why can't we just scan each atom of the human body and log the scanned atoms as unique bit patterns and then send the bit patterns over the internet and then at the receiving end use the bit patterns to move matter in a way so that it corresponds to the original human body?
Why can't we just scan each atom of the human body and log the scanned atoms as unique bit patterns and then send the...
Because you are stupid
That's not teleportation, that's cloning. You would still die.
>just scan
>to move matter
Why can't you just travel close to the speed of light until you're old and then come back to earth and we might've invented those things by then
>you would die
exept that you wouldn't. Atoms are identical in every single possible way.
What is theseus boat?
Cloning and killing the original is per definition the same as teleporting.
This would work if
a) we had a better understanding of the human brain and nervous system, since youd need to place all information in the body as well, which is at least in part "stored" in subatomic particles.
and b) we had a way to scan and more importantly print on an atomic/ subatomic level of exactness, which we are far from achieving. 3D printing with just one material is only crudely possible since a few years...
no your soul would transfer over to the other body if it was created as soon as the old one was destroyed.
"You" is the continuity of your consciousness, when it stops, you stop.
im gonna throw out a random guess and say that a human has somewhere in the range of decillions of atoms. It would be extremely difficult to scan each one and do it correctly without error. Could it be done? probably
This guy knows his shit: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, look it up.
So when you go to sleep you die?
>What are dreams?
Oh you're very active when asleep.
But the quantum state of the entire person can't be copied over.
This is the no-cloning theorem.
>But the quantum state of the entire person can't be copied over.
that's perfectly possible
I love this board :3
Because internet connections don't work at molebits per second. Probably not even molebits per month.
But not conscious
>sub conscious
>Cloning and killing the original is per definition the same as teleporting.
>But not conscious
Don't confuse "conscious" with "consciousness".
You die when you wake up from a daydream too, or sneeze really hard. Or blink. Actually doesn't matter what you do, you die all the time anyway.
Because the technology to do this is centuries away.
Because the whole principal is dumb as shit. Even if you were able to map out everything down to the last atom and mark its location and composition. Shit in the human body moves about in processes. Just throwing a bunch of atoms together doesnt even ensure that they bond in the chemicals that they were in or function in the same exact way. All living things are moving in cellular processes and just building it back up like you could do with non living objects would effectively kill it instantaneously
H-hold me