Fuck you Veeky Forums i listened to my friends and this board to go all in crypto a month ago. Down about half of my position. I left a penny stock to go all in and that same penny stock I left went up 10x which would of set me at 200k right now. Fuck you fuck you fuxk cryptos and fuck investing!!!
3 years I waited for that penny stock and I barely cash out for 100% return because my autistic ass listened to other idiots who promised lambos and riches beyond my wildest dreams.
Yeah bullshit. FUCK THIS!!!!
At least I have abs. Fuxk it I'll be a poor fag with abs
Fuck cryptos
never lose hope
A skinny guy with abs is like a fat chick with tits, it doesn't count. Put on some muscle man
I wouldn't really call those abs. You just look skinny. You're also pasty and you know those moles you think people don't notice? They trigger my "Danger, this guys has full-blown AIDS" response.
What a fag
post benis???
>I'm a stupid fuckup but at least I have my skinny high school fuccboi abs
Should have held dumbass first lesson they teach you in millennial investing school
Crypto is unregulated and volatile as fuck atm. You have to invest only money you can do without. Also set goals based on guts and dyor.
But what I have learned in crypto is
>Don't fucking sell !!!!
Either you go all in or not, do not sell user. If you have new money from your uncle, lover, selling your kidney or testicle and you want to invest, that is ok. Grow your positions, buy new shit, whatever.
But yet again, do not sell !!
Again, this is the rule for crypto, not regulated market.
For daytrading or simply trading in crypto you need either a $10mm+ fund or luck.
If you think you have luck buy some damn lottery tickets and you'll find the truth.
Sorry user, that is it.
Just hold it'll go back up.
He has a decent amount of muscle and low bf.
> women want bear mode guys and ridiculously huge roids users
Make your own decisions and stand by the consequences of them like a man, user.
Have you ever connected the dots with sharpie user? Do it and I’ll send 0.05 eth
omg he must have a lot of visceral fat and never did vaccums.
This is a Veeky Forums thread now.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA stay mad skeleton poorfag
I bet when you cash out of crypto it'll skyrocket too lol
>tfw stalling on 115 OHP and been going to the gym for almost 2 years
I look good and so much better than I did two years but I was literally laughed out of Veeky Forums and into Veeky Forums. Worked out okay.
It is beyond me why anyone would post this
>Decent amount of muscle
Dudes skinny wtf you on about
are you from Australia?
and...its a faggit. not human
skinny forearms maybe. Biceps aren't huge but well defines. A lot of big guys you see just have a big layer of fat over their muscles, it makes their chest and bicep muscles look bigger than they actually are.
>taking advice from irl people that know jack shit about trading
>taking advice from the internet trolls
You deserve the loss. I lost quite a bit when I started forex trading live a few years ago. Too many people on forex factory, with too many opinions. Tried trading all their methods, most of them were just full of shit, and I lost money. After learning a bit from the few that actually seemed like legit traders, I developed my own method. Now I'm up over 50% since I opened my new live account on December 28th.
If you trade other people's strategies and opinions, then you have no right to bitch because you basically let them trade your money.
Hey OP don't worry about taking responsibility for this. As long as you can blame your failures on other people, you'll never have to face the fact that your decisions took you down the wrong path.
What the fuck, look at those arms. You're just skinny as fuck, it's not the abs. I bet you're like 175cm max too. Tiny bones, eww.
same dude ohp is the hardest lift
>listens to biz
>buys ATH
>hands getting soft after a month
>post picture upside down
wew OP you dun goofed so bad I dont even know where to start
>For daytrading or simply trading in crypto you need either a $10mm+ fund or luck.
Being this much a brainlet and not turning 1k into 100k then to 1mil. Sorry youre not going to make it
Hold your money in a low interest account and wait for your guaranteed 6% - inflation and cost of living