tell me 1 is prime.

GTFO shitposter.
I knew there was an edge case I was forgetting. I'll have to rethink this.

>no other even number
>what is 2^2*3

Would 4 * pi be the most even then

Not very even.

8 is the most even cause in base 8 every number is even

Correct of course, but 12, 20 etc are such poor even numbers that I didn't even consider them.

How bout 2^(2*3)

8*tau is the most even number
Base 8 is demonstrated
Pi is divided by 2
2 whole circles

>what is 7
>didn't even consider them
This is why you'll never write a valid proof.
Decent. 64 probably comes in third among all even numbers.

I thought people here knew their shitand we could have a good discussion but it's obvious you guys are a bunch of retards
>third among all even numbers
I'm fucking out of here

Wouldn't the "most even" number be the number with the smallest 2-adic norm? Such a number doesn't exist, by the way.

>most even number
Holy shit, why is mathematics so autistic?

Largest number only divisible by even numbers?

*only evenly devisible

What in the fuck is this thread?

No, not at all. If that was what I meant it's what I'd have said.
This user gets it.

0, is the evenest number. You can slice the number itself in half from any point and have the same "ink" on both sides. You can flip it, rotate it. You can stick your dick through it. You can square it, subtract it, divide it, and twist it but whenever you make it more even, you get 0. 0^2 is 0. The evenest number is zero. You can take away x amount of value from 0, but you would have given x amount of positive empty space in return, evening both parties. Did I say you can also stick your dick through it? Lovely.

I'm not proposing this to be the most even number, but it's pretty good



6, it's the perfect even number.