Chill time, get it in here boys.
Comfiest hold 2k18.
What are your stacks at?
4k here but had to cash out half to help pay for my mommies surgery.
Chill time, get it in here boys.
Comfiest hold 2k18.
What are your stacks at?
4k here but had to cash out half to help pay for my mommies surgery.
Best recovery wishes to your mom, user.
35k reporting in. want 40k, might buy more might not. Maybe I'll swing trade my stack up a bit.
This coin is gold.
About 3k but i'm gonna get SO MUCH MORE
don't worry y'll be able to buy back in at half price after the news drops because idiots always sell the news
You summoned me.
Comfy holding 400k. That will be enough for now.
Good luck to your mom m8. 3k jiblet here, gonna try to get up to 10k
That's what I'm trying to do, even an extra few hundred now could add up to a few thousand at the end of the year.
Thanks anons! Her hand just started hurting out of nowhere hasn't been able to sleep for a week now.
Heavy stuff. You're going to be a millionaire my friend.
Also boxmining interview if you missed it
best to your mom
>Heavy stuff. You're going to be a millionaire my friend.
we all are buddy you just gotta hodl the rest you have
I have a 4k stack that im comfy with
Just over 4k here lads
Thanksaroonie. Talal gives me plenty of hope for this project, I don't want to sound like a fanboy or whatever but he seems like a really genuine individual who knows what he's doing. It's a solid project with a solid team. Honestly I was absolutely in what I saw some shill post about it back in November because they mention Don Tapscott would be an advisor. Anywhere that guy goes I will follow.
3k9 here, also good luck for your mom, I'm a med fag, may I ask what kind of surgery she had?
Sure, I don't exactly what it was called but it had to do with her thyroid which I was surprised about, I thought it would have been like carpel tunnel or something but your thyroid affects a lot more things than I expected it to.
23k stack here
have a spare bitcoin. contemplating just keeping it or going all in jnt
ive got a spare btc too lol. a lot of alts or low rn though. ive been eying aion lately. knc too.
You are taking my spotlight every thread.
t. 330k Jiblet.
In a few years you guys might be able to buy a few countries in Africa.
470Kish. Started building my stack a few weeks ago by selling Ven. Started with around 160K of them but just kept buying as the price went down.
I have 70k JNT, 2.5k OMG and 20k VEN.
Also 2 BTC I use for low-margin (3-5x) shorting on bitmex as a hedge. Is this the ultimate chadfolio?
Jesus...when do you plan on selling or are you holding until the cows come home?
Can't decide between putting some money into this or into REQ.
Shill me?
Sorry about sending you to reddit but it's a more concise write up than I would be able to do at the moment.
I'm not selling anything until it hits 1 Billion and then will see.
Hopefully this is enough to be a rich fag by the end of the year
Oh yes it does, I assume it got removed? It's fairly common among women.
>Startup with no working project (although backed by ycombinator)
>Or banking platform with multiple institutions behind them and the ruling family of Dubai implementing cryptofiat throughout the middle east, north africa, and korea
Wish your mom has a quick recovery user.
2.5k jnt reporting in.
Speaking of Korea don’t forget the Don Tapscott is advisor for icx and jnt
Yeah, cost quite a pretty penny, she's recovering right now so just hoping for the best.
How is the recovery? It can be a bit difficult in the beggining but once the body gets used to and the mefs it's like the surgery never happened.
Seems to be going okay, at the hospital still, she said it doesn't hurt much but it feels sore and that she slept like 16 hours. She should be home next in the next day or two they said they wanted to just check up and see if everything was still okay and might give her some antibiotics and other meds.
>tfw starting to think this is the best bet I have of making it
>only have 10k
I guess being in the top 2k wallets isn't bad but still I want more, I want to be able to cash out enough to say farewell to wagecuck life but still have a decent stack.
I'm considering putting more fiat in but then I won't have much for anything else until I earn more.
That's how I feel too, almost want to ask my best friend "hey bro if you give me 5k now I'll give you 10k at the end of the year" but I could never in good conscience be responsible for another persons money in that way.
yeah mixing money and friendship is a bad idea
I thought about asking my parents for cash but I stopped myself for similar reasons
Oh good then. Take care of your mom user, I lost mine two years ago to a lung cancer, sometimrs you only realize after they are gone how much you love them. I still really miss my mom.
How much time do I realistically have to buy in before the price starts rising? I still need to meet my OMG goal before I start putting money into other coins. Weeks? Days?
Sorry to hear that my friend. It's a shame that it is something every being has to experience.
I will cherish her though, she hasn't been anything but the very best to our family and deserves the world if I can give it to her.
Anywhere from 2 days to five months.
20k here. Would like to buy more, but I'm still way down with the alts I bought before the crash. Don't want to sell with loss.
Many alts will not recover. They will be replaced by new alts with lower caps for the next alt bullrun. Such as JNT for example.
also good luck to your mom user
probably will take 2-3 years
if you hold for at least a year or so
Thanks user - I will take that into consideration.
>DIME (for the lulz)
What should I drop? Down more than 50% on all of them except VEN.
jesus dude. VEN is the only one on your list that has a chance
Listen to this user. VEN is the only non shitcoin you own. I'm not trying to flame you, just helping.
at this point you might see some recovery and profits but id just go in on jibrel so you at least have 1 sure winner.
Tahnks, no offense taken. Those are just the coins I'm considering to let go of. The rest of my holdings are green.
>not believing in Mckenna's infinite-novelty timeline deviation theory
>not understanding that dubious shitcoins are the ultimate power-play
its over for you
Oh gotcha, thought that was your entire portfolio.
I bought 150 when will I see a profit