If diamonds are made of coal, then why are diamonds not black?
If diamonds are made of coal, then why are diamonds not black?
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They're not made of coal, they're made of carbon.
You can see it like this:
[math]X = [/math] coal [math] \implies [/math] carbon [math]\in X [/math]
[math]X = [/math] diamond [math] \implies [/math] carbon [math]\in X [/math]
It's a one way implication. Containing carbon says nothing about what the material actually is.
>>ducks float
>>wood floats
>> ergo ducks are made of wood!
If you're made of semen, why aren't you white?
if diamond is metal, how is it not gray?
If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys ?
>if diamond is metal
You oldie knowyourmeme.com
>If we evolved from monkeys
but we didn't
They are black. You just can't tell because they're also translucent.
> knowyourmeme
thats your scientific material ?
oh ? where did we come from then ?
The common ancestor of monkey and humans
yeah...which are monkeys
>thats your scientific material
are you seriously using knowyourmeme.com to make a scientific rebuttal ?
You thought I was making a rebuttal of any kind?
I thought you were making an old reference.
What is diamond, if not a metal ?
A ceramic
Sure it can be, if you're an astrophysicist.
What if monkeys are actually devolved humans
ceramic is not a metallic property buttboy. if you bake certain mushy things,they become ceramic.
and no diamond is a metal due to its energy level and subatomic arrangement.
Diamond has covalent bonding, not metallic bonding.
1/10 made me respond.
oh yeah ? is that why its conducting electricity buttboy ?
chemists btfo
oh my, chemistry shitters grasping at straws already?
atomic properties are about physics, not chemistry
Diamond is an electric insulator. Thermal conduction happens via phonons, as distinct from thermal conductivity by electrons in metals.
> nuclear physics
> not chemistry
The structure of diamonds definitely falls into the field of chemistry.
diamond is an electron conductor. they use unprocessed dimond for making nanofiber cables for photovoltaic cells which work many times more efficiently than generic conductors.
Why is why diamond is considered the most important resource for asteroid mining.
You can actually jump through some hoops and make it conduct electricity by doping, CVD and whatnot but by itself it's actually a very good electronic insulator.
its a natural conductor by nature
>being so autistic you have to explain the joke
if glass is made of sand, why is glass not grey
>casting doubt on our witch trial methods
die, heretic
If water molecules are made of hydrogen and oxygen, then why is water not red and white?
I am White though lol.
How can a non-lustrous, non-conductive (regarding electricity) modification with a large band gap be classified as a metal?
I never heard someone saying that. Diamond is crystallic, yes, but the way the atoms bound to each other is dissimilar to how metal crystals are formed. It is thus not a metal, while it does share some properties of metal (being crystallic and conducting heat fairly well).
>Why is CO2 not a black cloud if it has coal in it?
You understand that you are asking why all organic molecules are also not black?
The simple answer is because carbon=/coal, coal is just one possible configuration of carbon.
whew lad, this is a blue board
Next time, make sure the person you respond to is actually joking, and also green text something like "> diamond is the hardest metal". It's just vague enough for every oldie and amany newfags to understand.
user mistook you for an oldfag, when actually you were serious about diamond being a metal.
> unprocessed diamond
So in its raw form
> for making nanofiber cables
So it's not unprocessed diamond? I can only assume you mean non-synthetic diamond which I frankly don't buy unless you source. Also source who "they" are.
Since you don't seem to have studied chemistry or physics, you might not know that the property of a nonofiber / nanomaterial can be fundamentally different from the material as most people know it.
One example for where you can see this is pic related, also known as colloidial gold. All the same element, but a different colour.
This does not disprove that diamond might be conductive as nanofiber, but it shows that a nanofiber does not behave the same way as the macroscopic ordinary "unprocessed" thing. Again, source this or keep being ridiculed for mixing stuff up.
Diamond is not conducting electricity while metals do, and carbon does not form non-covalent bounds with itself, while metals bond differently. Graphite is a modification which does conduct electricity, but it is still not metallic. Conductivity is not a satisfying condition to consider something a metal, but the type of homoatomic bonding is. Does that answer your question why Diamond, nor any other allothrope of carbon, is not a metal?
Diamond is a crystallic and does some things which other metals do, but is not considered a metal.
Kek. Because the emission is quenched by impurities, like oxygen. Every aspiring analytical chemist can tell you that oxygen can quench emission of light. (This kind of logic is vaguely how I perceive this thread.)
>metallic bonding
>free electrons for conduction
>covalent bonding
>relatively strong forces stopping polarisation
>little conduction
Why the fuck is this conversation continuing? Carbon does not form metalic bonds with other carbon atoms, hence Diamond is implicitely not a metal.
>inb4 non-metalic conductors
Null hypothesis.
Because and I tried to explain why we cannot argue whether something is a metal by pointing on what it can do under special circumstances. The tl;dr of the post before is appreciated but I am in doubt it's an argument against "nano = normal" though.
There is literally no need to argue with the retard mate, just pull the Null hypothesis fact.
If he really wants to be the retard that feels a few odd occurences in which covalent bonds allow for electron movements that facilitate conduction are the basis for a reclassification of metals, then let him.
No one can silence all the retards. Just look at physics and the cold-fusion black box tards.
Can't believe nobody posted this yet.
>that post was made 8 years ago
where has the time gone?