Silently moons**
We're trading boys. Buy up as much as you can. The items are for sale anymore they can only go up in price. Ethercats 2.0.
Silently moons**
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I'm going to stack up on all the original items. They'll definitely be the most valuable since they're the oldest and haven't been listed for a long time.
This is definitely Ethercats 2.0. Every enchanted item is going to worth 3 eth at least in a couple of weeks.
Holiday items like the jolly suit are the way to go. Remember the Santa hat in Runescaoe.
Items like Peps token are really useful too since they could save you literally thousands of dollars in the game.
fuck off shills, I'm selling my items at half the price I bought them and no one is buying them. You hear right that's 50 fucking % loss even if I could sell but is more like 100% loss.
That's because literally nobody fucking knows about the site yet. And lots of stuff has been selling. Be patient all of these items are going worth a fuck ton soon.
What the fuck is this shit ? Do you retards actually spend eth on this shit ? Jesus fucking Christ get help
We're on the ground floor. The items are only going to go up as people like you sell because you want to make a profit and people who actually want to play the game buy and hold because they actually want to use the items in the game.
These items have an actual use case. Unlike the vast majority of ERC-20s. If you're not into it that's fine. I dont care.
What is the use case?
They're going to be used to unlock those items in the game.
if you are so sure then I have an absolute deal for you, I'm sellig this sword, 50% of what I paid for, is the groud fucking floor is going to worth 10 eth at least imrite?.
It's like everyone on this board forgot that people were paying 10 eth for pictures of cats.
I thought everyone here was memeing about autism , fucking shit you call this real world use fuck . .25eth Jesus
That's a great deal. I dont have the money for it right now though. If it's around tomorrow I'll snatch it up. It probably will sell soon.
If you buy that sword you'll probably be able to sell it for 2-3 eth in a matter of weeks. Will you still be smug after that?
This has to be some sort of troll , I don't believe that for one second
People were paying over .6 eth for it about a month ago. Now it's not listed on the site and since some people want to buy the item to use it that creates scarcity. I'll tell you this much that sword won't be there in 8 hours. I'd bet on that.
Sorry to come off like an asshole , it's just something I will never understand but hey if it make you guys happy then that all that matters. But for fuck sake that santa jacket thing 1eth , someone will seriously buy that?
OK. I dont see what you're not getting. No more of that item are getting created. It's going to go up in value.
Yeah someone will. It's a unique holiday item. It will probably be worth 5-10 eth one day.
Why can’t I add any other tokens? Brb creating a better version where you can add your own tokens
Read about the game. It's basically a legal way for people around the world to gamble on a video game and those items increase your odds. It's going to be huge.
What ya mean?
Yeah I think it's going to be way bigger than Ethercats. I'm pretty much all in on this game.
hey fucking shills I'm waiting, wassup? is cheap and moon remember?
Chill out Pajeet someone is going to buy your sword. I just don't have. 264 eth right now. You're selling it cheap as hell. Calm down.
Pep's token just sold for . 75 Eth. Nice
That's hilarious and that one kid's sword still hasn't sold kek.
I want to buy that sword but how the fuck does this website work? I keep on trying to buy it and then I click confirm on Metamask and it doesn't do anything
Is it a gas issue? Here's my etherscan
A transaction shows up on my metamask but never appears here.
I'm using the default gas of 5.
Nobody cares about this shit except for like 5 autists who already bought all the items on listing.
Also your items barely sell unless you sell for 50 percent off the starting price lmfao so much for "muh value increased" and there's like 10 different people trying to dump their bags everyday but nobody is buying lol just read the trade chat on the discord.
It's two transactions you know. Are you confirming both? If you don't it will just cancel the whole thing
They haven't even been listed for 24 hours yet and many people have sold their items for more than they paid for them already. The fuck you on about?
So if you're a newb reading this, id honestly just tell you to stay away instead of trying to dump my bags on you. I don't want people to go through the same misery
Noted Pajeet.
Pep's token for sale. Only 90k.
Forgot pic
Now this one's not a bad deal. 5 eth for a Merchant's Enchanted Ring. I might scoop that if nobody else does first.
I wish there was a way to look at the recently sold on this site. That would shut the fudders up.
Yeah that'd shut everyone up saying that people are only buying items for half cost.
Dam dude thanks for sharing this. Pajeets are selling their items for cheap as hell.
No you fucking won't.
6 frog hats for .099 eth just listed. Now that's cheap as hell
Shit what
Not a bad deal
the game has a discord group, in which several members are legitimate whales with regard to in game items.
These dudes have coordinated with eachother to only post items at retardedly high prices to make it seem like theyre actually worth that much to people unfamiliar with the game. They actually think that someone who isnt familiar with something is going to pay that much fucking money for a chance at resale gains.
Theyre fucking deluded
Game looks cool and i bought items in the enchanted shop to hold onto until it comes out tho
Someone is selling 6 frog hats for. 099 eth and 7 legendary loot crates for .15 eth. There's also a Merchant's hat for only 1 eth. They're not very expensive.
Dam dude. Wish I had some spare eth
wow great game concept. Is it too late to jump in
Nah you can still get the game items for super cheap.
is their code up, i facking love roguelikes
Yeah it works pretty well. They already got crafting working. Only for one item at the moment though
Yeah i will deff check it out !!
Do it man. And make sure you buy some cheap game items. The merchants hat was one of the first items released and you can't get it on their website. But you can get it here for cheap.
Wasn't that item selling for close to 2 eth on the site? What a steal!
I know right. Look through the website yourself. It's full of great deals.
buy my bags please AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
itt craftscammers and their delusions
Don't be upset that you missed out. There's still time to buy in.
go shill your shit somewhere else. god damn