"you fucking autist"
Are there any genuine diagnosed autistic people in Veeky Forums?
>how is it? do you have any "special" talents?
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
>how does it impact your daily/personal life?
"you fucking autist"
Are there any genuine diagnosed autistic people in Veeky Forums?
>how is it? do you have any "special" talents?
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
>how does it impact your daily/personal life?
okay. no.
positively and negatively.
Funny picture. So colorful.
Veeky Forums diagnosed me with autism last fall.
I've caught autism from hanging around with you faggots for too long
I took an internet quiz that said I have autism so I'm one of the gang. Another online quiz told me that my IQ is 152.
give us more than that
I feel like that too sometimes.
>muh anxiety
>muh no friends
>muh Advanced classes in middle school
Despite this, no I'm not autistic in the slightest and anyone that claims to be because of these traits is an idiot.
>>muh Advanced classes in middle school
That's because the american education system is slow as fuck.
make me
>how is it? do you have any "special" talents?
Mild. I am a normal human being except socially. I am good at focusing on a problem until it is solved, teaching myself things and thinking outside the box
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
>how does it impact your daily/personal life?
I've not ever had a job or any friends.
Serious question here. I'm currently an MSW student who looking to specialize in substance abuse and trauma resolution therapy (please no debates on psychology/therapy being unscientific - i'm well aware of the arguments and there are about 3 other threads for that).
I've recently noticed the most difficult people by far to work with are people on the autistic spectrum. They don't process information the way neurotypicals do. They seem not to respond to traditional forms of therapy. They have extreme difficulty with socialization and relationships in general because of this.
Anyone here know of any resources I could look into to learn how to reach people on the spectrum? Is there any way to "teach" them how to socialize and understand the intricacies of human relationships better? Has anyone here with autism benefited from therapy before? What worked/didn't work?
high functioning autist here
>how is it? do you have any "special" talents?
high visual/spatial IQ, good long term and rote memory. great at picking out tiny details. that's about it, as far as autist related talents go.
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
I wish wasn't born autistic, yes. it's shit because you're always going to feel like an alien among humans and will always be on some level, retarded.
>how does it impact your daily/personal life?
let's not go there.
give them magic mushrooms.
autist have problems with empathy and theory of mind. shrooms are great for treating empathy deficiency.
AQ, EQ , rdos aspie quiz and RAADS-R are all good test.
Psychologist still use RAADS-R because it's decent.
But of course, for a real diagnosis/assessment, you need to bring more information than test results.
One of the surest ways to tell if someone is autistic is by looking at/remembering their behavior as a baby/toddler.
>tfw autists are beyond help
Yeah although hallucinogens have shown promise in certain therapeutic settings, I'd probably lose my license and go to jail.
my special talent is that i have an inability to show any personality or emotion
Autist detected
I'll rant a bit here about people diagnosing others with autism.
It's all good that there is recognition of autism in society. Sadly it has become so stereotyped that it is almost seen as the only plausible explanation for deviance. OBCD, asocial personality disorder and STPDs are usually quickly categorised as autists.
I recenty got diagnosed with STPD and I've been accused of having autism/aspergers my whole life. I didn't even know what STPD was.
Take Sheldon from TBBT. He is basically STPD with one or two autistic traits. And everyone seems to be okay with him being portrayed as an autist when he isn't.
Tl;dr: please stop accuse/assume others for being autists. I tell people about my diagnosis to help ease social stuff so it's just okay to ask.
high functioning autist here again
i concur with everything you said. i was diagnosed with level 2 ASD and my grandpa (dads side) definitely has a form of autism and it seems about on par with mine except his body language reading skills are a lot worse but his eye contact is better. he also stims a lot, blatently in front of everyone and even mutters gibberish to himself and gets really agitated when his routines are disturbed and then he'll start stimming. according to my dad, he's always been like that, since he was a little kid, so it's not an old age thing. he also rants on about the same things all the time and talks when you're trying to watch something on TV or makes a lot of noise. its quite funny actually. he really is oblivious.
then there's my dad, who i think fits the STPD category very well. my mother think he's autistic like my grandpa and I, but I dont think he is. he has magical thinking, is extremely paranoid and has violent out burst (not related to sensory overload). he's fair cunt desu. he also belives there's cameras in the house spying on him and that other people seem to know his thoughts and shit like that. he took lots of drugs when he was young and has smoke weed all his life but i dont think it's just the drugs. i think my point with drugs is that it can be schizophrenia because he's in his late 50s and he doesn't hallucinate.
can't be schizophrenia***
Nowadays people love to mix autists with the socially retarded even though there are clear differences.
My brother has Fragile x disorder
falls under autism spectrum disorders
love him to bits happiest mother fucker you'll ever meet
If you were really high functioning you wouldn't have any issue blending in. You're probably just another regular class autist.
i'm considered high functioning because I have "above average intelligence" and excluded from asperger syndrome (which doesn't exist anymore) because of speech delays as a baby/toddler.
>regular class autist
if you're referring to classic autism, then no. i definitely do not have classic autism.
is he retarded?
>"above average intelligence"
wow do hard you want a medal?
You're a delusional autist, mate.
I was classified as gifted, but so were many people who post here. I estimate this based on having known many people like this.
>mfw I got diagnosed because of literally that exact sequence of traits
Reading that post made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I knew I wasn't autistic yet they insisted I was. It didn't help that I tip-toed everywhere and waved my arms during when He calls out to Me and it hurts when people speak too loud and my mom makes me wear my helmet before I got to bed.
Having been diagnosed with Autism and therapy never working, I can tell you it wasn't involuntary and there isn't a way of "working around it". Most therapists treated me like a dog they had to train to behave the "right way". I didn't listen to them because they treated me like I was inferior, like I had to be fixed. If you want to "fix" me, then just give me the same respect you give everyone else. Just because I have autism doesn't mean I'm inferior. So what if I like to do long division for hours at a time and watch the same movie over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'm one of the friendliest people I know and I always try to help everyone around me. I use my intelligence for good and that's a lot more than most people can say, those "neurotypicals" you talk about, who, from my perspective, are petty and only care about sitcoms and let their emotions cloud their reasoning at all times. They are like monkeys trapped in their emotional fog and they think it's me who has the problem. By the way, reading people can be learned. Most "neurotypicals" I know suck at reading people because they don't actually try, or they get the signals wrong. Because I knew I was bad at it, I looked up how to do it and use a formula that pretty much is more accurate than most people who are "naturally empathetic". I know when people are feeling what and am better at helping them than most of the "normal" people around them. Most people don't care about each other- that's a bigger problem than Autism.
>le troll face
I swear high functioning autism is worse then aspergers?
>Are there any genuine diagnosed autistic people in Veeky Forums?
>how is it? do you have any "special" talents?
hard life,cant do shit
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
>how does it impact your daily/personal life?
Every day is a struggle its not even funny
Me mum calls me autistic but she's a bagger so fuck her.
I have an unmeasurable IQ related to spatial pattern recognition. My IQ is 124 and I've failed every year since the eighth grade although I can understand complex subjects such as organic chemistry with my own study.
I've never taken orders and get upset when someone doesn't tell me when to take a test and they get all serious about how I missed the deadline. It's just learning, why all the rush?
Girls have NEVER liked me except as a friend and I don't know why. I assume because they can't relate to me. I'm decently attractive actually. Probably a 7.5/10 and a 9/10 if I built muscle.
I have a few close friends I love because they treat me so well and would do anything to help me if I need it. I don't easily relate to people. I usually make a few friends a year at best all the while I'll meet hundreds of people who are somewhat similar to me.
I've noticed there is a abnormally high amount of high functioning autistic individuals at raves because it increases their social skills very fast.
Women expect you to be able to handle social aspects of a relationship. They want to know that you can talk to their friends and random strangers.
If you are physically attractive but fail to pick up on certain social ques it can make interactions with groups of people awkward.
I recommend finding a friend who has extremely good social awareness and have them teach you clues that people give and information on social dynamics.
to be socially retarded would go under the autism spectrum.
Is it true that autism obstructs critical thinking?
That's good advice, thanks.
I don't know. The popular image of an autist is someone that experiences strong cognitive dissonance. I'm not sure how well that translates to actual autism.
>if anyone's interested, my psychologist thinks I have Aspergers
>The popular image of an autist is someone that experiences strong cognitive dissonance.
that's not what cognitive dissonance means. An autist is someone with no understanding of social norms and appropriate behaviour, presenting odd, awkward and inappropriate behaviour.
wut mate ? I heard that even among high functiong autistic people you can still see some guys/girls who cant stand crowded/rowdy places and run from loud sound like its the plague. This seems a bit strange
Autist here. I don't know if i can meaningfully weigh in on this because i am so borderline i almost fit right in with all the normies. however, i do have one special talent: I'm pretty damn good at mostly everything i try and i can develop an unnatural compulsion to work on something until i get it right.
this one time i made a computer in minecraft, which isn't really that hard by most standards but i did it back when i was 12 when redstone repeaters first came out.
Artists aren't mutants
I'm not interested in helping people who don't believe they need help. That's not what therapy is about. It's not about "fixing" you - especially if you feel there is nothing wrong with you. If you are happy and content with your life, that's awesome.
I'm asking these questions because I have met an overwhelming amount of people with autism who are depressed and lonely - craving social/emotional connections with people that don't at all come easy to them. I was hoping to gain insights from those type of people who therapy may or may not have helped.
If you're happy sitting on your logical, intelligent, misanthropic pedestal, laughing with disdain at all the neurotypical "monkeys," then have fun up there - I'm not one to judge ;)
repeatedly diagnosed with assburgers as a child
my "special" talents are pretty much restricted to being super good at pattern recognition. stuff that most people don't notice basically screams out to me. at my last two jobs, I've been the guy who catches all the expiring food because of that, just as an example.
I'm happy as I am.
Interacting with people is very tiring because it takes a lot of effort for me to read people. I'm incapable of telling if someone's flirting with me, also, but I'm in a LTR so that's no biggie.
what are the positive sides of autism?
High-functioning autist here. It's shaped enough of my life that I can't really imagine life without it without seeing myself as a completely different person. Life's not that bad, either.
I can do boring, repetitive things for a long period of time. I'm neat and organized, and my grades are good. Social skills are shit and I hate being around people, but it also means I'm happy when I'm alone.
Are there any genuine diagnosed autistic people in Veeky Forums?
Diagnosed with asperges at 10, re-diagnosed with ADD at 13, at 15 i was told i was somewhere between ADD and asperges, this was due to being an only child (not spoilt, trust me), having mixed reactions to ADD stimulants and having mood fluctuations towards one mental health issue then towards the other.
Two of my cousins have had similar diagnosis where a specific diagnosis couldn't be made.
>how is it?
I was fine(ish) up until 10. 11 to 20 i struggled hard and fell intro drugs when high school ended. FIrst drug i ever took was LSD and it triggered something in my mind. I always had this silly belief i was "special", but when i started taking drugs this "special" belief came back strong, i often tell myself like i'm on a mission from god (though i am atheist, my god is humanity). This might seem silly to others, i don't expect people to understand but it drives me forwards, it stops me from giving up and makes me succeed.
>do you have any "special" talents?
I was always very book smart but never street smart.
During my drug phase i realised that despite wasting my teen years playing video games that i infact hadn't wasted my time at all. I taught myself to visuallise the real world like a MMORPG. You level up skills, collect gold, do missions, do things for fun, make contacts, watch the marketplace, etc.
This is definatly the single most important turning point in my life. Suddenly i went from second guessing every action to this unfound confidence in myself. I started to focusing on leveling up my skills, building a career, gold farming, investing, doing missions, setting goals, etc etc.
>do you wish that you weren't autistic?
If you asked my 5 years ago then yes. I've gone from being in $25,000 debt at 18 (credit cards and loans for drugs), to being worth around $40,000, travelled Europe, New Zealand and USA, half way through an Electrical engineering & computer science double degree
Me again.
Basically, how i managed to turn my shitty, lonely existence into being happy, being good with money, succeeding in acedemics and being able to pick up gorgeous women came down to one thing, learning patterns.
>How often on sci do we see IQ test threads?
Wow, my 140IQ, you figured out the circle is next in the pattern!? So smrt! But can you apply your intellect to the real world? Maybe not, BUT you can learn to!
Picking up women is about learning a series of patterns, so is money, so is socializing, and basically everything in this world. Anyone smarty pants on sci who aren't happy with their lives, just know that if your'e willing to risk it all and face your demons and biggest fears, you can become the alpha you've always wanted to be
>If you're happy sitting on your logical, intelligent, misanthropic pedestal, laughing with disdain at all the neurotypical "monkeys," then have fun up there - I'm not one to judge ;)
You're mistaking your emotions for thoughts. Descriptions aren't imperative. You can only solve a problem if you describe it accurately. If you describe a problem accurately, you might feel bad, because problems are scary, but here's the thing, it's only temporary- that feeling. Most people tend to avoid the bad feeling, even if it will only last a couple seconds, and end up avoiding solving the problem altogether because they can't make it past the description stage- those few seconds of pain... most people are like that, like you. I describe things as realistically as I can, so I don't miss any possible problems, I take in the world as it is, and the descriptions end up being scary, and "misanthropic" (as your emotions told you), when really, the realism is instrumental to my ability to solve problems on a day-to-day basis, to help people instead of pretending problems don't exist. You see, this is why I said most people don't help each other. Most people are just walking around in a storm of fleeting emotions, trying to find the least painful path they can. Very few people are brave enough to try and help anyone else... people like you. That's where I come in. You might think I'm misanthropic but between the two of us, I'm the one who is contributing to society by making everyone's day just a little better- raising their morale and inspiring them to solve their own problems. Sure, you might "feel" that I'm arrogant, or full of myself, but like I said, it's just a feeling, it won't last very long, and in a few minutes, you'll be feeling something else. Why poison yourself with nasty, temporary feelings when you can explore the world through a rational lens, play life for the long game, and help people overcome their equally nasty, shortsighted feelings?
Autism isn't a scientific label.
Developmental disabilities have been proven to have hundreds of causes, but they're thrown under umbrella terms because people are lazy.
Medicine is no more a science than Psychiatry.
Umbrella terms = Antiscience.
idk, but if i were autistic, the picture would trigger me! wtf were they thinking, when they were spelling out AUTiSM. inconsiderate retards
I just got diagnosed.
bux. Abstract visual spatial reasoning.
Normie emotional responses are repetitive, which is depressing.
There are head hunter groups, in europe at least, that aim to employ autistic people in certain fields (mainly computing, pattern finding) as they're proven to be far more productive.
Some fields at NASA are over 50% filled by autistics. Don't despair.
I agree with just about everything you said. And I do the same thing in terms of helping people, despite what you assume. I put a high emphasis on reality.
> You might think I'm misanthropic but between the two of us, I'm the one who is contributing to society by making everyone's day just a little better- raising their morale and inspiring them to solve their own problems.
This is where your facade of intelligence is lifted - if you're so "realistic" and "intelligent" you would be the first to admit you know nothing about who contributes more to society between the two of us. You're assuming things with absolutely no evidence - other than the pot shot I took at you because it was fun and easy.
I don't "feel" you are arrogant and full of yourself - you have demonstrated that. You believe that your grasp of reality is the true, correct, objective one compared to all others. That's the epitome of arrogance.
Feelings and emotions (good and bad) are the nectar of human experience. I wouldn't trade them for anything. If you truly don't experience them, in MY opinion, you're missing out. But then again, I guess it could be said that you really aren't, because you can't miss what you've never experienced. Same goes abstract concepts like love and deep, emotional relationships with others.
Just look what you're saying, and try to look at it objectively - you're not doing anything special in terms of lifting up morale and inspiring people to solve their own problems - that's EXACTLY what therapy is about, despite your anecdotal experience. It's also about looking at the reality of the situation and meeting problems head on - not pretending they don't exist.
I mean, you're right on about some of this shit, but it doesn't take an autist to figure all this out. Your belief about MOST "neurotypicals" not understanding this is a complete fallacy. That's where your misanthropy comes in - it's not reality - it's reality as YOU perceive it.
>Because I knew I was bad at it, I looked up how to do it and use a formula that pretty much is more accurate than most people who are "naturally empathetic". I know when people are feeling what and am better at helping them than most of the "normal" people around them
Cannot tell if bait or actual autism.
On top of that, to clarify: You're correct that many people allow emotions to cloud their reasoning - but the comment about these people being "petty" individuals who only care about their sitcoms and not about each other show your lack of understanding of human character. That may the affect that many people give off through their actions and words, but it's very rarely the case. If you actually forge a connection with these types of people, you would find that they are much more complex than you give them credit for. I've worked with countless people you would pigeonhole into this label. Rarely have I ever found them to be as mindless and shallow as you would claim.
This is what you're missing out on, in my opinion. Meaningful connections. Getting these people to open up about what's really important to them - what's really going on in their minds. That's the key to helping people - forging that connection. If you can do that, fantastic. I would hope your idea of "helping people" extends beyond boosting morale and "inspiring them to solve their own problems."
The complexity of the human mind is beyond anyone's comprehension at this point in our development. To assume you have it down pat by following a few formulas is arrogant and frankly ludicrous. But if you really are helping people, I suppose that's all that counts. I just think you're shortsighted, personally.
>it sucks. i can only make good music. nothing else.
>i have 2 friennds and theure also autistic. ive never had sex
>normies are depressing
I agree.
>you should smoke some weed and stop being such a righteous cunt
>If I smoked weed I'd fail at everything in life and end up dead
>it is living hell. I would not wish this affliction on my worst enemy. I'm amazed I'm still alive. The alienation that you feel relative to the rest of the world is so indescribably intense. In terms of special talents, I have an excellent memory and can focus on objectively boring tasks for days on end. I was in "gifted" programs throughout my childhood. Won many academic competitions during my childhood such as spelling bees and mathematics competitions. I can stay awake and focus for much longer than the average person, probably because I'm in a constant state of anxiety and hyperarousal. The downside to that of course is persistent insomnia.
>Yes of course I wish I didn't have autism. It is a fucking disorder. I am fucking retarded and can barely function on a day to day basis. I will never lead a normal life. I have never felt happy or even content with my life, a circumstance which I largely attribute to this wretched affliction. In many ways I fucking hate myself so much. I consider myself to be disabled in the literal sense of the word. Like I blind man that cannot see I am disabled by my own blindness, although it is a blindness that is less tangible.
>I can barely hold down a job. I mostly bounce around between jobs that are intolerable to the average normalfag and done by other retards. Stuff like slaughterhouses, assembly lines, dishwashing, scrap metal cleaning. I stick around until my inevitable social ostracization leads to my being fired. I have a history of epilepsy. I have an extremely monotone voice that I can't control. I do not make eye contact at all. I have weird body language and a distinctive retard gait that can apparently be discerned from hundreds of metres away. People know I'm retarded within a few seconds of seeing me. I have extreme routines that I must adhere to. It takes me at least 3.5 hours of preparation before I'm able to exit the shithole studio apartment that I live in. I go weeks without leaving my dwelling, usually to retrieve groceries in such instances. I go during the night to the 24 hour grocer that's farther away and walk home using side streets under the cover of darkness. I have absolutely zero friends, online or otherwise. Aside from work related things, the only people I've called in the last ~5 years are my parents. Anonymous imageboards are my only social interaction and even then I rarely post. I've struggled with severe alcoholism but I'm sober now. I still hear the call of the bottle as it's the only thing that lets me escape my tortured existence. Obviously I'm a virgin, not that I care because sex fucking disgusts me. I'm a convicted violent felon because I attacked someone with a weapon during an autistic meltdown. They nearly died and now have permanent brain damage. There's probably other fucked up shit that I'm forgetting.
Oh I also obsessively pick at my skin and have severe scarring all over my face and parts of my body. I have serious sensory processing issues relating to loud noises, certain textures and such. I wear the exact same base layer of clothing everyday. I need to have a particular kind of fabric as a base layer of clothing with a particular kind of texture. I cannot control the volume of my voice and often speak far too loudly or quietly in instances where I must interact with people.
it has its ups and down. I don't have any specific special talents in the sense that I'm a prodigy, but I have a large number of talents that I'm much better at than most people such as math, cooking, programming, and possibly writing
I don't wish I wasn't autistic because as hard as it makes my life some times I can't tell if my talents and intelligence are a result of my autism or a separate part of me entirely
how does it impact my daily life? It impairs my self-maintenance a bit to the point that my room is covered with trash and I almost always forget to wash my clothes. I imagine that's just one of the reasons I don't have a lot of friends but i probably would come off really weird to people if I saw myself from the outside.
High functioning autism just means you're capable of feeding yourself and shit. It doesn't mean you'll blend in
>some people think you're weird but..
I just made the RAADS-R test for the first time, got 170 points, it says that the average score for males with asd is 149 am i more autist than autists?
Chris Chan is a "high-functioning" autist.
This is your template - to everyone here who is so proud that they are high-functioning.
i've been diagnosed with high functioning autism by my therapist. the only special power i really have is being able to remember any scientific fact instantly forever. other than the occasional jargon during social and science related remarks, i have a normal social life with friends and whatnot
Is it wierd that I'm fine in a group and can be charming and funny, but 1 on 1 with girls I break down, become much more nervous, and sometimes spaghetti quite considerably
>You believe that your grasp of reality is the true, correct, objective one compared to all others. That's the epitome of arrogance.
I used to worry about that. It lead me to doubt my perception at all times. I wasn't helpful to anyone. I was a burden, many people would tell me- even therapists. Think about that, a therapist getting frustrated with you. The less I questioned myself, the stronger I found myself in touch reality. My self-doubt? That was the real delusion.
Most people interact with each other by mimicking television shows, rarely listening for emotional cues of others, dependent on cliches, cultural references- much of the emotion is shallow and it doesn't take much digging to see it. I make an effort to guide people away from this, and because of it, people are less afraid. I can't tell you how many people step aside and tell me this in private- how I've made a difference in their lives. I only claim I am helpful because other people tell me I am- I'm not guessing or assuming. Much of how I help is leading by example, by showing others that it's okay to be vulnerable- and confident about it too, to not be ashamed of being who you are. Which again, relates to the emotional ricochet. Most people are scared and don't have very many resources to deal with it. That's why we need leaders, people who have confidence that their vision of reality is true, someone that all others can follow. It's not about right or wrong -it's about how fearless you are in your vision. It took me a long time to accept this.
>the complexity of the human mind is beyond anyone's comprehension at this point
That belief is what is holding you back. If you assume you can't understand people, you never will. How do you think we ever domesticated other animals? You can train people the same exact way. It's not difficult either- you just have to be fearless. People want to be led more than you want to admit. We have the same ends, but use different means.
Neither. You're just confused because you've never encountered someone like me. That's okay though- you'll grow to like me. I'll make all your dreams come true.
>It's not about right or wrong -it's about how fearless you are in your vision.
Hitler would be proud - perfect mentality for fascism. Congratulations ;)
In any event, you're completely set in your line of thinking. No amount of discussion on here will change your mind, as you've closed off any possibility that your thought process may be flawed. If that's what works for you, fantastic.
Again, I personally believe that true wisdom lies within the acceptance of your own ignorance. I certainly don't claim to have all the answers. That's NOT to say I "assume I can't understand people." What I said was the complexity of the human mind is beyond our current comprehension - and it is. I assume I can never FULLY understand people - because I can't, and neither can you. No human can honestly say they have a full, complete, and perfect understanding of human thought and behavior. This, however, doesn't mean that I can't understand a great deal and help people accordingly - which I can and do.
Once you become convinced that you know everything you need to know about something, you lose. You shut yourself off from any opportunity to learn and grow. I don't walk around doubting myself all day - I'm extremely confident in my ability to help people. But a healthy sense of skepticism and doubt is good thing. Notice I said "healthy." Seems to me like you had an unhealthy sense of doubt for a long time, and the only way you've been able to overcome it is to overcompensate in the other direction. All or nothing thinking - actually very, very common in people with ASD. Not a good balance, in my opinion. But again, as long as it works for you and you can truly say you're happy, godspeed.
I got vaccinated twice and caught autism as a result. Life is he'll for me right now.
>People want to be led more than you want to admit.
That's part of the problem. The goal should be teaching people how to lead themselves. People don't need to be led - they need to be guided. There's a big difference.
i'm with this guy
>Again, I personally believe that true wisdom lies within the acceptance of your own ignorance. I certainly don't claim to have all the answers. That's NOT to say I "assume I can't understand people." What I said was the complexity of the human mind is beyond our current comprehension - and it is. I assume I can never FULLY understand people - because I can't, and neither can you. No human can honestly say they have a full, complete, and perfect understanding of human thought and behavior. This, however, doesn't mean that I can't understand a great deal and help people accordingly - which I can and do.
>Hitler would be proud
Really? Did you need to say that?
You sound nervous- you're repeating yourself. I thought we were having a good back-and-forth. Why not just accept that we agree, and that you're just too weak to be honest about it? It's okay to be weak- I allow my self to be weak every day of my life. It's a part of being human. Isn't that what you're all about? Why so defensive all of a sudden? I'm not a threat to you. You're just insulting me now- even thought it has been established by both of us that we agree.
Also, I can understand your argument without the caps-lock. I also don't appreciate your back-pedaling on the point about, "I didn't mean you can't understand humans at all, I just meant not fully". Then say, "Not fully"- because when you say "beyond comprehension" you are explicitly implying, "Not at all", given the "beyond" part of "beyond comprehension". Say what you mean and there won't be a miscommunication.
>the goal should be teaching people how to lead themselves
>people don't need to be lead, they need to be guided
I've already said I try to do all of those things. Read my posts again. They're not mutually exclusive goals. Life is more complex than that. I'm supposed to be the one with the "all or nothing" thinking.
What sort of behavior would be indicative at that age?
>Why not just accept that we agree, and that you're just too weak to be honest about it?
What are you talking about? I gave you credit for what we agreed upon and I vocalized what I disagreed with you about. I was perfectly clear about all of that. Do you have an issue with reading comprehension?
> Say what you mean and there won't be a miscommunication.
I did - I forgot I was talking with someone on the autistic spectrum - I know you guys don't understand things like subtext or sarcasm, and are often unable to "read into" things. I'm trying to be as plain as I can in my language.
I'm not defensive - I just find some of your thought processes to be utterly ridiculous. And how can you say I sound nervous? You're already handicapped in reading emotions by the very nature of your disorder - so please don't try to read into mine - especially via text. I'm not defensive and I'm certainly not nervous. I don't perceive you as a threat at all.
Besides, it's Veeky Forums. What's the fun in arguing on here without a few insults strewn about? Or is that another part of human emotion you don't understand, Commander Data?
got diagnosed with mild autism when I was 6.
i don't have any special talents that I can think of, but i've always been fascinated by numbers and letters
i don't really care if i'm autistic or not, nobody has ever looked down on my for being autistic
i take almost all sarcasm in it's literal sense, i usually have to think a lot before i say something to someone because i don't wanna be rude/insult them,
i have a lot of ocd (washing hands, double checking everything : closed bag, turned off stove, etc, hair pulling, eating skin, hitting my head with my hand, etc) but i only do those at home when im alone in my room, i can control this in public most of the time
sorry for bad formatting i'm on my phone :^)
Puzzle pieces and rainbows fucking everywhere. More picture symbols and more toys.
So special and unique right? No.
I am an autistic nerd and will become the next Christian Chandler.
Why does autism even exist? Why didn't you post this shit on /v/ /b/ /toy/?
If only there was a cure for autism I would've been happy.
Because of memes.
>Is it wierd that I'm fine in a group and can be charming and funny, but 1 on 1 with girls I break down, become much more nervous, and sometimes spaghetti quite considerably
A lot of popular people are like that.
My housemate makes a lot of "friends" easily but he can't get close to anyone. For girls, he's pretty fucking awkward.
>somewhere between ADD and asperges
Is that even a thing? My very non-expert impression was that these were entirely different spectra.
I was gonna point out how you're underage if you played minecraft when you were twelve, but holy shit it's 2016 already and minecraft did come out a long time ago.
It's been out 5 years. He's a teenage piece of shit, like all the other teenage pieces of shit cluttering up this board.
Redstone repeaters were added in beta 1.3, which was released on february 22, 2011 according to the wiki, so it is possible for him to be 18 if he was born in march, for example).
>2016-12 = 2004
Minecraft did not exist in 2004.
>(2016-2011)+12 = 17
I'm not sure this kid is 17. Is this kid 6 or 17?
>so it is possible for him to be 18 if he was born in march
Aaaand, what part of that DOESN'T make him a teenage piece of shit?
He specified that he made it when repeaters first came out. They came out in february of 2011, so he could have realistically built that shit when he was 12 in, say, march of 2011, the he could have turned 13 in march or april. (2011-2016)+13=18, therefore he's not underage.
>Aaaand, what part of that DOESN'T make him a teenage piece of shit?
I thought you were also implying that he was underage, which he isn't necessarily. Yes, he's obviously a teenager.
[math]\text{AGE} = (\text{GAME_RELEASE}-\text{CURRENT_YEAR})+(\text{BACK_AGE}*2)[/math]
le elementary math problem
You're doing nothing but shitposting at this point.
this, desu, senpai
he's still 7 years old
okay I fucked up the order of the years, but you get the point.
here's the real ball buster
we have plenty of talented people already who dont have autism, and there is no significant connection between autism and ability
who's to say that these people with autism who have special talents wouldn't just be better at those talents without autism?
its cool to think of autism like a super power, but in reality it's probably just a hindrance that holds back their true potential
Yeah well I only have my super powers because of my slight autism. No one notices or they just don't tell me about my autism.
They go hand in hand.
Idiot, he cannot be 7. Do you think he is degrowing? He's obviously somewhere 19.