The level of conversation on this board has fallen drastically last months. But this last shit is just bad.
Waltonchain manage to send praise messages to itself on their main account. Fucking idiots haven't outsourced that shit to pajeets like Ven and Link does.
But calling it a scam coin comes from something else, a long lasting hatred for wtc. Why would someone be this afraid of Waltonchain you ask?
Is this the biggest FUD attack in crypto?
Yeah they fucked up, but the level of fud and harshness of it was weird and over the top. It wasn't normal.
Its true. I fudded wtc hard because i want to buy it cheap
Oh, you are new, then. Have you seen the hourly "VEN is a fucking scam" thread? This time, WTC bashing was justified to Veeky Forums standards. A retarded website + the big mistake in twitter, that's a lot of material to get a good laugh.
Also >reddit I'm getting baited, right?
yeah...walton just lives in a mire of fud everytime its nearly out it falls flat on it face in it again.
Should have seen the brigading last 24 hours on Telegram, fucking 1000 new users just to say buy Ven or bitconnect shit. Then complaining on reddit they got banned from chat.
Why would a supply chain and logistics company even host a Valentine's Day contest? Why would the team member act in such a childish manner? Why did the team member say Walton in the third person yet he's part of the team? Why did he get excited about 2 Walton? Why did you allow team members to compete in the first place? Why did this response only come now and not hours ago? Why is there censorship on telegram and Reddit regarding people fudding Walton? Why has Mainnet been delayed twice? Why did the accounts that did win only have a few followers with majority of posts about Walton? Why is this the second PR disaster in the last few weeks? As you can see a lot of unanswered questions, however I can make my own conclusions.
Yeah people calling it a scam/saying buy ven or bitconnect in the walton telegram, are then complaining they got banned. What the fuck do they expect when their fucking trolls. I own both and this childish battle of troll fanboys is ruining both projects. Grow the fuck up and let both projects make everyone money
It was a promotion to make women interact with crypto? Name recognition pr?
Intern does not have anything to do with team. This happened in the midle of the night in Korea. They wanted one post on reddit, not 20+ so they delete, they are a company, not a biz board. None of these questions the Waltonteam of phds, their patents, their blockchain, or rfid. This is weak fud.
Makes sense. Take advantage of a minor FUD event to astroturf a much larger one.
I'm sure they have good tech. I'm also sure they have questionable ethics. If you really think this is just a misunderstanding with an intern and there isn't more at play here then you are a certified brainlet. Seriously, WTC has gone from intriguing to radioactive just like that. There is more than 1 thing fishy about that valetine's day context
The call that killed Walton
Tell me more then? The fact that some of the account had little content on them is normal for free give always, people always have duplo accounts to have better chance at winning.
The most fudded coins EVER are now in the top 5. BULLISH AF.
Walton is like a deranged penguin
somethings gonna happen....
The fud is sooo weak.
Except this isn't FUD. There is no certainty or doubt involved. What they did was a blatant fraud.
You're being intentionally blind to the enormity of this fuck-up because you're a Salty Walty. It makes investors question the INTEGRITY of the entire Walton team. Without assurances that these filthy slants aren't going to run off with investor funds at any point, their degrees, patents, blockchain, RFID don't mean shit.
Now the WTC streetshitters are out in force trying to do some sort of damage control, which is exactly what OP is trying to do here with this thread.
Yes. I am sure a huge company, years in the making, years of research, patents, tons of staff and partnerships.. they THREW IT ALL AWAY TO SCAM $12,000 USD. This sounds completely plausible, or were you just born retarded?
It's not about the $20 scam, they admitted the staff use other twitter accounts to shill Walty, hah
there were about 500 participants in the contest (which already isn't exactly huge) and of those paricipants many have been identified as bot accounts. WTC is trying to conceal the fact that a much larger portion of this contest was staged. Obviously they don't give a fuck about the meager amount of WTC they were giving out, the contest is more to project the idea of having a positive and active community (which they don't have), so that they look more appealing to potential partners/investors. They'd rather pretend that this was some rogue intern that somehow both participated in their contest AND ran their twitter account? It actually took them almost 24 hours to come up with that shit-ass excuse? People keep on treating this like the whole fucking team somehow has access to the main company's twitter (even a lowly retarded intern), how a stupid mistake like this could even happen is mind boggling. Bag holders should be happy this hasn't tanked harder yet as they could still get out of this relatively ok, maybe having even earned some profits, but if this isn't a huge red flag I don't know what is... On a side note, fucking kek a contest where you win 2 WTC, and they wonder why they couldn't get any real participants. This is also just scratching the surface, if you care to further analyze it the stench of scam becomes unbearable.
>he doesn't know how chinks think
insert "it was a mistake/joke/hack" excuse here.
Don't worry, you'll learn soon enough why you should never trust chinks.
Your grammar mistakes and your arguments reveal that you are some sort of (East?) Asian paid shill or damage control. You focus too much on the individual details and fail to see the bigger picture. The entire response to the tweet was handled terribly on all fronts (deleting posts, banning people who had legitimate questions, etc), and even now these mass damage control posts on multiple sites could not be more obvious. Is there a fud campaign by VEN? Perhaps but anyone with half a brain can see that WTC responds only by deflecting without actually explaining themselves (blaming fud, asking “why would they lie over a small amount of money?”, bringing up weak proof that the “contest” was legitimate, etc). You fail to see that this tweet raises numerous questions that have nothing to do with fud that still need to be answered.
Honestly though none of this would have happened if you guys all ined on wabi
What questions are those?
yea the mass damage control has been super apparent
>why would they lie over a small amount of money?
i said it above but i want to say it here again to emphasize it: they are attempting to fake having an interactive and positive following, just like some fags on instagram. They've done this for a multitude of reasons, some of the obvious ones being that it looks more appealing to investors and potential partners (unless you get caught faking it). Obviously they don't care about the insignificant amount of WTC that they were using as a prize, Walton was attempting to look at the big picture and then ended up blowing their own foot off... Look I wouldn't be surprised if they have great tech, but I would not trust my money with them for a fucking second.
hey hey hey, waltonchain here. ust saying ho cool it I we won our own valentines day promotion. Sorry about lying to you. Banned everyone on r-edit who called it out. Its ok though we've paid prajeets to shill waltoncoin on biz so that will make everything just fine.
hey hey hey waltonchaon here. Pls trust us. We lied about our promotion and faked a winner. We're so incompetent that we announced we won our own prize on twitter. But seriously. Please trust us because look at all our paid shills. Hey hey hey.
OMG can't believe I won! Keep up the good work Walton team!
Moral of the story.
Never trust a chink
>muh walton has the best tech
see pic related
Dude, why do we assume now that only ONE member joined the contest, a d not the entire team to save money? You realize that allowing team members to enter giveaways is illegal in the US and China. Granted crypto is unregulated, but it's still unethical. I don't understand why you are assuming the best rather than the worst. Their test wallet is god awful and us riddled with code errors that make it shut down because they forgot to add exeptions if an incorrect phrase or file is entered. I find it hard to believe a company who makes such mistakes will be at the forefront of cutting edge technology.
I FUD this piece of shit coin for sport and for free. It simply gives me joy to purge all the cancer which draws the money from my investments. I hope all of you shitcoiners get BTFO.
user, I'm genuinely curious what your response is to the points I've raised in this thread
>Walton scores an F
see pic related
You dipshits fudded me when I got BTC for $120, then you fudded me when I got ETH for $6, then you fudded me when I got fucktons of Antshares for $2.30, you also fudded me when I got a metric ton of IOTA for 0.11 cents, You fudded me when I got BQX at ICO, you fudded me shortly after I got OMG when it hit exhanges, now you are fudding me for having 5 WTC masternodes. Oh god, I am terrified! What do I do!!
>attempting to fake having an interactive and positive following
Yes, they probably did. But thats how all companies do on twitter and social media, so i dont really care about that shit, thats just marketing gone wrong. But in the end this is b2b, and they are trying to trow us western investors a bone that failed horrible.
this is like some fucked up version of the boy that cried wolf, where the boy never gets punished and the village people (you) get eaten in the end. I'm sorry user
probably keep LARPing about how you're a billionaire early adopter of every moon mission in the history of crypto. top fucking kek
Thats because no github, they afraid ven steal their code too.
>literally exposed as a shill coin run by inept scammers
>still twice the market cap of chainlink
Dude the coin is over. Nobody can trust them for supply chain now. Eat the loss and move on
welcome to crypto in 2018 where the majority of the people invested are millenials
always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says has never been more valid